Last Name: Khoeun
Your name and age:
Camille Rebecca, 22
Your spouses name and age: Narith Chakra, 25
Your children and age: none, I can't have children
Pets name:
Valkyrie "
Val", a Rottweiler/Full Poodle mix
Location: Rockies, USA
Do you travel: yes
--If so, how much: very often. I am a born traveler, and my job allows me the privelege. Narith joins me every so often. We would have the finances to bring children with us, as well.
Do you live with any other family members (grandparents): no
How many children do you want to adopt(max 5): 1 to 3
Gender: if 1 child, a boy. If 2 children, at least one boy. If three children, 2 boys 1 girl.
Age: 0-10 please, we're new to parenting
Will you take-
--twins: yes
--triplets: yes
--quads: no
--more: no
--teen mother: no
--teen father: no
--married w/child teens: no
--pregnant teens: no
--siblings: yes
--cousins: yes
--good friends: yes
--singles only: yes
Will you take children w/disabililies:
--social: mild
--emotional: any
--physical: any
Will you take children with behavior problems: yes