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Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!
Welcome to Keepskuh’s All in One Congrats!If you have questions, feel free to ask me.-----------------------------Round oneLast name: from this site: twoSO1: FN from this:
MN: threeSO2: FN from this:
MN: fourBath or shower?
Bath: you get DD
Shower: you get DSGirls: FN: Beginning with “El-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Er-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”-----------------------------Round fiveDo you like to skate?
Yes: you get DS
No: you get DDGirls: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-lia”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-ik”-----------------------------Round sixHow many syllables has you’re LN?
1: you get DS with naming rules 1
2: you get DD with naming rules 3
3: you get DS with naming rules 2
4: you get DD with naming rules 1
5: you get DS with naming rules 3
more: you get DD with naming rules 2Naming rules 1 (boys and girls):
MN: rules 2 (boys and girls):
MN: rules 3 (boys and girls):
MN: sevenHow many cell-phones you have at this moment?
1: you get DS
2: you get DD
more: you get DS/DDAll (boys and girls) names:
MN: eight What’s you favorite of these two shows?
MASH: youy get DD/DD
It ain’t half hot mum: you get DS/DS
Never heard of them: you get DD/DS or DS/DD what you preferUse (FN) names from:
MN: must be anagrams (four or five letters)
-----------------------------Round nine (Final round)If you join a band, what will you play?
Play? I sing ofcourse!: you get DD
Guitar: you get DS
Keyboard: you get DD/DD
Drums: you get DD/DS
Bass: you get DS/DS
Trompet or Accordeon: you get DD/DD/DD
Other: you get DS/DS/DSAll names from: Fun!

This message was edited 7/1/2006, 2:35 AM

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Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Keepskuh  ·  7/1/2006, 2:26 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  CalambroneItalia  ·  7/2/2006, 8:32 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Shayde  ·  7/2/2006, 7:40 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Diamante04  ·  7/1/2006, 4:55 PM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  sarah lee  ·  7/1/2006, 1:49 PM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Array  ·  7/1/2006, 12:19 PM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  HarrysGirl  ·  7/1/2006, 11:55 AM
hit enter too fast... duh!  ·  Jen  ·  7/1/2006, 10:47 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  glukumalon  ·  7/1/2006, 10:10 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  echo_of_the_past  ·  7/1/2006, 9:27 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Kelseyyy  ·  7/1/2006, 9:24 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  estel  ·  7/1/2006, 9:08 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Rachel  ·  7/1/2006, 8:16 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  michal1234  ·  7/1/2006, 8:06 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Elle  ·  7/1/2006, 6:50 AM
Re: Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!  ·  Anne88  ·  7/1/2006, 5:06 AM
Mine  ·  Keepskuh  ·  7/1/2006, 2:37 AM