Anyone can join this open congrats at any time. If you choose to start now, you can just use Round 1’s namebanks and continue from there, or just use this round’s namebanks and create your DH/DW/LN. I hope that made sense? If you miss a round and don’t want to make it up, that’s OK! If you do miss a round, you can use the links below.
Remember, YOU are responsible for keeping track of your families. I find it much easier to play that way!
Here are links incase you miss a round or two!
Round 1: (DH/DW/LN) 2: (First child(ren)) 3: (Second child(ren)) 4: (Third child) 5: 6: 7:
This round, any children you have that are not married (from the first generation, not the grandkids!) have married. Any couple that was married LAST round (they should not have any children) are having their first child.
You may pick the genders and you can have multiples if you want to. I did that because everyone's could be different. Sorry if this is so hard to explain but everyone probably has a different situation in who has children, etc. Please ask if you have questions!
Son and daughter's spouses must have the same initals as they do (with the exception of the last name). Here is where you can get the names at:
Your grandchildren's names can be found here: