Last Name: von Buren
Your name and age:
Althea Kayleen (32)
Your spouses name and age:
Charles Vincent Gabriel (38)
Your children and age: None
Pets name:
Romy &
Julie (cats)
Location: New
York, New
YorkDo you travel: Yes
--If so, how much: Twice yearly vacations &
Charles occasionnally travels for work.
Do you live with any other family members (grandparents): No
How many children do you want to adopt(max 5): 2-4
Gender: Any
Age: 8-16
Will you take-
--twins: Yes
--triplets: No
--quads: No
--more: No
--teen mother: Yes
--teen father: Yes
--married w/child teens: No
--pregnant teens: Yes
--siblings: Yes
--cousins: Yes
--good friends: Yes
--singles only: Yes
Will you take children w/disabililies: Yes
--social: Yes
--emotional: Yes
--physical: Yes, minor
Will you take children with behavior problems: Yes, minor