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Re: New Year NTNB 7
in reply to a message by Guest
DxH (53): Theodore “Teddy” Julian Whitmore (ari.)
DxW (54): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)DS1 (23): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
-DF (22): Claudia Lyra BenbowDS2 (21): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
-DGF (21): Sadie Joy Reynolds (Rowena)
-DS (nb): Anakin Reynolds WhitmoreDD1 (18): Céline Bridget Whitmore (Robert)DS3 (18): Elias Harold Whitmore (molly)
-DBF (19): Sebastian Tobias HalvorsenDD2 (16): Nicole Josephine Whitmore (cher529s)DDog (6): Duke (BlueOcean123)
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