Personal Info.
Your Name (age):
Kellie Jean (26)
Spouse's Name (age):
Jarek Jon (26)
Current Children (ages):
Lily Rose Annabelle,
Juliet Eve and
Caroline Willow (3)
Current Pets: none
Any other Family Information:
Child's Info.
How many children would you like to adopt?: 3
Preferred Genders: at least 2 girls, 3rd doesn't matter
Preferred Ages: 0-8
Where would you like the child(ren) to be from?: Any English speaking country
Would you adopt siblings or cousins?: siblings only
Would you adopt multiples?: yes
Would you adopt disabled children?: only those with minor mental disorders (obsessive compulsive disorder like me, social anxiety disorder, depression, other anxiety problems)
Specific Requests?: please no pets