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Translate a name! (Round One)
Exactly as the title says, translate names into a language of your choice, including ancient/medieval languages (like Latin and Ancient Greek) and invented languages (like Esperanto). The methods of these include:
- Use a cognate or equivalent in that language (like Johannes for John). If no equivalent exists in that language, use a similar-sounding name, a name starting with the same letter or phonetically translate it into that language. In addition, if the language uses a non-Latin script (like Cyrillic), the name can be transcribed into it (like Vilyam for William).
- If the language allows nicknames/diminutives, you can freely use existing and invented ones. Pseudonyms will also be included and will be listed as such.
- This will only include given and middle names, no surnames or patronymics (if there are, they will be marked as such).Here are all the names for round one, all in English, except if said otherwise:Lucas Blake Frederick
Madison Jennifer Christina (nickname: Maddie)
Elizabeth Augusta Josephine (nickname: Lily)

This message was edited 2/28/2025, 8:29 AM

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Updated the rules a little bit.
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Lukács Balázs Frigyes
Lucas Blake FrederickMatild Dzsenifer Krisztina “Kriszta”
Madison Jennifer Christina “Maddie”Erzsébet Ágosta Jozefa “Erzsi”
Elizabeth Augusta Josephine “Lily”
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Loukas Mavros Epaphroditos (Greek & Ancient Greek)
Lucas Blake FrederickMaud Gaynor Christiane "MaudieBel" (Medieval English)
Madison Jennifer Christina "Maddie"Chizoba Akuchi Ngozi "Chi Chi" (Igbo)
Elizabeth Augusta Josephine "Lily"****

This message was edited 2/26/2025, 10:04 PM

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Luka Bogdan Fedorov
Matilda “Tilda” Yulia Kristina
Yelizaveta “Liza” Avgusta Yustina
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Lufa Blæc Friðuric (Anglo-Saxon)
Mafalda Ginevra Cristina "Falda" (Italian and Portuguese)
Elikapeka Aukukina Iokepine "Lika" (Hawaiian)
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Luca Bertrando Federico
Matilde Ginevra Cristina
Elisabetta Augusta Giuseppina (Elisa)
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