Re: You Say/You Think
in reply to a message by Array
"Meet my daughter, Tertia Spirit."
You say: How different!
You think: Very different... Tertia is okay, but Tertia Spirit? Sounds like her parents want her to become a clairvoyant.
"This is my son, Horatio Kolbe." (Kolbe is pronunced about like KOH-bah)
You say: Horatio is a wonderful name!
You think: Same as above. I wonder if Kolbe is ever pronounced correctly?
"May I present my daughter, Susan Arcadia?"
You say: Wow! That's an interesting combination of names.
You think: Susan is so bland... it's strange to see it with an "adventurous" name like Arcadia.
"These are our twins, Eva Alexandrine and Friedrich Joachim." (EE-vah, not AY-vah or EH-vah--and Friedrich would be called Fritz.)
You say: They both have wonderful names, especially Friedrich. Is your family German?
You think: I love Fritz; it always reminds me of "The Swiss Family Robinson." Eva is a bit simple, but pretty.
You say: How different!
You think: Very different... Tertia is okay, but Tertia Spirit? Sounds like her parents want her to become a clairvoyant.
"This is my son, Horatio Kolbe." (Kolbe is pronunced about like KOH-bah)
You say: Horatio is a wonderful name!
You think: Same as above. I wonder if Kolbe is ever pronounced correctly?
"May I present my daughter, Susan Arcadia?"
You say: Wow! That's an interesting combination of names.
You think: Susan is so bland... it's strange to see it with an "adventurous" name like Arcadia.
"These are our twins, Eva Alexandrine and Friedrich Joachim." (EE-vah, not AY-vah or EH-vah--and Friedrich would be called Fritz.)
You say: They both have wonderful names, especially Friedrich. Is your family German?
You think: I love Fritz; it always reminds me of "The Swiss Family Robinson." Eva is a bit simple, but pretty.