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Re: Would You Rather..? (5 of 7)
DH: Apollo Luke Montgomery
DW: Winnie Marigold (Blyden) MontgomeryDD1: Gemma Guinevere (Montgomery) Pembrooke
DH: Augustus Wolf Pembrooke
- DS: Walker Rex Pembrooke
- DD: Pippa Amalia Pembrooke
- DD: Amaryllis Belle Pembrooke
- DS: Cian Maxwell Pembrooke
- DS: Fox Callahan PembrookeDD2: Elise Bianca (Montgomery) Phillips
DH: Beck Galen Phillips
- DD: Nadia Cecily Phillips
- DS: Jack Wallace Phillips
- DD: Madeleine Effie Phillips
- DD: Laurel Summer Phillips
- DD: Arabella Goldie PhillipsDS1: Declan Joseph Montgomery
DW: Savannah May (Ashmore) Montgomery
- DD: Winona Dove Montgomery
- DD: Calla Tess Montgomery
- DS: Gray Alexander Montgomery
- DD: Dahlia Joy Montgomery
- DS: Boden Charles MontgomeryDS2: Hudson Walter Montgomery
DW: Raina Yvette (Deveraux) Montgomery
- DS: Brady Isaiah Montgomery
- DD: Desdemona Carys Montgomery
- DD: Isobel Penny Montgomery
- DS: Reese Jeremiah Montgomery
- DS: Henry Thatcher Montgomery
- Exp. DD: Saphhira Demi Montgomery
DD3: Cressida Hattie Montgomery
DS3: Oberon Ryder Montgomery
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