Re: estel's Adoption Agency!
Background Information
Your Full Name and Age: Isidora Katherine Kinglsey (41)
Spouse's Full Name and Age: Henry Charles Kinglsey (42)
Your Occupation (and salary): interior designer / 90,000 pounds
Spouse's Occupation (and salary): lawyer / 150,000 pounds
--*salaries optional, but appreciated*--
Your Hair and Eye Colors: black/grey
Spouse's Hair and Eye Colors: red/green
Country of Residence: England
City/Area of Residence: outside London
Address: 157 Wales Street
Dwelling: a mini mansion (8 bedrooms)
--*Dwelling is like a house, an apartment, a 4 bedroom home, 10 bedroom mansion, things like that*--
Current Children (if any) and Ages:
-Aric Elliott (17)
-Nora Katherine (15)
-Harry Wesley (13)
-Arabella Mae (11)
Children's Hair and Eye Colors: Aric and Arabella: black hair/green eyes // Nora and Harry: red hair/grey eyes
Family Lifestyle: travellers, active, outgoing
--**Family Lifestyle can be things like active, laid back, fun loving, adventurous, travellers...**--
Current Pets (if any) and Breeds: Norman and Dalton (Papillon) (dogs) // Oscar (British Blue cat) and Felix (longhaired tortoiseshell cat)
Size of Extended Family: large
--**ie, small (just grandparents and/or 1 sibling), medium (1-3 siblings and families), large (over 3 siblings and families)**--
Reason for wanting to adopt: we are unable to have anymore children
Q & A
How many children are you looking to adopt (up to 7)?: 5
How many boys are you looking to adopt?: any
Girls?: any
Are you looking to adopt an infant (under 3 months)?: no
A baby (3 months-1 year)?: no
A toddler (1 year-2 years)?: no
A preschooler (2 years-4 years)?: no
A child (4 years-9 years)?: no
A preteen (9 years-13 years)?: yes
A teenager (13 years-18 years)?: yes
Are you looking to adopt domestically?: yes
Internationally?: yes
>>>If so, which countries/nationalities would you consider adopting from?: France, Ireland, Scotland
In Open Adoptions?: (i have know idea)
In Handicapped Adoptions?: no
>>>If so, what types of disabilities would you consider adopting?:
>>>What severity of disabilities would you consider adopting?:
>>>Is there a specific age range of disabled children you would consider adopting?:
Child Information
Would you consider adopting a child with mild allergies (ie pollen, asthma, rare food allergies)?: pollen
Would you consider adopting a child with severe allergies (ie dust, bee stings, peanuts)?: none
Do you prefer that adopted children look like you/your family?: some what
Do you prefer that adopted children not look like you/your family?: it doesn't matter
Will you consider adopting twins or triplets?: yes
Will you consider adopting large sibling groups (of 4+)?: yes
Will you consider adopting small sibling groups (of 1-3)?: yes
For international adoptees, do you prefer your child to have an easy-to-pronounce name?: yes
For international adoptees, do you prefer your child to have a name from your country?: yes
For international adoptees, must your child be fluent in your native language?: we all speak French and English so it doesn't matter
Are you looking to adopt a child with a special connection to a pet? sure
If so, what types of pets would you consider?: dogs cats only
Do you have any other specific requests for us?: We travel alot so we want the children to be able to travel with us.