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Re: Generation CAF #533
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [98] Merrick Flynn Stoddard
DW [dec] Thea Aileen Stoddard (nee Chappell)DS [68] Merrick Christian Stoddard “Merry”
DD [64] Helena Maxine StoddardMerrick & Thea Stoddard: Merry & Helena
DS [68] Merrick Christian Stoddard “Merry”
DW [64] Camilla Irene Stoddard (nee Beckham)DS1 [40] Cameron Merrick Joshua Stoddard-Horváth “Cam”
- DH [50] Rajmund Stoddard-HorváthDS2 [38] Eric Paul Flynn Stoddard
- DW [40] Rachel Lalitha Stoddard (nee Chettiar)
-- DS1 [5] Bailey Flynn Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Casey Eric StoddardMerry & Camilla Stoddard: Cam & Eric
Cam & Rajmund Stoddard-Horváth
Eric & Rachel Stoddard: Bailey & Casey
DD [64] Helena Maxine Logan (nee Stoddard)
ExH [63] Jakub Dawid Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Alvis Białkowski
- ExW [42] Simone Eugénie Gilbert
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Stanislas Białkowski
-- DD [10] Delphine Noemi Białkowski
- DW [38] Adamine Narrelle Białkowski (nee Williamson)
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Vilnis BiałkowskiDH [64] Robert Charles Logan III “Bobby”
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Candice Marlene Logan (nee Underwood)}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Corinne Logan “Lexi”DH’s DD2 [32] Celeste Marlene Logan-Coates
- DW [30] Maisie Elizabeth Logan-Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Niall Brogan Doyle}
-- DW’s DD [12] Aoife Rose DoyleDH’s DS [28] Robert Charles Logan IV “Bert”
- SO [26] Hildur Sólveig Lárusdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Hildur Marlene Logan/ Arnar Robert Charles LoganJakub Białkowski & Katrīna Indriksone: Alvis
Bobby & Candice Logan: Lexi, Celeste, & Bert
Helena & Bobby Logan
Alvis Białkowski & Simone Gilbert: Bruno & Delphine
Alvis & Adamine Białkowski: Elyot
Maisie Logan-Coates & Niall Doyle: Aoife
Celeste & Maisie Logan-Coates
Bert Logan & Hildur Lárusdóttir: Anya & Arnar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
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