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Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6
The year is 1927, and it's August.Family 1- Cranbourne Park, Newhamshire, England & New York, NY
Earl of Newhamshire, England
Estate: Cranbourne Park (ishild)
ex-DW/DW(1889): Mabel Anna Catherine Wilkins Granville Duncan(cher529s)
--DH(1893): Paul Revere Duncan (Genevieve)
----DD(1927):FN: feminization of any male MN: after her dad (either feminization of Paul or Revere) LN: Duncanex-DH (1880): Hugh William Amis Granville (glassmidnight)
DW(1896): Charity Hannah Aston Granville (Rowena Ravenclaw)
-DS (1911): John Clement Wilkins Granville (skinnyminnie)
-DD (1914): Alida Claire Georgiana Granville (Amoret)
-DD(1924): Lois Richenza Granville (skinnyminnie)
-DS(1925): FN: biblical (English) MN: "Wil" LN: Granville
-DS(1927):FN: virtue name/name with "good" meaning MN: your choice LN: Granville
Nanny(1886): Minnie Ruth Fletcher (Guest)Paul is having financial problems. His books are critically acclaimed and respected by his peers, but they don't sell well and the sales are going down. His latest book, "Persephone at the Algonquin Hotel", was deemed a "modern classic", but wasn't a bestseller. Mabel has been trying to cheer him up. She has been dealing with secondary infertility, but was able to have a baby girl this year, whom they named after Paul.
Hugh is doing well. He is riding high on stocks. He and Charity have had two new sons, to Hugh's delight. Hugh is happier than he has been for a long time. John is also doing well at Eton. Alida, on the other hand, is home. She spends most of her time in the stables with the horses. Charity and Hugh are thinking of sending her to boarding school for young ladies, but she doesn't want to leave her horse. Mabel has suggested that Alida come live with her for a while, but Hugh doesn't approve.
Family 2- Rodchester, Minnesota
ex-DBF/DH(1892): Dr. Roy Edward Sandstrom (Wordsmith) (ishild also picked Roy)
ex-DGF/DW(1892): Elizabeth Ingrid Lindholm Firmin Sandstrom "Beth" (Cinnabar) (also Genevieve, Guest, Ohad Yigal picked Elizabeth)
DH(1888-1917): Edgar Aubert Firmin (Story (Mason Thursday))
-DD(1915): Adele Mireille Firmin (Cinnabar)
-DS(1924): Lars Edward Sandstrom (AnonymousNameNerd123)
-DD(1927): FN: Swedish MN: honors Beth (form of Elizabeth, Ingrid, or Lindholm) LN: Sandstrom
-Dog: Scruffy (skinnyminnie)ex-DBF's Roommate (1892): Ennis Patrick O'Callaghan (Amoret)
SO(1898): FN: name/nickname MN: Norwegian LN: NorwegianBeth and Roy are very happy. Roy is a successful doctor, who works in the largest medical practice in the country. Business is booming, although he works for a non-profit practice. He is proud of the innovative work he's doing. Beth is working on completing her memoir about her time in France. She hopes to publish it soon. She and Roy welcomed their second child (a daughter) this year. Adele wants to go to France and then Hollywood. She wants to be the next Clara Bow, especially after seeing the movie "It" earlier this year and Wings later in the year. She wrote a fan letter to Ms. Bow, and someone even told she looks like Clara Bow! Beth says it's not that remarkable a resemblance, but Adele likes to think so.
Ennis was trying to fly solo over the Atlantic. He and his business partner (SO) put a plane together that they thought could handle the journey. He had to bale out and fortunately survived. Since a new law requires training for pilots, Ennis and his business partner have a created a flight school to train pilots. Roy and Beth know the truth about Ennis's partner and they are happy for him. Ennis is a little jealous of Limbergh, whom he met years ago. Still, Ennis is very happy.
Family 3- Derry Church, Pennsylvania
the Beatty family
George's Mother (1854): Philadelphia Comfort Beatty née Wickes (Wraith)
DH(1885): George Frank Beatty (AhaRememo)
DW(1882): Alice Martha Reid Beatty (RowenaRavenclaw)
-DD(1912): Julia Irene Beatty named for second class passenger, Mrs. Irene Colvin Corbett (glassmidnight)
-DS(1913): Sydney Carton Beatty (Genevieve)
-DS(1916): Harold Francis Beatty (Molly)
-DS(1919): Emmett Matthew Beatty (cher529s)
-DD(1923): Pearl Veronica Beatty (glassmidnight)Alice's Cousin(1901): Laurence Kennedy Reid "Laurie" (glassmidnight)
DF(1902): FN: classic MN: your choice LN: prominent American family (Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Morgan, Mellon, Astor, etc.)
Alice's Cousin (1904): Hestia Gladys Reid (Molly)Everything is going well. Philadelphia took most of her grandkids to New York for a few days to visit her sister. The kids got to see a baseball game where Babe Ruth hit a home run! Sydney really admired Lou Gehrig as well. Sydney wants to move to a big city like NYC or Boston. Harold wants to be the next Babe Ruth! George wants them to stay in town and work for the chocolate company. It has almost anything anyone could want. They have a roller coaster and a small ferris wheel. A boy tried to kiss Julia on the ferris wheel, and kissed her cheek.
Cousin Laurie is engaged to a lady from a prominent family. Her family is wealthy so they have reservations about Laurie. Still he's respectable and since she is a flapper, the family will be happy if she settles down. Julia thinks she's glamourous, but doesn't like the smell of smoke. (It's always to pick answers, because everyone does a good job. There are six new characters for this round if that helps.)

This message was edited 8/16/2024, 4:43 AM

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Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Emily Amy  ·  8/16/2024, 3:47 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Cinnabar  ·  8/19/2024, 6:13 PM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  molly  ·  8/16/2024, 10:59 PM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  AhaRememo  ·  8/16/2024, 1:15 PM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  cher529s  ·  8/16/2024, 9:53 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Genevieve  ·  8/16/2024, 9:42 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  skinnyminnie  ·  8/16/2024, 7:37 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Rowena  ·  8/16/2024, 6:52 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Wordsmith  ·  8/16/2024, 6:11 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Guest  ·  8/16/2024, 6:01 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Guest  ·  8/16/2024, 4:10 AM
Re: Emily Amy's 1st Historical NTNB Round 6  ·  Emily Amy  ·  8/16/2024, 4:42 AM