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Re: estel's Adoption Agency!
in reply to a message by estel
(mostly made up)Background Information
Your Full Name and Age: Claire Elizabeth Jackson
Spouse's Full Name and Age: George Thomas Jackson
Your Occupation (and salary): Secretaty, $65,000 (will quit job after children arrive)
Spouse's Occupation (and salary): Computer Engineer, $85,000
--*salaries optional, but appreciated*--
Your Hair and Eye Colors: Blonde, Blue
Spouse's Hair and Eye Colors: Blonde-Brown, Green
Country of Residence: USA
City/Area of Residence: California
Address: 241 South Jondy Way
Dwelling: 3-bedroom house, will move if necessary
--*Dwelling is like a house, an apartment, a 4 bedroom home, 10 bedroom mansion, things like that*--
Current Children (if any) and Ages: None
Children's Hair and Eye Colors: N/A
Family Lifestyle: We love to travel and have fun!
--**Family Lifestyle can be things like active, laid back, fun loving, adventurous, travellers...**--
Current Pets (if any) and Breeds: Dog, Max
Size of Extended Family: Large, I have 3 siblings, George has 4
--**ie, small (just grandparents and/or 1 sibling), medium (1-3 siblings and families), large (over 3 siblings and families)**--
Reason for wanting to adopt: Want kids!Q & A
How many children are you looking to adopt (up to 7)?: 5
How many boys are you looking to adopt?: 2
Girls?: 3
Are you looking to adopt an infant (under 3 months)?: Sure
A baby (3 months-1 year)?: Sure
A toddler (1 year-2 years)?: Definitely
A preschooler (2 years-4 years)?: Definitely
A child (4 years-9 years)?: Sure
A preteen (9 years-13 years)?: No
A teenager (13 years-18 years)?: No
Are you looking to adopt domestically?: Yes
Internationally?: Yes
>>>If so, which countries/nationalities would you consider adopting from?: All of Europe
In Open Adoptions?: Yes
In Handicapped Adoptions?: No
>>>If so, what types of disabilities would you consider adopting?: none
>>>What severity of disabilities would you consider adopting?: none
>>>Is there a specific age range of disabled children you would consider adopting?: none
Child Information
Would you consider adopting a child with mild allergies (ie pollen, asthma, rare food allergies)?: Sure
Would you consider adopting a child with severe allergies (ie dust, bee stings, peanuts)?: No
Do you prefer that adopted children look like you/your family?: Yes
Do you prefer that adopted children not look like you/your family?: No
Will you consider adopting twins or triplets?: Definitely, that would be awesome
Will you consider adopting large sibling groups (of 4+)?: No
Will you consider adopting small sibling groups (of 1-3)?: Yes
For international adoptees, do you prefer your child to have an easy-to-pronounce name?: Yes, but don't have to
For international adoptees, do you prefer your child to have a name from your country?: No
For international adoptees, must your child be fluent in your native language?: Yes, only for children 4+
Are you looking to adopt a child with a special connection to a pet?
If so, what types of pets would you consider?: Dogs, hamsters, bunny rabbitsDo you have any other specific requests for us?:
Other Information
Please be advised that some children take longer to adjust than others. In addition, some children may have behavioral, social, or emotional issues such as nightmares, fear, unnatural shyness or roughness. Also, please note that we require an update letter one year after your child/ren has/have been adopted. We will get back to you as soon as possible with children whom we think will make a good addition to your family!
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Dear Jackson Family, We have found five children who we think would do wonderfully in your family. Their names are Mykhaila Rose, Sofiya Anne, Kalyna June, Marius Malte, and Stefan Lauritz. Mykhaila, Sofiya, and Kalyna are from the Ukraine. Their parents could not afford to take care of them anymore, so they were given up for adoption. Marius and Stefan are brothers from Denmark. Their parents are not known, though their mother left a note with us telling us their names and ages. Mykhaila, Sofiya, and Kalyna are two months old. They are identical triplets and very attatched to one another. Their names can be changed so that they sound more English. Kalyna is lactose-intolerant, so we request that she be given special soy formula instead of regular formula. All of the girls are very sweet and will capture your heart immediately. Marius is three years old. He is a smart little boy, but a little confused about where his mother is. Marius likes to watch cartoons and is very artistic. Marius likes to play catch as well. He is very protective of his little brother. Stefan is one year old. He is walking already, but unsteadily. He talks a lot in words that only Marius seems to understand. Stefan is very fun to be around, and is very compliant with our requests. We hope you enjoy your new children. Please tell us how they are doing!
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