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Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10
DH [88] FN and MN are between 1-10 in Finland, LN is Finnish
DW [88] Initials are ALP DS1 [66] Fathers name
DS2 [64] FN is 11-20 in Finland, MN is mother's fathers name [your choice]
DD1 [60] FN is between 1-10 in Finland, MN is mothers FN
DD2 [55] FN is between 11-20 in Finland, MN is fathers mothers name [your choice]**
DS1 (66)
DW [65] FN and MN are between 195-205 in 1959, LN ends in -tonDD [45] FN means beautiful, MN is grandmothers FN
- DW [40] Initials are CBN
- DS [9] FN is a place name, MN is a popular MN
- DD [6] FN is a country, MN is a popular MNDS [43] FN is short and handsome, MN is fathers FN
- ExW1 [44] FN and MN were very popular in the 1970s, LN is double barrelled
-- DD [24] FN and MN are between 101-115 in 1997
-- DD [23] FN and MN are between 205-220 in 1998
--- DH [27] FN is trendy, MN and LN are Arabic
--- DS [2] FN is Arabic, MN is grandfathers FN
--- DD [nb] FN is Arabic, MN is grandmothers FN
-- DD [20] FN and MN are between 330-345 in 2001
--- Dgf [25] FN and MN are from here :, LN is Arabic
- ExW2 [43] FN is a double barrelled and Spanish, MN and LN are also Spanish
-- DD [15] FN is Spanish, MN is mothers MN
-- DS [13] FN is Spanish, MN is fathers FN
- DW [39] Initials are MAE
-- DS [5] FN is uncommon, MN is old fashioned
-- DS [2] FN is uncommon, MN is old fashioned DS [40] FN has nice meaning, MN is up to you DS [38] FN is very masculine, MN begins with J
- Dgf [34] FN is a month, MN is long and feminine, LN is two syllables DD [30] FN is a colour, MN ends in -ia **
DS2 (64)
DW [63] FN is Czech but easy to pronounce in English, maiden name is also CzechDD [41] FN is from here :, MN is mothers FN
- DH [42] FN and MN are between 650-665 in 1982, LN begins with H
- DD [12] FN and MN are between 420-430 in the USA 2023
- DD [10] FN and MN are between 510-520 in the USA 2023
- DD [3] FN and MN are between 730-740 in the USA 2023DD [38] FN is from here :, MN is Czech
- DH [41] FN, MN and LN are Irish
- DD [13] FN is Irish, MN is Czech
- DD [11] FN is Irish, MN is Czech
- DD [8] FN is Irish, MN is Czech
- DD [4] FN is Irish, MN is Czech
- DS [18m] FN is Irish, MN is CzechDD [34] FN is from here :, MN is Czech
- ExH [35] FN and MN are classics, LN begins with B
-- DD [15] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
-- DS [13] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
-- DS [10] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DH [33] FN and MN are between 130-140 in the UK in 1998, LN is Welsh
-- DHAD [8] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
-- DD [5] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
-- DS [3] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
-- DD [exp] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here : [29] FN is from here :, MN is Czech
- Dgf [25] Initials are SCD **
DD1 (60)
ExH [60] FN and MN are between 30-45 in the state of California in 1964, LN begins with CDS [39] FN and MN are between 75-85 in the state of California in 1985
- DW [39] FN and MN are between 85-95 in the state of California in 1985, maiden name is common
- DD [17] FN and MN are between 1-10 in the state of California in 2000
- DS [15] FN and MN are between 11-20 in the state of California in 2000
- DS [12] FN and MN are between 21-30 in the state of California in 2000
- DD [7] FN and MN are between 31-40 in the state of California in 2000
- DD [exp] FN and MN are between 41-50 in the state of California in 2000DD [37] FN and MN are between 15-25 in the state of California in 1987
- DW [33] FN and MN are old fashioned, LN is long
- DS [3] FN is old fashioned, MN trendy
- DD [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is trendyDH [58] FN, MN and LN are ItalianDD [32] FN and MN are Italian
- DH [35] FN, MN and LN are Italian
- DS [7] Fathers name reversed
- DS [5] FN and MN are Italian
- DD & DD [1] FNs are Italian and MNs is their mothers FN and MN DS [29] Fathers name **
DD2 (55)
DH [55] Initials are NPD DD [33] FN and MN are between 120-135 in 2010
- DH [31] FN, MN and LN are French
- DS [8] FN is French, MN is grandfathers FN
- DS [6] FN is French, MN is a classic
- DS [3] FN is French, MN is a classic
- DD [2] FN is French, MN is mothers FN
- DD [exp] FN is French, MN is grandmothers FNDD [31] FN and MN are between 190-205 in 2010DS [29] FN and MN are between 210-225 in 2010
- Dgf [32] FN and LN are Arabic
- DD [exp] FN is Arabic, MN is between 500-515 in USA DD [26] FN and MN are between 340-355 in 2010
- Dfiancee [25] FN, MN and LN are Slovenian DS [24] FN and MN are between 450-465 in 2010DS [21] FN and MN are between 500-515 in 2010
- DW [21] FN and MN are between 120-130 in 2010, maiden name is Croatian
- DS [3] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [nb] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here : (use any of these names)DD [17] FN and MN are between 760-775 in 2010
DD [13] FN and MN are between 530-545 in 2010- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
vote up1


Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  Evie  ·  10/26/2024, 12:38 AM
Re: Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  Cactus2000  ·  1/21/2025, 9:39 AM
Re: Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  hyacinthe  ·  11/24/2024, 7:21 AM
Re: Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  jessica_p  ·  10/30/2024, 10:07 AM
Re: Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  Nix  ·  10/27/2024, 4:40 AM
The Aaltonens  ·  Kinola  ·  10/26/2024, 2:21 PM
Re: Generation CAF w/ rules 26.10  ·  Evie  ·  10/26/2024, 6:16 AM