Keepskuh's "Victorian" Adoption Agency! (with pictures)
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name:_____
Your full name and age:___________
Your spouses full name and age:_____________
Your childrens full names and ages:_______________
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s):
What age (0-15):
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes/no
Cousins: yes/no
Twins: yes/no
children with problems: yes/no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes/no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
*1921-1940 or

Your Last Name:_____
Your full name and age:___________
Your spouses full name and age:_____________
Your childrens full names and ages:_______________
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s):
What age (0-15):
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes/no
Cousins: yes/no
Twins: yes/no
children with problems: yes/no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes/no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
*1921-1940 or

This message was edited 7/6/2006, 10:23 AM
Your Last Name: Logan
Your full name and age: Elise Matilda
Your spouses full name and age: Brandon Matthew
Your childrens full names and ages: Travis Blake and Poppy Elodia, 3
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 5
What gender(s): girl/boy/boy, boy, girl
What age (0-15): 2, 2, 2, 5, 7
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? emotional, physical, mental
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your full name and age: Elise Matilda
Your spouses full name and age: Brandon Matthew
Your childrens full names and ages: Travis Blake and Poppy Elodia, 3
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 5
What gender(s): girl/boy/boy, boy, girl
What age (0-15): 2, 2, 2, 5, 7
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? emotional, physical, mental
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Congratulations Logan Family!
Congratulations Elise, Brandon, Travis and Poppy!
We have found five children for you.
7 years old Elodia Anna Renee de Moreiro, 5 years old Ellis Montgomery Ingalls, almost 3 years old Carlene Monique Baber, 2-and a half years old Theodore John Nyguist and 2 years old Leonard Briles Osmond.
Elodia is from Ohio. Her father is unknown and her mother past away 2 months ago.
Elodia has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is a really sweet and smart girl. She loves to do thing with her hands, such as sewing. She loves to take care of children. She wants to be a nurse someday.
Ellis lived in the orphanage since he was 3 weeks old. We haven't got any further information of him. All we know is his name and his birthplace: Abilene, Texas
Ellis had darkblond hair and hazel eyes. He likes to play outside with other children. He also enjoys fishing and riding his bike.
Carlene is from Nevada. Her parents were killed in an accident 3 months ago.
Carlene has blond hair and lightblue eyes. She is born a mute. She loves to be cuddled and hugged. She also enjoys cuddling and playing with her cat; Cuddles. She still misses her mother very much, so she may need some extra attention in the beginning.
Theodore is from Indiana. His mother died giving birth to him and his father was killed during a robbery. His three sisters, Karolina May (15), Marthe Jane (12) and Frieda Rose (9), were adopted by another family in Indiana.
Congratulations Elise, Brandon, Travis and Poppy!
We have found five children for you.
7 years old Elodia Anna Renee de Moreiro, 5 years old Ellis Montgomery Ingalls, almost 3 years old Carlene Monique Baber, 2-and a half years old Theodore John Nyguist and 2 years old Leonard Briles Osmond.
Elodia is from Ohio. Her father is unknown and her mother past away 2 months ago.
Elodia has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is a really sweet and smart girl. She loves to do thing with her hands, such as sewing. She loves to take care of children. She wants to be a nurse someday.
Ellis lived in the orphanage since he was 3 weeks old. We haven't got any further information of him. All we know is his name and his birthplace: Abilene, Texas
Ellis had darkblond hair and hazel eyes. He likes to play outside with other children. He also enjoys fishing and riding his bike.
Carlene is from Nevada. Her parents were killed in an accident 3 months ago.
Carlene has blond hair and lightblue eyes. She is born a mute. She loves to be cuddled and hugged. She also enjoys cuddling and playing with her cat; Cuddles. She still misses her mother very much, so she may need some extra attention in the beginning.
Theodore is from Indiana. His mother died giving birth to him and his father was killed during a robbery. His three sisters, Karolina May (15), Marthe Jane (12) and Frieda Rose (9), were adopted by another family in Indiana.
Elodia has settled in well and loves to play with the crayons and paint with Poppy. I have bought her a new sewing box and she loves to do cross stitching. She is very pretty and loves having her hair done!
Ellis is very sweet and has been playing with Travis a lot. They both like playing football and riding their bikes on the field behind our house. They have made good friends. I am trying to discourage fishing, but my father goes so Ellis goes along occasionally.
Carlene likes hugs from my mother especially, but loves them from us aswell. She likes to join in with Poppy and Elodia when they play, though they sometimes get annoyed as she is very sensitive.
Theo has already been in touch with his sisters, and I plan to keep that up. They were very close. We are going to make sure he sees them at least once every year. We bought him some new books to read as he isn't really into football and bikes yet. He also likes to colour with the girls.
Leo has settled in well and plays outside, usually on the trampoline in the garden. Theo sometimes plays with him, but not always as Leo can be quite boisterous!
[The picture of 'Ellis' is so cute!]
Ellis is very sweet and has been playing with Travis a lot. They both like playing football and riding their bikes on the field behind our house. They have made good friends. I am trying to discourage fishing, but my father goes so Ellis goes along occasionally.
Carlene likes hugs from my mother especially, but loves them from us aswell. She likes to join in with Poppy and Elodia when they play, though they sometimes get annoyed as she is very sensitive.
Theo has already been in touch with his sisters, and I plan to keep that up. They were very close. We are going to make sure he sees them at least once every year. We bought him some new books to read as he isn't really into football and bikes yet. He also likes to colour with the girls.
Leo has settled in well and plays outside, usually on the trampoline in the garden. Theo sometimes plays with him, but not always as Leo can be quite boisterous!
[The picture of 'Ellis' is so cute!]
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name:_____ Harding
Your full name and age:___________ Louise Katherine 28
Your spouses full name and age:_____________ Matt Lucus 28
Your childrens full names and ages:_______________ Grace Olivia, Alice Willow and Charlie Dawson all 3 weeks old
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 6
What gender(s): 3 male 3 female
What age (0-15): 0-7
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
*1921-1940 this one
*1941-1960 - or this one
Your Last Name:_____ Harding
Your full name and age:___________ Louise Katherine 28
Your spouses full name and age:_____________ Matt Lucus 28
Your childrens full names and ages:_______________ Grace Olivia, Alice Willow and Charlie Dawson all 3 weeks old
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 6
What gender(s): 3 male 3 female
What age (0-15): 0-7
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
*1921-1940 this one
*1941-1960 - or this one
Congratulations Harding Family!
Congratulations Louise, Matt, Grace, Alice and Charlie!
We have found six children for you.
8 years old Brigit Ronette O'Malley, 7 years old Tyler Bennett O'Malley, 6 years old Bret Jeremy O'Malley, 4 years old Cathy Enola Brewer, 3 years old Dakota Gay Brewer and 9 months old Ted Montgomery Townsend.
Brigit, Tyler and Bret are from Montana. Their parents left them at the orphanage due to money problems.
Brigit brown hair and darkblue eyes. She thinks it's her fault that her parents left them. Since she lived in the orphanage she is a really shy introverted girl. We think that if Brigit feels safe in a new environment, she'll come out of her shell and be the outgoing girl again, that she was before her parents left her and her siblings.
Tyler has the 'Down-syndrome'. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He loves to play with other children. He never has been to school because of his handicap. He would like to start school very soon.
Bret has blond hair and darkblue eyes. He enjoys being outside and climbe trees and play with his dog, Shep. He really wants to be a farmer when he grows up, just like his father was.
Cathy and Dakota were born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their father lives in somewhere in California with his new wife and family. Cathy and Dakota's mother died more than 2 years ago. Since then they lived with their grandmother. Now the grandmother, Mary Brewer, is too sick to take care of the young girls.
Congratulations Louise, Matt, Grace, Alice and Charlie!
We have found six children for you.
8 years old Brigit Ronette O'Malley, 7 years old Tyler Bennett O'Malley, 6 years old Bret Jeremy O'Malley, 4 years old Cathy Enola Brewer, 3 years old Dakota Gay Brewer and 9 months old Ted Montgomery Townsend.
Brigit, Tyler and Bret are from Montana. Their parents left them at the orphanage due to money problems.
Brigit brown hair and darkblue eyes. She thinks it's her fault that her parents left them. Since she lived in the orphanage she is a really shy introverted girl. We think that if Brigit feels safe in a new environment, she'll come out of her shell and be the outgoing girl again, that she was before her parents left her and her siblings.
Tyler has the 'Down-syndrome'. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He loves to play with other children. He never has been to school because of his handicap. He would like to start school very soon.
Bret has blond hair and darkblue eyes. He enjoys being outside and climbe trees and play with his dog, Shep. He really wants to be a farmer when he grows up, just like his father was.
Cathy and Dakota were born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their father lives in somewhere in California with his new wife and family. Cathy and Dakota's mother died more than 2 years ago. Since then they lived with their grandmother. Now the grandmother, Mary Brewer, is too sick to take care of the young girls.
This message was edited 7/7/2006, 9:09 AM
Hi the new family is doing great.
At first Briget was very quite and didn't really talk much, but she has settled in fantasicly, she loves helping me look after the triplets and is a little comedian
Tyler is doing great he goes to school now and is loving it, he seems alot happier now and is becoming stronger.
Bret and shep are doing fine to, he loves climbing the big trees in the garden and taking shep on long walks with matt, Matt is also building him a tree house.
Cathy and Dakota are doing great, they send pictures etc to there grandmother frequently and surprisingly Shep and bee are getting on great to.
Ted well he's a little sweetheart, he's a very smilely baby and loves playing in his new playroom with all the other children.
At first Briget was very quite and didn't really talk much, but she has settled in fantasicly, she loves helping me look after the triplets and is a little comedian
Tyler is doing great he goes to school now and is loving it, he seems alot happier now and is becoming stronger.
Bret and shep are doing fine to, he loves climbing the big trees in the garden and taking shep on long walks with matt, Matt is also building him a tree house.
Cathy and Dakota are doing great, they send pictures etc to there grandmother frequently and surprisingly Shep and bee are getting on great to.
Ted well he's a little sweetheart, he's a very smilely baby and loves playing in his new playroom with all the other children.
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Bailey
Your full name and age: Susannah Grace (32)
Your spouses full name and age: Jeremiah Matthew (33)
Your childrens full names and ages:
Chloe Marie (8)
Simeon Matthew (7)
Ruth Magdalene (6)
Gideon Mark (5)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 6
What gender(s): both
What age (0-15): newborn to four
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental) none
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
We're looking forward to meeting our new children!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
Congratulations Bailey Family!
Congratulations Susannah, Jeremiah, Chloe, Simeon, Ruth and Gideon!
We have found six children for you!
6 years old Samantha Hollis Strombeck, 5 years old Githa Amalia Strombeck, 4 years old Bertha Magdalene Strombeck, 5 years old Walter Willis Lennox, 2 years old Portia Willow Lennox and 6 months old Silvester Tennyson John Cuthbert
Samantha, Githa and Bertha are from Texas. They are the children of a
reverend, Jan Strombeck, from Denmark and Martha Anderson, from Sweden. Martha died 3 years ago, and Jan died 2 weeks ago.
Samantha has brown hair and green/blue eyes. She loves dolls and flowers. She enjoys singing and dancing. Samantha loves to play with her younger siblings. She never has been to school, but she can already read. (She learned that from her father)
Githa has dark blond hair and brown eyes. She loves to play outside and chase butterflies and other insects. She loves being read to.
Bertha has dark blond hair and blue/green eyes. She loves to be picked up and be cuddled. She also loves to play with her big sisters. She can be a bit too outgoing sometimes.
Congratulations Susannah, Jeremiah, Chloe, Simeon, Ruth and Gideon!
We have found six children for you!
6 years old Samantha Hollis Strombeck, 5 years old Githa Amalia Strombeck, 4 years old Bertha Magdalene Strombeck, 5 years old Walter Willis Lennox, 2 years old Portia Willow Lennox and 6 months old Silvester Tennyson John Cuthbert
Samantha, Githa and Bertha are from Texas. They are the children of a
reverend, Jan Strombeck, from Denmark and Martha Anderson, from Sweden. Martha died 3 years ago, and Jan died 2 weeks ago.
Samantha has brown hair and green/blue eyes. She loves dolls and flowers. She enjoys singing and dancing. Samantha loves to play with her younger siblings. She never has been to school, but she can already read. (She learned that from her father)
Githa has dark blond hair and brown eyes. She loves to play outside and chase butterflies and other insects. She loves being read to.
Bertha has dark blond hair and blue/green eyes. She loves to be picked up and be cuddled. She also loves to play with her big sisters. She can be a bit too outgoing sometimes.
Your Last Name: Algar
Your full name and age: Katherine Elisabeth (35)
Your spouses full name and age: Daniel James (38)
Your childrens full names and ages: Ruby Grace (3)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s): Either
What age (0-15): 2-6
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: no
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your full name and age: Katherine Elisabeth (35)
Your spouses full name and age: Daniel James (38)
Your childrens full names and ages: Ruby Grace (3)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s): Either
What age (0-15): 2-6
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: no
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Congratulations Algar Family!
Congratulations Katherine, Daniel and Ruby!
We have found four children for you!
6 years old Abigail Gethsemane Bent, 6 years old Beulah Jemima Lerche, 5 years old Deborah Jerusha Lerche and 3 years old Elkanah Jonah Lerche
Abigail is from Pennsylvania. Her father left her and her mother 3 years ago. Her mother can't take care of Abigail anymore so she left her at the orphanage.
Abigail has brown hair and greyish eyes. She is very smart and bright child. She can already read and write. She likes to be around a lot of other children. She can make friends easily.
Beulah, Deborah and Elkanah are from Maine. Their father was half French and half English, and their mother was a jewish immigrant from Germany. Their parents died one month ago.
Beulah has brown hair and brown eyes. She loves to take care of her siblings, she loves to play with Deborah and Elkanah. She never been to school before, so she may have some problems in the beginning when you send her to school.
Deborah is a very energetic girl. She loves to play with her little brother and big sister. She has blond hair and brown eyes.
Elkanah is a very healthy and energetic child. He loves to be cuddled and hugged. He has blond hair and brown eyes.
Beulah, Deborah and Elkanah:
Please let us know how your family is doing!

Congratulations Katherine, Daniel and Ruby!
We have found four children for you!
6 years old Abigail Gethsemane Bent, 6 years old Beulah Jemima Lerche, 5 years old Deborah Jerusha Lerche and 3 years old Elkanah Jonah Lerche
Abigail is from Pennsylvania. Her father left her and her mother 3 years ago. Her mother can't take care of Abigail anymore so she left her at the orphanage.
Abigail has brown hair and greyish eyes. She is very smart and bright child. She can already read and write. She likes to be around a lot of other children. She can make friends easily.
Beulah, Deborah and Elkanah are from Maine. Their father was half French and half English, and their mother was a jewish immigrant from Germany. Their parents died one month ago.
Beulah has brown hair and brown eyes. She loves to take care of her siblings, she loves to play with Deborah and Elkanah. She never been to school before, so she may have some problems in the beginning when you send her to school.
Deborah is a very energetic girl. She loves to play with her little brother and big sister. She has blond hair and brown eyes.
Elkanah is a very healthy and energetic child. He loves to be cuddled and hugged. He has blond hair and brown eyes.

Beulah, Deborah and Elkanah:

Please let us know how your family is doing!

Forgot: willing to adopt max of 4
Your Last Name: Hughes
Your full name and age: Sylvia Plath - 30
Your spouses full name and age: Edward James "Ted" - 33
Your childrens full names and ages: Frieda Rebecca - 3, Nicholas Farrar - 1
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) max 6
What gender(s): either
What age (0-15): under 12 if possible, if part of a sibset, then older
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? emotional, physical, mental
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
all, maybe even different?

Your full name and age: Sylvia Plath - 30
Your spouses full name and age: Edward James "Ted" - 33
Your childrens full names and ages: Frieda Rebecca - 3, Nicholas Farrar - 1
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) max 6
What gender(s): either
What age (0-15): under 12 if possible, if part of a sibset, then older
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? emotional, physical, mental
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
all, maybe even different?

Congratulations Hughes Family!
Congratulations Sylvia, Ted, Frieda and Nicholas!
We have found six children for you!
15 year old Clara Louise Isler, 12 year old Scot Sherlock Isler, 9 year old Rose Susannah Isler, 8 years old Thornton Tyler Maguire, 7 years old Tessie Seminsky and 4 years old Shirley Wenona Sternberg.
Clara, Scot and Rose are from Georgia. They just lost their parents, who were killed in an accident.
Clara really wants to be a famous singer someday. She also likes to play piano. She likes to help in the household and take care of the children.
Scot loves to go fishing. He is a very bright kid and he is good at school. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up. He loves to help other children with their homework.
Rose is a very energetic and outgoing little girl. She loves to play piano, just like her sister. She wants to be a famous pianist player someday.
Thornton is born in Indiana. His father is unknown, and his mother left him at the orphanage 6 years ago.
Thornton is very sporty and he loves to play his favorite sport, baseball. He hates school, he rather play outside with his friends. He has red hair, blue eyes and freckles. He can make friends very easily.
Tessie and Shirley are from California. They are cousins. Shirley's parents died 2 years ago in a car crash. She lived with her uncle and cousin Tessie since then. Tessie's mother died giving birth to her. Tessie's father (Shirley's uncle) was wounded by a fire. Now he isn't able to take care of the girls.
Congratulations Sylvia, Ted, Frieda and Nicholas!
We have found six children for you!
15 year old Clara Louise Isler, 12 year old Scot Sherlock Isler, 9 year old Rose Susannah Isler, 8 years old Thornton Tyler Maguire, 7 years old Tessie Seminsky and 4 years old Shirley Wenona Sternberg.
Clara, Scot and Rose are from Georgia. They just lost their parents, who were killed in an accident.
Clara really wants to be a famous singer someday. She also likes to play piano. She likes to help in the household and take care of the children.
Scot loves to go fishing. He is a very bright kid and he is good at school. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up. He loves to help other children with their homework.
Rose is a very energetic and outgoing little girl. She loves to play piano, just like her sister. She wants to be a famous pianist player someday.
Thornton is born in Indiana. His father is unknown, and his mother left him at the orphanage 6 years ago.
Thornton is very sporty and he loves to play his favorite sport, baseball. He hates school, he rather play outside with his friends. He has red hair, blue eyes and freckles. He can make friends very easily.
Tessie and Shirley are from California. They are cousins. Shirley's parents died 2 years ago in a car crash. She lived with her uncle and cousin Tessie since then. Tessie's mother died giving birth to her. Tessie's father (Shirley's uncle) was wounded by a fire. Now he isn't able to take care of the girls.
Sylvia Plath - 30
Edward James "Ted" Hughes - 33
Clara Louise Isler - 15
Scot Sherlock Isler - 12
Rose Susannah Isler - 9
Thornton Tyler Maguire - 8
Tessie Seminsky - 7
Shirley Wenona Sternberg - 4
Frieda Rebecca Hughes-Plath - 3
Nicholas Farrar Hughes-Plath - 1
Thank you! All 6 children have adjusted quickly. Clara, Scot and Rose were the first to arrive. Clara really has a beutiful voice and she is trying out for the conservatory next week. She also loves Frieda and Nicholas and Sylvia has to stop her looking after them too much and having tome for herself. Scot and Ted have formed a close friendship and love going out fishing together. Rose has enrolled in piano lessons and she is doing fine. The next children to arrive were Tessie and Shirley with Wendell. Tessie does have a lot of problems walking, but she is still a very happy child. We couldn't keep Clara from mothering her! She is beeing spoilt rotten, like the rest of the children. Shirley is very lively and immediately made friends with Frieda. Scot even tought her to write a few words because she was so eager to learn! They both miss their father/uncle but are keeping in touch.
Edward James "Ted" Hughes - 33
Clara Louise Isler - 15
Scot Sherlock Isler - 12
Rose Susannah Isler - 9
Thornton Tyler Maguire - 8
Tessie Seminsky - 7
Shirley Wenona Sternberg - 4
Frieda Rebecca Hughes-Plath - 3
Nicholas Farrar Hughes-Plath - 1
Thank you! All 6 children have adjusted quickly. Clara, Scot and Rose were the first to arrive. Clara really has a beutiful voice and she is trying out for the conservatory next week. She also loves Frieda and Nicholas and Sylvia has to stop her looking after them too much and having tome for herself. Scot and Ted have formed a close friendship and love going out fishing together. Rose has enrolled in piano lessons and she is doing fine. The next children to arrive were Tessie and Shirley with Wendell. Tessie does have a lot of problems walking, but she is still a very happy child. We couldn't keep Clara from mothering her! She is beeing spoilt rotten, like the rest of the children. Shirley is very lively and immediately made friends with Frieda. Scot even tought her to write a few words because she was so eager to learn! They both miss their father/uncle but are keeping in touch.
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: keassh
Your full name and age: Taryn Elizabeth
Your spouses full name and age: Craig Michael
Your childrens full names and ages:
Cassidy Renee (10)
Amity Kate (6)
Joseph Ryan (2)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 6
What gender(s): both
What age (0-15): any
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: no
Cousins: yes
Twins: no
children with problems: yes, any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your Last Name: keassh
Your full name and age: Taryn Elizabeth
Your spouses full name and age: Craig Michael
Your childrens full names and ages:
Cassidy Renee (10)
Amity Kate (6)
Joseph Ryan (2)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 6
What gender(s): both
What age (0-15): any
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: no
Cousins: yes
Twins: no
children with problems: yes, any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
This message was edited 7/6/2006, 12:25 PM
Congratulations Keassh Family!
Congratulations Taryn, Craig, Cassidy, Amity and Joseph
We have found six children for you!
15 years old Estella Katrina Bennett, 9 years old Pearla Korina Bennett, 12 years old Lenora Muriel Robin Scurlock, 7 years old Linette Olive Sabella Scurlock, 6 years old Mackenzie Parker Sanders and 1 year old Marshall Prosper Sanders
Estella "Estey" and Pearla "Pearl" were born in New York City to Ralph Bennett and an Italian woman, Isabella. Their mother was killed 3 years ago. Their father, Ralph, wasn't able to take care of his children, so they lived in the orphanage since three years.
Estey is very mature and caring young woman. She has no problems at school, she can make friends very easily.
Pearl is a very outgoing girl. She loves to make friends a play with other children. She has some concentration problems at school.
Lenora and Linette have lived in the orphanage since two weeks. Their parents died of an unknown illness.
Lenora loves to make music on the her violin. She is really caring an wants to be a nurse someday. Because she misses her parents so much, she may have some problems accepting new parents.
Congratulations Taryn, Craig, Cassidy, Amity and Joseph
We have found six children for you!
15 years old Estella Katrina Bennett, 9 years old Pearla Korina Bennett, 12 years old Lenora Muriel Robin Scurlock, 7 years old Linette Olive Sabella Scurlock, 6 years old Mackenzie Parker Sanders and 1 year old Marshall Prosper Sanders
Estella "Estey" and Pearla "Pearl" were born in New York City to Ralph Bennett and an Italian woman, Isabella. Their mother was killed 3 years ago. Their father, Ralph, wasn't able to take care of his children, so they lived in the orphanage since three years.
Estey is very mature and caring young woman. She has no problems at school, she can make friends very easily.
Pearl is a very outgoing girl. She loves to make friends a play with other children. She has some concentration problems at school.
Lenora and Linette have lived in the orphanage since two weeks. Their parents died of an unknown illness.
Lenora loves to make music on the her violin. She is really caring an wants to be a nurse someday. Because she misses her parents so much, she may have some problems accepting new parents.
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Parker
Your full name and age: Anna Liselotte (27)
Your spouses full name and age: David Andrew "Dave" (31)
Your childrens full names and ages: Elizabeth Autumn "Lizzy" (4)
How many children are you willing to adopt: 4-5
What gender(s): either
What age (0-15): 10 or Under
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? all types of problems are acceptable.
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Congratulations Parker Family!
Congratulations Anna, David and Lizzy!
We have found five children for you!
10 years old Harland Jasper Craig, 10 years old Clara Irene Craig, 8 years old Maggie Emilia Craig, 5 years old John Reade Joseph Stuyvesant and 3 years old Anna Elizabeth Stuyvesant
Harland, Clara and Maggie are from Mississippi. Their mother died six years ago, giving birth to their baby brother, Joshua Irvin, who also died. Their father, Jasper Irvin Craig, who was captain in the Confederate army, died during the war.
Harland misses his father very much, he may have some trouble accepting his new parents. Harland wants to be in the army someday. He also has some problems at school, he has concentration problems and he can't read that well. He is very bossy towards younger children.
Clara, Harland's twin sister, also has problems at school. Clara can't read that well, allthough she is trying hard to improve. Clara is very caring and sweet.
Maggie is avery energetic child. She is a very tomboyish girl. She has no trouble at school, allthough she can be bossy towards other children.
John and Anna are children of Jacob and Susanna Stuyvesant, rich plantation owners from South Carolina. Their parents were killed in a fire two weeks ago. Their little baby brother Samuel Joshua (2 months old) was hurt by the fire too. He is still in the hospital.
Congratulations Anna, David and Lizzy!
We have found five children for you!
10 years old Harland Jasper Craig, 10 years old Clara Irene Craig, 8 years old Maggie Emilia Craig, 5 years old John Reade Joseph Stuyvesant and 3 years old Anna Elizabeth Stuyvesant
Harland, Clara and Maggie are from Mississippi. Their mother died six years ago, giving birth to their baby brother, Joshua Irvin, who also died. Their father, Jasper Irvin Craig, who was captain in the Confederate army, died during the war.
Harland misses his father very much, he may have some trouble accepting his new parents. Harland wants to be in the army someday. He also has some problems at school, he has concentration problems and he can't read that well. He is very bossy towards younger children.
Clara, Harland's twin sister, also has problems at school. Clara can't read that well, allthough she is trying hard to improve. Clara is very caring and sweet.
Maggie is avery energetic child. She is a very tomboyish girl. She has no trouble at school, allthough she can be bossy towards other children.
John and Anna are children of Jacob and Susanna Stuyvesant, rich plantation owners from South Carolina. Their parents were killed in a fire two weeks ago. Their little baby brother Samuel Joshua (2 months old) was hurt by the fire too. He is still in the hospital.
We are pleased to report that all of our children are doing well. Harland had a rough time at first, but is beginning to warm up to us, though he still calls us Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Clara is improving in school and she likes to play with Lizzy. We are working on helping Maggie not boss other children around. Living in this big family is helping her as well. Maggie sticks very close to Harland and Clara when at home and doesn't play with the other kids too much. John went to school last week and was admitted! He is very smart and has expressed his wishes to be reunited with his brother Samuel. We would like to adopt Samuel if he is still available since John and Anna obviously care very much about him. Anna has been playing with Lizzy and Clara quite a bit while John is at school. When John is at home, she follows him around everywhere. John seems not to mind and is very good to her.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Congratulations again!
We are glad that the kids are doing fine!
We also want to report that Samuel is still available for adoption. His wounds from the fire are almost perfectly healed, allthough he still has scars on his belly, back and legs.
He is healthy, allthough he gets tired easily. We think he may be alot healthier and happier around his older siblings, especially around John.
Please let us know how Samuel is doing in you family!

We are glad that the kids are doing fine!
We also want to report that Samuel is still available for adoption. His wounds from the fire are almost perfectly healed, allthough he still has scars on his belly, back and legs.
He is healthy, allthough he gets tired easily. We think he may be alot healthier and happier around his older siblings, especially around John.
Please let us know how Samuel is doing in you family!


Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Turner
Your full name and age: Katherine Magdalena Harriet Grace 29
Your spouses full name and age: Christopher Maximillian Gerard 34
Your childrens full names and ages: William George Frederic Lucas 7, Alexandra Violet Charlotte Victoria 5, Grace Elizabeth Mary-Katherine 1
How many children are you willing to adopt: 6
What gender(s): 3 boys and 3 girls
What age (0-15): 3 aged over 9 years and 3 under 7 years. A newborn baby would be good!
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Loving wife to Jack
Daughter to Paddy and Cait
Sister to Finn, Con and Muirgen
Mummy to Isaac, Oliver, Jay, Beth, William, Alexandria, Ruby, Lucas and ONE-ON-THE-WAY!!!
Fur Mama to Belle, Jasmine, Minx, Monster, Mischa, Kitty, Hugo, Cleo and Darcy
Your Last Name: Turner
Your full name and age: Katherine Magdalena Harriet Grace 29
Your spouses full name and age: Christopher Maximillian Gerard 34
Your childrens full names and ages: William George Frederic Lucas 7, Alexandra Violet Charlotte Victoria 5, Grace Elizabeth Mary-Katherine 1
How many children are you willing to adopt: 6
What gender(s): 3 boys and 3 girls
What age (0-15): 3 aged over 9 years and 3 under 7 years. A newborn baby would be good!
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Loving wife to Jack
Daughter to Paddy and Cait
Sister to Finn, Con and Muirgen
Mummy to Isaac, Oliver, Jay, Beth, William, Alexandria, Ruby, Lucas and ONE-ON-THE-WAY!!!
Fur Mama to Belle, Jasmine, Minx, Monster, Mischa, Kitty, Hugo, Cleo and Darcy
Congratulations Turner Family!
Congratulations Katherine, Christopher, William, Alexandra and Grace!
We have found six children for you!
13 years old Algar Denzel Cutter, 11 years old Anthony Drew Cutter, 10 years old Sybille Eulalia Cutter, 6 years old Callista Gardenia Cutter, 4 years old Cathleen Gwendolen Cutter and 11 months old Cleveland Isaac Bucyk
Algar, Anthony, Sybille "Billie", Callista "Callie" and Cathleen were born in a small country town in South Dakota. Their mother died 3 years ago. Now their father, who was very ill, also died.
Algar is really caring towards his younger siblings, beacause his father was ill for a while, he skipped school to care for Callie and Cathleen, who were too young for school. Algar has really dark brown, almost black eyes. He can be a bit shy sometimes, but he can also be very outgoing.
Anthony loves everything that has to do with sport. He loves baseball, football, soccer, fishing, fishing, etc. Anthony loves to play with other children. He can be bossy towards his sisters.
Sybille "Billie" loves to paint and draw and she is very good at it too. She makes a lot of painting of her sisters. Billie is a very caring and sweet girl. She wants to be an artist or nurse when she grows up.
Congratulations Katherine, Christopher, William, Alexandra and Grace!
We have found six children for you!
13 years old Algar Denzel Cutter, 11 years old Anthony Drew Cutter, 10 years old Sybille Eulalia Cutter, 6 years old Callista Gardenia Cutter, 4 years old Cathleen Gwendolen Cutter and 11 months old Cleveland Isaac Bucyk
Algar, Anthony, Sybille "Billie", Callista "Callie" and Cathleen were born in a small country town in South Dakota. Their mother died 3 years ago. Now their father, who was very ill, also died.
Algar is really caring towards his younger siblings, beacause his father was ill for a while, he skipped school to care for Callie and Cathleen, who were too young for school. Algar has really dark brown, almost black eyes. He can be a bit shy sometimes, but he can also be very outgoing.
Anthony loves everything that has to do with sport. He loves baseball, football, soccer, fishing, fishing, etc. Anthony loves to play with other children. He can be bossy towards his sisters.
Sybille "Billie" loves to paint and draw and she is very good at it too. She makes a lot of painting of her sisters. Billie is a very caring and sweet girl. She wants to be an artist or nurse when she grows up.
Your Last Name: Campbell
Your full name and age: Laura Marie Campbell (28)
Your spouses full name and age: Jacob Elias Campbell (30)
Your childrens full names and ages: Levi Jonah Campbell (3).
How many children are you willing to adopt: 3
What gender(s): one boy, two girls.
What age (0-15): Younger than 10.
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: No.
Cousins: No.
Twins: Yes.
children with problems: No.
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): Yes.
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your full name and age: Laura Marie Campbell (28)
Your spouses full name and age: Jacob Elias Campbell (30)
Your childrens full names and ages: Levi Jonah Campbell (3).
How many children are you willing to adopt: 3
What gender(s): one boy, two girls.
What age (0-15): Younger than 10.
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: No.
Cousins: No.
Twins: Yes.
children with problems: No.
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): Yes.
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
This message was edited 7/6/2006, 11:18 AM
Congratulations Campbell Family!
Congratulations Laura, Jacob and Levi!
We have found three children for you.
9 years old Veronique Avril DuChamp, 7 years old Ozanne Georgette DuChamp and 6 years old Jacques Felix DuChamp.
Veronique, Ozanne and Jacques are from Ontario, Canada. Ther parents died recently in a fire.
Veronique loves to make music on the piano or her little accordeon. She is good at school, she loves to doher homework, especially maths.
Ozanne loves to play outside and play boy-games, like baseball and football. She and her dad used to go fishing alot. She has a dog, a German shepard named; Honore
Jacques loves to play baseball, he wants to be a pro when he grows up. He is a very good student at school, he likes to do his homework.
Veronique, Ozanne and Jacques

Please let us know how your family is doing!

Congratulations Laura, Jacob and Levi!
We have found three children for you.
9 years old Veronique Avril DuChamp, 7 years old Ozanne Georgette DuChamp and 6 years old Jacques Felix DuChamp.
Veronique, Ozanne and Jacques are from Ontario, Canada. Ther parents died recently in a fire.
Veronique loves to make music on the piano or her little accordeon. She is good at school, she loves to doher homework, especially maths.
Ozanne loves to play outside and play boy-games, like baseball and football. She and her dad used to go fishing alot. She has a dog, a German shepard named; Honore
Jacques loves to play baseball, he wants to be a pro when he grows up. He is a very good student at school, he likes to do his homework.
Veronique, Ozanne and Jacques

Please let us know how your family is doing!

Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Buckingham
Your full name and age: Sarah Katherine (19)
Your spouses full name and age: Harry Alexander (19)
Your childrens full names and ages: Riley Edmund (1), Annamaria Daphne (1)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 6
What gender(s): any
What age (0-15): 5-15
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
Your Last Name: Buckingham
Your full name and age: Sarah Katherine (19)
Your spouses full name and age: Harry Alexander (19)
Your childrens full names and ages: Riley Edmund (1), Annamaria Daphne (1)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 6
What gender(s): any
What age (0-15): 5-15
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
--Sarah Katherine
Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
Congratulations Buckingham family!
Congratulations Sarah, Harry, Riley and Annamaria!
We have found
15 years old Jeane Aline Montgomery, 11 years old Elouise Ilene Montgomery, 11 years old May Cassandra Montgomery, 9 years old Dakota Dave Jason Evans, 6 years old Lily Lizette Swicker and 4 years old Pauline Leslie Swicker
Jeane, Elouise "Elly" and May Montgomery recently lost their parents in a fire.
Jeane really likes to be bossy towards her sisters, but that's because she really loves them and wants the best for them. She is not so good at school, because she absolutely hates school. She can make friends very easily.
Elly and May are twins. They are not identical, so you will not have problems telling them apart. Elly has blond and May has brown hair.
Elly loves to ride horses and play outside. She can be a real tomboy.
May is also very tomboyish, she plays baseball all the time. She and Elly have no problems at school, they can learn very easily.
Dakota is from Michigan, his parents died several years ago, he has lived with his aunts and nieces (Lily and Pauline) since. Now he and his nieces can't live with his aunt anymore.
Congratulations Sarah, Harry, Riley and Annamaria!
We have found
15 years old Jeane Aline Montgomery, 11 years old Elouise Ilene Montgomery, 11 years old May Cassandra Montgomery, 9 years old Dakota Dave Jason Evans, 6 years old Lily Lizette Swicker and 4 years old Pauline Leslie Swicker
Jeane, Elouise "Elly" and May Montgomery recently lost their parents in a fire.
Jeane really likes to be bossy towards her sisters, but that's because she really loves them and wants the best for them. She is not so good at school, because she absolutely hates school. She can make friends very easily.
Elly and May are twins. They are not identical, so you will not have problems telling them apart. Elly has blond and May has brown hair.
Elly loves to ride horses and play outside. She can be a real tomboy.
May is also very tomboyish, she plays baseball all the time. She and Elly have no problems at school, they can learn very easily.
Dakota is from Michigan, his parents died several years ago, he has lived with his aunts and nieces (Lily and Pauline) since. Now he and his nieces can't live with his aunt anymore.
This message was edited 7/6/2006, 2:19 PM
Your Last Name: Hagel
Your full name and age: Maisy Alice
Your spouses full name and age: Arthur Wilbur
Your childrens full names and ages: Harriet Megan 'Hattie' 3 years
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 3
What gender(s): girls
What age (0-15):4-12
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your full name and age: Maisy Alice
Your spouses full name and age: Arthur Wilbur
Your childrens full names and ages: Harriet Megan 'Hattie' 3 years
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 3
What gender(s): girls
What age (0-15):4-12
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)any
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Congratulations Hagel Family!
Congratulations Maisy, Arthur and Hattie!
We have found three children for you!
12 year old Georgia Idonea Foley, 9 year old Isabella Jane Foley and 7 year old Margaret Natalie Charmian Greenlee "Maggie"
Georgia and Isabella are children of Sean Foley, a scottish immigrant and Isabella Lecci, from Italy. Mother Isabella died giving birth to the second baby, that's why their father named the baby Isabella. Sadly, the father died during the civil war.
Georgia is avery smart child, she can learn very easy. Georgia has a problem; she can't walk. When she was little she had an accident. Georgia wants to be a famous writer sometimes.
Isabella can be a little bossy towards her big sister, but Georgia stands up for herself well. Isabella can learn easily too. She loves to play with (younger) children. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
Margaret "Maggie" is the daughter of a captain in the Confederate army and an Irish woman. Maggie's father died in the war and her mother can't take care of her anymore.
Maggie misses her father very much, she may need some help with that. Her best friend is her cat, Rags. Maggie loves to play the piano. She is a very good student at school and very helpful at home. Maggie wants to be a famous pianist when she grows up.
Congratulations Maisy, Arthur and Hattie!
We have found three children for you!
12 year old Georgia Idonea Foley, 9 year old Isabella Jane Foley and 7 year old Margaret Natalie Charmian Greenlee "Maggie"
Georgia and Isabella are children of Sean Foley, a scottish immigrant and Isabella Lecci, from Italy. Mother Isabella died giving birth to the second baby, that's why their father named the baby Isabella. Sadly, the father died during the civil war.
Georgia is avery smart child, she can learn very easy. Georgia has a problem; she can't walk. When she was little she had an accident. Georgia wants to be a famous writer sometimes.
Isabella can be a little bossy towards her big sister, but Georgia stands up for herself well. Isabella can learn easily too. She loves to play with (younger) children. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
Margaret "Maggie" is the daughter of a captain in the Confederate army and an Irish woman. Maggie's father died in the war and her mother can't take care of her anymore.
Maggie misses her father very much, she may need some help with that. Her best friend is her cat, Rags. Maggie loves to play the piano. She is a very good student at school and very helpful at home. Maggie wants to be a famous pianist when she grows up.
Georgia, Isabella and Maggie have settled in well with us.
We have had to rearrange our cottage to accomadate Georgia so she and the other girls share a room downstairs as she is too heavy to carry up and downstairs every day! Our living room is now up stairs! Georgia goes to the local school with Isabella and Maggie, she is top of the class in reading and writing. When she leaves school she wants to write stories and already has had some of her poems printed in the local paper!
Isabella is also doing well at school, although her stubborn bossy streak does get her into a bit of trouble. She is very protective of her sister and school and is a wonderful help with Hattie, whom loves her bigger sisters dearly.
Maggie is also doing well at school, she is very quiet at the minute and hasn't come out of her shell. We cannot afford a piano but she is allowed to practise on the organ in church which she loves, soon she will be good enough to play during services! I can see her getting a music scholorship to go to secondary school, unlike the older two who unfortunately will have to work.
Thankyou again from
Arthur, Maisy, Georgia, Isabella, Maggie and Hattie Hagel
Georgia, Isabella and Maggie have settled in well with us.
We have had to rearrange our cottage to accomadate Georgia so she and the other girls share a room downstairs as she is too heavy to carry up and downstairs every day! Our living room is now up stairs! Georgia goes to the local school with Isabella and Maggie, she is top of the class in reading and writing. When she leaves school she wants to write stories and already has had some of her poems printed in the local paper!
Isabella is also doing well at school, although her stubborn bossy streak does get her into a bit of trouble. She is very protective of her sister and school and is a wonderful help with Hattie, whom loves her bigger sisters dearly.
Maggie is also doing well at school, she is very quiet at the minute and hasn't come out of her shell. We cannot afford a piano but she is allowed to practise on the organ in church which she loves, soon she will be good enough to play during services! I can see her getting a music scholorship to go to secondary school, unlike the older two who unfortunately will have to work.
Thankyou again from
Arthur, Maisy, Georgia, Isabella, Maggie and Hattie Hagel
Your Last Name: Barker
Your full name and age: Marie Antonia "Marie," 35
Your spouses full name and age: Gregory Andrew "Greg," 38
Your childrens full names and ages:
DD: April Bright, 14
DS: Jonas Michael, 10
How many children are you willing to adopt: 1-6
What gender(s): Either
What age (0-15): 0-9
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? Any sort.
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from: 1941-1960
...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Your full name and age: Marie Antonia "Marie," 35
Your spouses full name and age: Gregory Andrew "Greg," 38
Your childrens full names and ages:
DD: April Bright, 14
DS: Jonas Michael, 10
How many children are you willing to adopt: 1-6
What gender(s): Either
What age (0-15): 0-9
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: yes
children with problems: yes
---if yes, what problems? Any sort.
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from: 1941-1960
...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Congratulations Barker Family!
Congratulations Marie, Greg, April and Jonas!
We have found six children for you!
10 year old Harriette Githa Grumble, 7 years old Wilton Talbot Grumble, 8 years old Bert Zachary Simpson, 6 years old Garth Wally Simpson, 4 years old Louisa Dusty Liliana Miller and 1 month old Tianna Reanna Virgie Miller.
Harriette and Wilton Grumble are siblings from Seattle. Their father died in a fire, and their mother died shortly after their fathers dead.
Harriette is a very happy and energetic child. She loves to go to school and hang out with her friends.
Wilton, on the other hand, is very shy and laid back. He misses his parents very much and cries alot. He wants to be in company of his older sister.
Bert and Garth are born in a small town in Indiana. Their father is unknown, and their mother is an alcoholic who left the children to live with thier grandfather. Now the grandfather is too old and sick to take care of the boys.
Bert likes to go to school, he loves to make up stories and write. He can make friends easily.
Garth likes school too, he just learned to read, so he reads stories all the time now. Like his brother, Garth can make friends easily too.
Louisa and Tianna were born in Maine. Their parents died in a car crash.
Congratulations Marie, Greg, April and Jonas!
We have found six children for you!
10 year old Harriette Githa Grumble, 7 years old Wilton Talbot Grumble, 8 years old Bert Zachary Simpson, 6 years old Garth Wally Simpson, 4 years old Louisa Dusty Liliana Miller and 1 month old Tianna Reanna Virgie Miller.
Harriette and Wilton Grumble are siblings from Seattle. Their father died in a fire, and their mother died shortly after their fathers dead.
Harriette is a very happy and energetic child. She loves to go to school and hang out with her friends.
Wilton, on the other hand, is very shy and laid back. He misses his parents very much and cries alot. He wants to be in company of his older sister.
Bert and Garth are born in a small town in Indiana. Their father is unknown, and their mother is an alcoholic who left the children to live with thier grandfather. Now the grandfather is too old and sick to take care of the boys.
Bert likes to go to school, he loves to make up stories and write. He can make friends easily.
Garth likes school too, he just learned to read, so he reads stories all the time now. Like his brother, Garth can make friends easily too.
Louisa and Tianna were born in Maine. Their parents died in a car crash.
This message was edited 7/6/2006, 1:14 PM
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Sims
Your full name and age: Marie Nicole (30)
Your spouses full name and age: Cedric James (34)
Your childrens full names and ages: Cedric James (4) Lily Nicole (2) Andrew Edward (1)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 5
What gender(s): 3 Boys, 2 Girls
What age (0-15): 4 and under.
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: 1 Sibset of 5, please!
Cousins: No
Twins: Yes
children with problems: No
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes/no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Your Last Name: Sims
Your full name and age: Marie Nicole (30)
Your spouses full name and age: Cedric James (34)
Your childrens full names and ages: Cedric James (4) Lily Nicole (2) Andrew Edward (1)
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6): 5
What gender(s): 3 Boys, 2 Girls
What age (0-15): 4 and under.
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: 1 Sibset of 5, please!
Cousins: No
Twins: Yes
children with problems: No
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes/no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:
Congratulations Sims Family!
Congratulations Marie, Cedric, Cedric, Lily and Andrew!
We have found five children for you!
7 year old Tiana Susannah Birch, 5 year old Jonathon Ted Birch, 3 year old Dave Clair Birch, 2 year old Kathy Jolie Birch and 9 months old Beaumont Brandon Birch are siblings from Maine, their father left their mother while she was pregnant with Kathy. Their mother remarried and that guy left her when she was pregnan, two months later. The mother died giving birth to Beaumont. (9 months ago) The sibling have lived in the orphanage since that.
Tiana is very sad that her mother died. She has taken the mother role to take care of her younger siblings. She is not that good at school, because she can't read that well.
Jonathon loves to play with his little brother Dave. Jonathon loves to play outside, play with other children and climbe trees.
Dave loves Jonathon very much, he sees him as his rolemodel. Dave can be a little clumsy, because he wants to do everything at once.
Kathy loves to play with her dolls and dress up. She also likes to help Tiana taking care of baby Beaumont.
Beaumont can already stand. He is very energetic and strong. He is a bit chubby, because he eats alot.
Congratulations Marie, Cedric, Cedric, Lily and Andrew!
We have found five children for you!
7 year old Tiana Susannah Birch, 5 year old Jonathon Ted Birch, 3 year old Dave Clair Birch, 2 year old Kathy Jolie Birch and 9 months old Beaumont Brandon Birch are siblings from Maine, their father left their mother while she was pregnant with Kathy. Their mother remarried and that guy left her when she was pregnan, two months later. The mother died giving birth to Beaumont. (9 months ago) The sibling have lived in the orphanage since that.
Tiana is very sad that her mother died. She has taken the mother role to take care of her younger siblings. She is not that good at school, because she can't read that well.
Jonathon loves to play with his little brother Dave. Jonathon loves to play outside, play with other children and climbe trees.
Dave loves Jonathon very much, he sees him as his rolemodel. Dave can be a little clumsy, because he wants to do everything at once.
Kathy loves to play with her dolls and dress up. She also likes to help Tiana taking care of baby Beaumont.
Beaumont can already stand. He is very energetic and strong. He is a bit chubby, because he eats alot.
This message was edited 7/6/2006, 11:27 AM
Fill in this list:
Your Last Name: Linn
Your full name and age: Lisa Marie, 23
Your spouses full name and age: n/a
Your childrens full names and ages: none
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s): 3
What age (0-15): 0-5
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from: *1901-1920
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
Your Last Name: Linn
Your full name and age: Lisa Marie, 23
Your spouses full name and age: n/a
Your childrens full names and ages: none
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6)
What gender(s): 3
What age (0-15): 0-5
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: yes
Twins: yes
children with problems: no
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): yes
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from: *1901-1920
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
Congratulations Linn Family!
Congratulations Lisa!
We have found 3 children for you!
2 year old Ora Ginger Summer Barkley, 8 months old Jimmy Meredith Normand Barkley and 5 months old Kaitlin Rowena Campbell
Ora and Jimmy are from Ohio. Their perants died in a car accident.
They lived with their grandmother for two months, but she died recently.
Ora loves to take care of her younger brother, she love to cuddle him. Ora likes to be read to.
Jimmy is a smily little boy. He loves to be with his sister. He is very energetic.
Kaitlin's parents also died in a car crash. Her older siblings, Mathew and Trenton also died during that crash. She was the only survivor.
Kaitlin is a very beautiful and healthy child.
A picture of Ora and Jimmy a few months ago:


Please let us know how your family is doing!

Congratulations Lisa!
We have found 3 children for you!
2 year old Ora Ginger Summer Barkley, 8 months old Jimmy Meredith Normand Barkley and 5 months old Kaitlin Rowena Campbell
Ora and Jimmy are from Ohio. Their perants died in a car accident.
They lived with their grandmother for two months, but she died recently.
Ora loves to take care of her younger brother, she love to cuddle him. Ora likes to be read to.
Jimmy is a smily little boy. He loves to be with his sister. He is very energetic.
Kaitlin's parents also died in a car crash. Her older siblings, Mathew and Trenton also died during that crash. She was the only survivor.
Kaitlin is a very beautiful and healthy child.
A picture of Ora and Jimmy a few months ago:


Please let us know how your family is doing!

Your Last Name: n/a
Your full name and age: Erica Nichole "Nikki" 27
Your spouses full name and age: Sean Robert 27
Your childrens full names and ages: Aiden Matthew Robert 5
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 2
What gender(s): 1 female and 1 male
What age (0-15): female 3ish and male under 1
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: no
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:

Your full name and age: Erica Nichole "Nikki" 27
Your spouses full name and age: Sean Robert 27
Your childrens full names and ages: Aiden Matthew Robert 5
How many children are you willing to adopt (max. 6) 2
What gender(s): 1 female and 1 male
What age (0-15): female 3ish and male under 1
Are you willing to adopt:
Siblings: yes
Cousins: no
Twins: no
children with problems: no
---if yes, what problems? (emotional, physical, mental)
children with a pet (such as a dog or cat): no
We have children from different eras, please tell us what era you like to adopt from:

Congratulations Nikki, Sean and Aiden!
We have found two children for you!
Three year old Hollie Piper Francine O'Neal and 11 months old Nash Ainsley Brown.
Hollie was born to John and Emma O'Neal, Irish immigrants. She was born in New York. Hollie's parents died one month ago by a fire. Hollie has no family left.
Hollie is a bit shy. She loves to be cuddled and hugged. It's good for Hollie to be with other children, she never had any siblings.
Nash is a happy little fellow. He loves to play with other children an with his toy horse. His mother died giving birth, his father is unknown. Nash has a big sister, Anne Rebecca (7), who has been adopted several months ago.
Here's a picture of Hollie and her parents:

A picture of Nash in the orphanage

Please let us know how your family is doing!
(Sorry for the big picture :p)

Congratulations Nikki, Sean and Aiden!
We have found two children for you!
Three year old Hollie Piper Francine O'Neal and 11 months old Nash Ainsley Brown.
Hollie was born to John and Emma O'Neal, Irish immigrants. She was born in New York. Hollie's parents died one month ago by a fire. Hollie has no family left.
Hollie is a bit shy. She loves to be cuddled and hugged. It's good for Hollie to be with other children, she never had any siblings.
Nash is a happy little fellow. He loves to play with other children an with his toy horse. His mother died giving birth, his father is unknown. Nash has a big sister, Anne Rebecca (7), who has been adopted several months ago.
Here's a picture of Hollie and her parents:

A picture of Nash in the orphanage

Please let us know how your family is doing!
(Sorry for the big picture :p)

This message was edited 7/6/2006, 10:54 AM
Aiden, Hollie and Nash are getting along great. They love to play together and Aiden loves being a big brother. Both Hollie and Nash are a little shy and have clung to each other, prob because they are both new to this sitution. Sean and I are doing well. We are learning to ropes of taking care of more childre. We were wondering if there is any way that Nash and his sister could meet. We would like them to stay in touch since they are the only real family that they have. In fact, if the other family would be willing we would happily take Anna into our home as well.

Nash's sister, 7 years old Anne Rebecca would like to live with your family. Her adoptive mother just gave birth to triplets, and the family has no money to take care of her anymore.
Anne would love to meet Nash, it's been a long time that the two have been together.
Anne is not very shy, she says what's on her mind. She can make friends very easily.
Anne with her birth mother at age 6.

Please tell us how your family is doing!

Anne would love to meet Nash, it's been a long time that the two have been together.
Anne is not very shy, she says what's on her mind. She can make friends very easily.
Anne with her birth mother at age 6.

Please tell us how your family is doing!

This message was edited 7/7/2006, 1:01 AM