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Re: Mar 16: Options CAF
DH: Odysseus Frederick Murgatroyd
DW: Cosima Daphne Murgatroyd, née MarsdenDS1/DS2: Alastair Maximilian Diggory Murgatroyd & Cillian Malcolm Earnest Murgatroyd
DD1/DD2: Rosalind Eliza Jane Saunders, née Murgatroyd & Athena Isobel May MurgatroydOdysseus & Cosima; Alastair & Cillian and Rosalind & Athena*DS1 (Alastair):
DW: Madeleine Grace Murgatroyd, née IngallsDD: Nefeli Summer Murgatroyd
DD: Lavinia Vesper MurgatroydAlastair & Madeleine; Nefeli and Lavinia*DS2 (Cillian):
DW: Arabella Marie Murgatroyd, née EcclestoneDS: August Wolfgang Murgatroyd
DD: Ethel Artemis Murgatroyd
DS: Rex Balthasar Murgatroyd
DS: Magnus Aubrey MurgatroydCillian & Arabella; August, Ethel, Rex, and Magnus*DD1 (Rosalind):
DH: Struan Innes SaundersDD/DD: Ruth Harriet Saunders & Hero Christine Saunders
DS: Benedict Alderson Saunders
DD: Astrid Elora SaundersRosalind & Struan; Ruth & Hero, Benedict, and Astrid*DD2 (Athena):
DH: Caleb Dean BurtonDD: Poppy Leonora Burton
DS: Abel Lawson Burton
DD/DD: Olive Mirren Burton & Faith Boudicca Burton
DS: Teddy Valentine BurtonAthena & Caleb; Poppy, Abel, Olive & Faith, and TeddyLISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
vote up1

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