in reply to a message by Array
Username: Array
DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AS: Abraham Thomas Solomon "Abe" (35)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (30)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (26)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (24)
AD: Adela Dinah Esperanza "Della" (22)
AD: Rivka Glory Melissa (20 1/2)
AS/AD: Arthur Ramiro Ezra "Artie" / Amalia Renata Elizabeth "Amy" (18)
Dmongrel: Evron (now deceased)
Dtabby-cat: Django (now deceased)
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
LN: DeYoung
DH: Roger Andrew (32)
DW: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (30)
AD/AD: Ophelia Glorianne / Violet Ellen (21)
AS: Charles Roger "Chaz" (19)
AD: Rebecca Bernadette "Reba" (15)
LN: Schumate
DH: Gregory Quinn "Greg" (26)
DW: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (26)
AS/AD/AS: Garland Dustin / Viginia Beatrice / Walton Brandon (7)
Ddog: Len
Ddog: Scully
Dcat: Kira
Congradulations, you've adopted Garland, Viginia, and Walton (and their pets, Len, Scully and Kira). Would you like to change their names?

DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AS: Abraham Thomas Solomon "Abe" (35)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (30)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (26)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (24)
AD: Adela Dinah Esperanza "Della" (22)
AD: Rivka Glory Melissa (20 1/2)
AS/AD: Arthur Ramiro Ezra "Artie" / Amalia Renata Elizabeth "Amy" (18)
Dmongrel: Evron (now deceased)
Dtabby-cat: Django (now deceased)
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
LN: DeYoung
DH: Roger Andrew (32)
DW: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (30)
AD/AD: Ophelia Glorianne / Violet Ellen (21)
AS: Charles Roger "Chaz" (19)
AD: Rebecca Bernadette "Reba" (15)
LN: Schumate
DH: Gregory Quinn "Greg" (26)
DW: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (26)
AS/AD/AS: Garland Dustin / Viginia Beatrice / Walton Brandon (7)
Ddog: Len
Ddog: Scully
Dcat: Kira
Congradulations, you've adopted Garland, Viginia, and Walton (and their pets, Len, Scully and Kira). Would you like to change their names?