in reply to a message by Ebba
Username: Ebba
DH: Zakary Mason Hardy 'Zak' (job: circus artists)
DW: Nikita Tamsyn Hardy 'Nikki' (job: circus artists)
AD/AD: Daisy Melissa Hardy / Maisie Clarissa Hardy (11)
AS: Leonard Emil Hardy (8)
AD: Rhiannon Nicola Hardy (6)
AS/AS: James Henry / Daniel Harrison (2)
Ddog: Kite
Ddog: Meg
Place of residence: North England
Would you like to change their names?

DH: Zakary Mason Hardy 'Zak' (job: circus artists)
DW: Nikita Tamsyn Hardy 'Nikki' (job: circus artists)
AD/AD: Daisy Melissa Hardy / Maisie Clarissa Hardy (11)
AS: Leonard Emil Hardy (8)
AD: Rhiannon Nicola Hardy (6)
AS/AS: James Henry / Daniel Harrison (2)
Ddog: Kite
Ddog: Meg
Place of residence: North England
Would you like to change their names?

Username: Ebba
DH: Zakary Mason Hardy 'Zak' (job: circus artists)
DW: Nikita Tamsyn Hardy 'Nikki' (job: circus artists)
AD/AD: Daisy Melissa Hardy / Maisie Clarissa Hardy (11)
AS: Leonard Emil Hardy ' Lenny '(8)
AD: Rhiannon Nicola Hardy (6)
AS/AS: Jesse James / Harrison Daniel ' Harris '(2)
Ddog: Kite
Ddog: Meg
Place of residence: North England
We will change James Henry's name to Jesse James and we will switch his brothers name round to Harrison Daniel 'Harris'.
Daisy and Maisie will both start high school in september, Daisy has made much improvment these past years and now although shy will talk to most people. Daisy and Maisie are going to the same school, but will be in different forms. The school has a special programme for gifted children like Daisy and it is expected she will take some GCSE's in a few years time.
Lenny is doing really well, at school he is well liked and is progressing well, he really enjoys working with is in the circus and we think he might have a true calling for it.
DH: Zakary Mason Hardy 'Zak' (job: circus artists)
DW: Nikita Tamsyn Hardy 'Nikki' (job: circus artists)
AD/AD: Daisy Melissa Hardy / Maisie Clarissa Hardy (11)
AS: Leonard Emil Hardy ' Lenny '(8)
AD: Rhiannon Nicola Hardy (6)
AS/AS: Jesse James / Harrison Daniel ' Harris '(2)
Ddog: Kite
Ddog: Meg
Place of residence: North England
We will change James Henry's name to Jesse James and we will switch his brothers name round to Harrison Daniel 'Harris'.
Daisy and Maisie will both start high school in september, Daisy has made much improvment these past years and now although shy will talk to most people. Daisy and Maisie are going to the same school, but will be in different forms. The school has a special programme for gifted children like Daisy and it is expected she will take some GCSE's in a few years time.
Lenny is doing really well, at school he is well liked and is progressing well, he really enjoys working with is in the circus and we think he might have a true calling for it.