-----Move TWO names you like best from Purgatory to Heaven and move TWO names you like least from Purgatory to Hell.
-----Move ONE name you like least from Heaven back to Purgatory and move ONE name you like best from Hell back to Purgatory.
-----Please write at the bottom which name you moved where.
Heaven: Kile, Utah,
Purgatory: Addison, Capri, Dean, Elijah, Fielder, Grant, Hawk, Indy, Jamison, Lars, McKay, Nivek, Ohio, Perley, Quintana, Sanderson, Templeton, Vaughn, Wellington, Yukon,
Hell: Beau, Raven,
To Heaven: Kile, Utah,
To Hell: Beau, Raven,
To Purgatory: -