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Keepskuh's All-in-one Congrats!
Welcome to Keepskuh’s All in One Congrats!If you have questions, feel free to ask me.-----------------------------Round oneLast name: from this site: twoSO1: FN from this:
MN: threeSO2: FN from this:
MN: fourBath or shower?
Bath: you get DD
Shower: you get DSGirls: FN: Beginning with “El-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Er-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”-----------------------------Round fiveDo you like to skate?
Yes: you get DS
No: you get DDGirls: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-lia”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-ik”-----------------------------Round sixHow many syllables has you’re LN?
1: you get DS with naming rules 1
2: you get DD with naming rules 3
3: you get DS with naming rules 2
4: you get DD with naming rules 1
5: you get DS with naming rules 3
more: you get DD with naming rules 2Naming rules 1 (boys and girls):
MN: rules 2 (boys and girls):
MN: rules 3 (boys and girls):
MN: sevenHow many cell-phones you have at this moment?
1: you get DS
2: you get DD
more: you get DS/DDAll (boys and girls) names:
MN: eight What’s you favorite of these two shows?
MASH: youy get DD/DD
It ain’t half hot mum: you get DS/DS
Never heard of them: you get DD/DS or DS/DD what you preferUse (FN) names from:
MN: must be anagrams (four or five letters)
-----------------------------Round nine (Final round)If you join a band, what will you play?
Play? I sing ofcourse!: you get DD
Guitar: you get DS
Keyboard: you get DD/DD
Drums: you get DD/DS
Bass: you get DS/DS
Trompet or Accordeon: you get DD/DD/DD
Other: you get DS/DS/DSAll names from: Fun!

This message was edited 7/1/2006, 2:35 AM

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-----------------------------Round oneLast name: Barone-----------------------------Round twoSO1: Soleil Liberty
-----------------------------Round threeSO2: Fortunato Savio
-----------------------------Round fourBath or shower? ShowerDS: Eric Gareth
-----------------------------Round fiveDo you like to skate? No
DD: Emma Natalia----------------------------Round sixHow many syllables has you’re LN? 3DS: Bonaventura Sappho "Bo"
-----------------------------Round sevenHow many cell-phones you have at this moment? 1
DS: David Phinehas
-----------------------------Round eight What’s you favorite of these two shows? MASHDD/DD: Cara Meira/ Mia Marie
-----------------------------Round nine (Final round)If you join a band, what will you play? GuitarDS: Craig Scott
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Soleil Liberty Vesela
Asher Lugh VeselaEros Jareth Vesela
Emmaleigh Lilia Vesela
Kalyan Pich Vesela
Tyr Phinehas Vesela
Daphne Ame Vesela / Selene Mae Vesela
Fraser Jackson Vesela
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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LN: Aalders-Vogel
DW: Sunday Yoshiko
DW: Mehetabel PhoebeDD: Electra Jobeth
DS: Emmanuel Tyrik
DD: Cecilia Vincent
DS: David Pythagoras
DD/DD: Columba Luna, Jemima Lanu
DD: Bell SutherlandSunny and Bel,
Eli, Manny, CV, Dapper, Colli, Jem, and Sutherland Aalders-VogelArray

...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Round oneLast name: from this site: twoSO1: FN from this:
MN: threeSO2: FN from this:
MN: fourBath or shower?
Bath: you get DD
Shower: you get DSGirls: FN: Beginning with “El-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Er-”
MN: Ending with “-eth”-----------------------------Round fiveDo you like to skate?
Yes: you get DS
No: you get DDGirls: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-lia”Boys: FN: Beginning with “Em-”
MN: Ending with “-ik”-----------------------------Round sixHow many syllables has you’re LN?
1: you get DS with naming rules 1
2: you get DD with naming rules 3
3: you get DS with naming rules 2
4: you get DD with naming rules 1
5: you get DS with naming rules 3
more: you get DD with naming rules 2Naming rules 1 (boys and girls):

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hit enter too fast... duh!Last name: FrankDW: Eloise Liberty
DH: Asher ColbertDD: Eliana Elisabeth (Ellie)
DD: Emmeline Amelia
DS: Tanner Wilson
DS: David Phinehas
DD/DS: Atarah Elga and Stephen Gale (Atti and Gale)
DS/DS/DS: Alexander Marshall, Jackson Hunter and Miller Gray (Xander, Jack and Miller)
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LN: Tolbert
SO1: Eloise Liberty
SO2: Asher Robert
DS: Ernest Gareth "Ernie"
DD: Emmeline Cecilia
DS: Carter Thomas
DD: Olwen Cassandra
DD/DD: Aurora Irene / Dawn Regina
DD/DS: Taylor Mackenzie / Scott Stewart

This message was edited 7/1/2006, 9:28 AM

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LN: Bristow
DW: Kelsey Nicole
DH: Benjamin DanielDS: Sorin Liberty
DD: Makena Clare
DD: Ella Lizeth
DD: Emma Dahlia
DS: Felix Ruby
DS: David Phinehas
DD/DS: Aidan Stone/Nadia Sonet
DD: Mackenzie Hunter
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LN: Barone
DH: Cyrus Jephthah
DW: Makena Niamh "Kenna"
DS: Erik Gareth
DS: Emery Malik
DD: Rowan Kennedy
DS: David Phineas "Davy"
DS/DD: Jonah Aidan and Margaret Nadia "Maggie"
DS: Hunter Graham
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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LN TolbertDH: Cyrus Liber
DW: Makena PhoebeDS Eric Seth
DD Emma Amelia
DD Kali Madison
DS Tyr Phinehas
DS/DD Brendan Leon/Sarah Noel
DD/DD Lindsay Jamieson/McKenzie TaylorCy and Makena, Eric, Emma, Kali, Ty, Brendan, Sarah, Lindsay and Kenzie
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LN: Sonnen - BristowDH: Cyrus Freeman
DW: Gay ShirleyDS: Erico Japheth (15)
DS: Emmett Dominik (14)
DD: Marley Georgia (11)
DS: Fionn Hemming (8)
DD/DS: Nadia Lena / Aidan Lane (6)
DS: Anderson Scott (2)Cyrus & Gay,
Erico, Emmett, Marley, Fionn, Nadia, Aidan, and Anderson.
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
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LN: MacDermott
SO1: Cyrus Freeman
SO2: Meriwhether Eirian
DS: Errol Seth
DD: Emmy Cordelia
DS: Felix Neelam
DS/DD: David Hemming and Olwen Peony
DD/DD: Margaret Mair "Maggie" and Pearl Imra
DD/DS: Lindsay Muir and Maclean CrawfordCyrus and Meriwether MacDermott with:
Errol, Emmy, Felix, David, Olwen, Maggie, Pearl, Lindsay and Maclean
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