The Basics
Surname: Lilley
Your Name and age:
Alaina Magdalene (26)
Spouses Name and age:
Jake Travis (28)
Current Children's Names and Ages: None
A little more about you
Location: Wisconsin, USA
Climate of the location: Cold winters, Hot/Humid Summers
Do you travel (if so, how often): Usually we take one week long vacation during the school year & a 2 week long vacation in the summer.
Do you work: Yes, I'm a day care worker.
Does your Spouse work: Yes, he is an english professor at the nearby college
What languages do you currently speak: English for both of us. Italian for me, and Spanish for
JakeYou childrens intrests (if you have): No children
Child Basics
How many children: 2-4
Prefered Genders: Either
Age: 3-10
Countries: Any
More about the child
Will you accept...
A child who does not speak your language?: Yes
A teenage parent? yes
A pegnant teen?: yes
Siblings?: Yes
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quadruplets: No
More: No
Children with disablilies? No
Children with pets? Yes
Anything else we should know?: Nothing I can think of.
From Robin Hood Men in Tights[after Blinkin catches a flying arrow]
Achoo: Blinkin! How did you do that?
Blinkin: I heard that coming a mile away.
Robin Hood: Right-o, Blinkin, very good.
Blinkin: Pardon? Who's talking?