Say hello to your new sons/brothers.. and dog!
Cedric Amadeus is 4 years old, born on December 30, 1846. He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He is full of energy and would love to have a dog to play with.
Philip Hugh is 8 years old, born on
May 24, 1842. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is a serious boy that enjoys dressing up and already knows that he wants to go into business like his father had. He is the older brother of
Darcy Victor. They have a beagle,
Darcy Victor is 6 years old, born on November 9, 1844. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He enjoys talking to anyone and everyone who will listen. He is the younger brother of
Philip Hugh.
Lewis Edward is 10 years old, born on
June 14, 1840. He has dark blond hair and green eyes. He is shy and finds it difficult to socialize, but he loves animals.
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"