In this CAF, you get children only, like they are 'your' children. I used to do this on past message boards. :o).
I give a category, and few options to pick from, and then I list next to the option what your child is. Name them with the initials I give . Enjoy!
Pick the best girl name you like:
Audrey - DD [Initials: AZ]
Iris - DS [Initials: BY]
Luna - DD/DD [Initials: CX/DW]
Bianca - DS/DS [Initials: EV/FU (lol)]
Arielle - DS/DD [Initials: GT/HS]
Pick the best boy name you like:
Hayden - DS [Initials: IR]
Jacob - DS/DS [Initials: JQ/KP]
Alistair - DD/DD [Initials: LO/MN]
Finley - DS/DD [Initials: NM/OL]
August - DD [Initials: PK]
if your favorite color is:
Blue - DS [Initials: QJ]
Pink - DD [Initials: RI]
Purple - DD/DD [Initials: SH/HS]
Green - DS/DS [Initials: TG/GT]
Other - DS/DD [Initials: UF/FU]
If your favorite hobbie is:
Reading - DD/DD [Initials: VE/EV]
Writing - DS [Initials: WD]
Listening to Music - DD [Initials: XC]
Shopping - DS/DD [Initials: YB/BY]
Other - DS/DS [Initials: ZA/AZ]
if you are:
Married - DD [Initials: AB]
In a Relationship - DS [Initials: CD]
Single - DD/DD [Initials: EF/FE]
Divorced - DS/DD [Initials: GH/GH]
Engaged - DS/DS [Initials: IJ/JI]
if you have a/do you like:
Dog - DS [Initials: KL]
Cat - DD [Initials: MN]
Horse - DS/DD [Initials: OP/PO]
Rabbit - DD/DD [Initials: QR/RQ]
Other - DS/DS [Initials: ST/TS]
This message was edited 9/27/2006, 9:02 PM