LN: St.
Charles Edmund "
Age: 39
Eve OpheliaAge: 26
Any other children?
All are from Chaz's previous marriage where his wife died of cancer Samuel Shane "
Sam" (10-likes baseball & dogs),
Joshua James "
Josh" (8-likes animals & reading),
Nathanael Nicholas "
Nate" (7-likes soccer & drawing), &
Bradley Benjamin "
Brad" (5-likes playing with his action figures & cats)
From what country (countries) would you like your children from?
Ireland or Scotland
How many children (max 6)? 1-2
Ages? 2-5
Are you willing to accept children with disabilities? Yes, but only emotional disabilities
If you were interested in more than one child, are you willing to accept siblings? Yes
From Robin Hood Men in Tights[after Blinkin catches a flying arrow]
Achoo: Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?