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Re: Nikki's Congrats
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
Rowan Niles / Eliza Margot
Winnie Femke / Clairce* Valeria
Olive Consuelo / Helen Ophelia "Nell"
Leonardo Jay Roger + Daphne:
Phoebe, Emerald, Rowan, Eliza, Winnie, Clarice, Olive, Nell, and Leonardo*I'm sorry, there's a mistake in "Clairce"'s" name. It's supposed to be Clarice.

Hannah LAWR-a

"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."
~The Usual Suspects.

This message was edited 8/16/2006, 9:20 PM

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