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Re: generation caf 27.12
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [94] Damian Lewis Bradford
DW [93] Graciela Maribel Bradford nee Molina
DD1 [71] Grace Maribel Bradford
DD2 [69] Maisie Nicole Bradford
DS1 [66] Lewis Enrique Bradford
DS2 [66] Thomas Alvaro Bradford
DD3 [62] Ava Alexandra Bradford
DD4 [58] Sara Paloma BradfordDamian & Graciela
Grace | Maisie | Lewis | Thomas | Ava | Sara*
DD1 [71] Grace Maribel Blake nee Bradford
DH [72] Ezra August BlakeDD [50] Alicia Maribel Blake
- ExH [49] Harlan Bradley Bowman
- DS [14] Kellan Lawrence BowmanAlicia & Harlan
KellanDD [48] Jamie Renee Knox nee Blake
- DH [49] Theodore Nolan Knox
- DD [20] Rose Antonia Knox
- DS [18] Xavier John Knox
-- Dgf [18] Michaela Danielle Lloyd
-- DD [exp] Octavia Thomasina Knox-LloydJamie & Theodore
Rose | XavierXavier & Michaela
OctaviaDS [45] Elliot Rafael Blake
- ExGf [45] Ella Margaret Newton
-- DS [28] Raymond Rafael BlakeElliot & Ella
Raymond- DW [40] Talia Hazel Blake nee Whitaker
- DD [16] Wilhelmina Katarina Blake "Billie"
- DD [12] Haven Bryony BlakeElliot & Talia
Billie | HavenDS [43] Angelo William Blake
- ExW [42] Xanthe Viola Reeves
-- DD [22] Cosette Sophia Blake
--- DD [4] Arwen Mercy Blake
-- DD [19] Noelle Veronica BlakeAngelo & Xanthe
Cosette | NoelleCosette
Arwen- DW [35] Adeline Constance Blake nee Holt
-- DS [1] Angelo William Blake "Will"Angelo & Adeline
WillDS [40] Austin Diego Blake
- DW [37] Gwen Mavis Blake nee Barrett
- DS [11] Austin Diego Blake "Diego"
- DS [9] Emiliano Wyatt Blake
- DD [7] Naiara Jimena Blake
- DD [4] Mireya Lourdes Blake
- DD [exp] Maite Saskia BlakeAustin & Gwen
Diego | Emiliano | Naiara | Mireya | MaiteGrace & Ezra
Alicia | Jamie | Elliot | Angelo | Austin*
DD2 [69] Maisie Nicole Adler nee Bradford
ExH [71] Gareth Dexter CarsonDS [47] Gareth Dexter Carson "Dexter"
- DW [42] Aviva Helena Carson nee McCall
- DD [16] Gia Aliana Carson
- DD [14] Pandora Arianna Carson
- DD [11] Briar-Rose Holly Carson
- DD [6] Willow Amy CarsonDexter & Aviva
Gia | Pandora | Briar-Rose | WillowDD [44] Corinne Isabel Harmon nee Carson
- DH [44] Frederick Ivor Harmon
- DS [10] Ivor Frederick Harmon "Freddie"
- DD [7] Cassandra Amity Harmon "Cassie"Corinne & Frederick
Freddie | CassieMaisie & Gareth
Dexter | Corinne
DH [70] Noah Watson AdlerDS [35] Amadeus Griffin Adler
- ExW [35] Joy Kimberly Middleton
-- DD [16] Serenity Caitriona Adler
-- DD [14] Lucasta Maya Adler
-- DD [11] Tamara Olivia AdlerAmadeus & Joy
Serenity | Lucasta | Tamara- DW [31] Sofia Lindsey Adler nee Walters
-- DD [3] Anastasia Mae Adler
-- DD [nb] Delilah Belle AdlerAmadeus & Sofia
Anastasia | DelilahDS [33] August Felix Adler
- DW [34] Ksenija Janković Adler
- DS [4] Luka Mateja Adler
- DD [8m] Jovana Celia Adler "Jovie"August & Ksenija
Luka | JovieMaisie & Noah
Amadeus | August*
DS1 [66] Lewis Enrique Bradford
DW [58] Kavita Patel BradfordDS [34] Jonah Kalidas Bradford
- ExGf [32] Angel Odette Newman
-- DS [12] Wilder Nathaniel Bradford
-- DD [11] Elise Alexandra BradfordJonah & Angel
Wilder | Elise- DF [29] Summer Adeline Samuels
-- DD & DS [5m] Angelina Georgina Bradford & Tobias Parker BradfordJonah & Summer
Angelina | TobiasDD [32] Lila Anisha Spears nee Bradford
- DH [33] Jordan Cade Spears
- DD [3] Nikita Amala Spears
- DS [exp] Naveen Kailash SpearsLila & Jordan
Nikita | NaveenDS [29] Kayden Nikhil Bradford
- Dgf [26] Ieva Kazlauskas BradfordKayden & IevaDS [29] Dashiell Rakesh Bradford "Dash"
- Dbf [30] Gerard Isidore McLeanDash & GerardLewis & Kavita
Jonah | Lila | Kayden | Dash*
DS2 [66] Thomas Alvaro Bradford
DW [61] Maxine Frances Bradford nee KempThomas & Maxine*
DD3 [62] Ava Alexandra Rossi nee Bradford
DH [63] Dante Alberto RossiDD [40] Alessandra Ava McClendon Rossi
- DH [40] Ptolemy Leonidas McClendon "Tolly"
- DS [11] Sparrow Dante McClendon
- DS [9] Maxwell Alberto McClendon "Max"
- DS [6] Todd Eduardo McClendon
- DD [exp] Piper Alessandra McClendonAlessandra & Tolly
Sparrow | Max | Todd | PiperDS [38] Dante Alberto Rossi
- ExW [36] Artemis Isabella Lockett
-- DS [14] Salvatore Michael Rossi
-- DD [12] Demetria Hannelore Rossi
-- DS [9] Valentino Philip RossiDante & Artemis
Salvatore | Demetria | Valentino- DW [33] Isabeau Guinevere Rossi nee Hale
-- DS [3] Ezekiel Massimo Rossi
-- DS [nb] Joshua Niccolo RossiDante & Isabeau
Ezekiel | JoshuaDD [35] Ophelia Valentina Rossi
- DW [32] Kyra Joanna Rossi nee Bishop
- DD [6] Azzurra Selena Rossi
- DS [3] Vincenzo Paolo Rossi
- DD [4m] Caterina Angelica RossiOphelia & Kyra
Azzurra | Vincenzo | CaterinaDS [31] Ludovico Nathan RossiAva & Dante
Alessandra | Dante | Ophelia | Ludovico
DD4 [58] Sara Paloma Bradford
DW [53] Aida Liana Bradford nee Shepherd
ADS [22] Ace Jin-hwan Bradford
- Dgf [21] Pixie Evangeline Alford
- DD [exp] Mali Sun-won Alford
DS [15] Maximus Graham Alford "Max"
DD [12] Alina Miriam AlfordSara & Aida
Ace | Max | AlinaAce & Pixie
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