Username: Raeann
Adam Tyler 22
Tracy Fiona 20
Current children:
Raine Charlotte 9mo
How many children were you looking to adopt?: 25, 36, 72, 69, 56, 48,33, 96 Genders? 2, 34, 79, 99, 55, 64, 70, 10(eight numbers between 1-100)
Countries? 99, 25, 65 , 89, 72, 85, 44, 21(eight numbers between 1-100)
Ages?: 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8(eight numbers between 1-100)
Will you accept children with disabillities?N
Will you accept children with other medical problems?N
Will you accept children with allergies? Y
Will you accept children with pets? Y
Will you accept children with hard to pronounce names? N
Will you accept children with not so hard to pronounce names? Y