User name:
LaytonDW's full name and age:
Malia Rose Mastandrea
DH's full name and age:
Dylan Jacob Mastandrea
DW's occupation and salary: Part time Nurse (4,000 a day)
DH's occupation and salary: College Professor (500,000 per day)
Current Children's names and ages:
Hannah Margaret (7)
Patrice (4)
Katherine Alicia (2)
DW's Hair and eye color: aubrurn, hazel
DH's Hair and eye color: brown, brown
Current Children's hair and eye color(s):
brown, hazel
auburn, hazel
auburn, hazel
Country of residence: USA
San FranciscoAddress: 162 Boluvard
LanePastimes: travveling, music, sports, dance, reading
Are your children enrolled in public school?: yep
Are your children enrolled in private school?:no
Are your children homeschooled?:no
Why do you want to adopt?:Because I feel bad for them and I like to see happiness
How many children do you want to adopt (please keep in mind that you may get less/more than you specified. We usually only give four to a family):
Preffered genders:
Preffered countries:
Preffered looks: (aka, look like you or not) no asian, hispanic, irish, american
Pets?: sure
Disabilities: yea
How severe: mild
What kind: any
Allergies: any
How severe: mild
What kind: any
Preffered Ages: 0-11
Siblings? sure
Twins? not really
Best friends? YESS =)
Related in some way? sure
Triplets? no
Quads? no
Any more info? nope. Thanks!