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Generation CAF #533
DH [98] Adam Dominic Flynn Jesse Luke Merrick [Kneib Murphy Stoddard]
DW [dec] Aileen Bedelia Catherine Clara Edith Thea [Aries Chappell Hearn]DS [68] father’ FN / Anthony Christian Garrett Weston
DD [64] Helena Judith Maxine Rebecca Renita Ronnette~~~~~DS [68]
DW [64] Camilla Georgene Irene Isobeth Lynetta Priscah [Beckham Mann Smithwick]DS1 [40] Cameron Daniel Joseph Nathan / father’s FN / Adrian Joshua Leigh Shannon
- DH [50] Arisztid Jácint Rajmund Zsombor – no MN [Boros Horváth Vig]DS2 [38] Eric Jeremiah Otto Patrick Paul Waylon / grandfather’s MN – two MNs
- DW [40] Felicity Lalitha Nigella Nirmala Rachel Vaishnavi [Chettiar Krishna Ramasamy]
-- DS1 [5] Bailey Jamie Kiran Prem / father’s 2nd MN
-- DS2 [1] Casey Kit Ravi Sundar / father’s FN~~~~~DD [64]*ExH [63] Dawid Jakub Krzysztof Paweł – no MN [Białkowski Kozłowski Strzaliński]
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Edīte Katrīna Lauma Saule – no MN [Indriksone Ruka Stepanova]}ExH’s DS [40] Alvis Fricis Kasjan Stefan – no MN
- ExW [42] Audrey Dorothée Eugénie Hortense Marielle Simone [Charron Gilbert Lévesque]
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Florent Gundars Joachim Stanislas Wojciech
-- DD [10] Delphine Keita Noemi Rose Sarmīte Wanesa
- DW [38] Adamine Frances Lisa Narrelle Romona Skylah [Filippi Suggitt Williamson]
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Jarek Rocky Tallon Vilnis Zeb*DH [64] Charles Hughes John Kepler Robert Thomas [Bavier Floyd Logan] + III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Candice Eileen Kathleen Marlene Pearl Stella [*De Haas* Nelson Underwood]}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Clarice Corinne Miranda Veronica VivienneDH’s DD2 [32] Celeste Gabriella Lucille Vanessa / mother’s MN
- DW [30] Cecelia Elizabeth Hallie Jane Jodie Maisie [Coates Drennan Nicholson]
{- DW’s ExH [30] Albert Andrew Brogan Cormac Niall Shea [Doyle Flanagan McNevin]}
-- DW’s DD [12] Aoife Beth Eimear Francesca Philippa RoseDH’s DS [28] father’s full name + IV
- SO [26] Birta Hanna Hildur Iðunn Sólveig Þorbjörg [Arnþórsdóttir Elvarsdóttir Lárusdóttir]
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Brynja Gaia Ylfa / mother’s MN / grandmother’s MN & Arnar Bjarni Orion Remus / father’s full name~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa
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dh 98 : jesse luke murphy
dw dec : edith clara (hearn) murphy ds1 68 : jesse christian murphy
dd1 64 : helena rebecca (murphy)jesse and edith w/ jesse and helena --
ds1 68 : jesse christian murphy
dw 64 : camilla georgene (beckham) murphy ds 40 : joseph jesse joshua murphy-boros
- dh 50 : jacint murphy-boros
joe w/ husband jacint ds 38 : paul jeremiah luke murphy
- dw 40 : felicity lalitha (krishna) murphy
- ds 5 : jamie luke murphy
- ds 1 : kit paul murphy
paul and felicity w/ jamie and kitjesse and camilla w/ joe and paul --
dd1 64 : helena rebecca (murphy) logan
exh 63 : jakub kozlowski exh exw 66 : katrina ruka exh ds : stefan kozlowski
- exw 42 : marielle simone (charron) kozlowski
- ds 14 : bruno wojciech kozlowski
- dd 10 : rose keita kozlowski
stefan and marielle w/ bruno and rose
- dw 38 : skylah lisa (williamson) kozlowski
- ds exp : jarek zeb kozlowski
stefan and skylah exp jarek jakub and katrina w/ stefandh 64 : thomas robert logan
dhs dw dec : pearl marlene (nelson) logandhd 35 : vivienne alexandria logan dhd 32 : gabriella marlene nicholson-logan
- dw 30 : hallie elizabeth nicholson-logan
gabriella w/ wife hallie
- dws exh 30 : albert cormac doyle
- dwd 12 : rose aoife doyle
hallie and albert w/ rose dhs 28 : thomas robert logan
- dgf 26 : hanna solveig elvarsdottir
- dd & ds nb : gaia solveig marlene logan & orion thomas robert logan
tommy and hanna w/ gaia and orion thomas and pearl w/ vivienne, gabriella and tommy
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Luke Flynn Murphy, 89
Thea Catherine Chappell, d. Luke Weston, 68
Helena Maxine, 64
Luke Weston Murphy, 68
Camilla Priscah Mann, 64 Daniel Luke Adrian, 40 m. Rajmund Vig, 50 Patrick Otto Flynn, 38 m. Lalitha Ramasamy, 40
--Kiran Otto, 5
--Ravi Patrick, 1
Helena Maxine, Murphy, 64
ex. Pawel Kozlowski, 63
ex-ex. Lauma Stepanova, 66
-Kasjan Kozlowski, 40
-ex. Marielle Simone Levesque, 42
--Joachim Stanislas Kozlowski, 14
--Delphine Sarmite Kozlowski, 10
-m. Skylah Frances Suggitt, 38
--exp Jarek Tallon Kozlowski
Charles Kepler Floyd III, 64
Stella Pearl Underwood, d. Veronica Clarice, 35Gabriella Pearl, 32 m. Jane Cecelia Drennan, 30
{ex. Cormac Albert Flanagan, 30}
--Aoife Francesca Flanagan, 12 Charles Kepler Floyd IV, 28 & Hanna Sólveig Lárusdóttir, 26
--Anya Solveig Pearl & Orion Charles Kepler, nb
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DH [98] Dominic Jesse Stoddard
DW [dec] Catherine Thea Chappell StoddardDS [68] Dominic Garrett Stoddard
DD [64] Helena Maxine Stoddard~~~~~
DS [68] Dominic Garrett Stoddard
DW [64] Lynetta Georgene Beckham StoddardDS1 [40] Daniel Dominic Joshua Stoddard
- DH [50] Rajmund Horváth
DS2 [38] Eric Jeremiah Jesse Stoddard
- DW [40] Felicity Nigella Ramasamy Stoddard
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Jesse Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Casey Eric Stoddard
DD [64] Helena Maxine Stoddard Kozłowski Bavier
ExH [63] Krzysztof Kozłowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Stepanova Kozłowski Indriksone}
ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozłowski
- ExW [42] Audrey Simone Lévesque Kozłowski Charron
-- DS1 [14] Joachim Stanislas Kozłowski
-- DD [10] Noemi Rose Kozłowski
- DW [38] Lisa Narrelle Filippi Kozłowski
-- DS2 [ex] Tallon Jarek Kozłowski
DH [64] Charles Hughes Bavier III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Stella Marlene *De Haas* Bavier}
DH’s DD1 [35] Vivienne Alexandria Bavier
DH’s DD2 [32] Vanessa Marlene Bavier
- DW [30] Cecelia Elizabeth Drennan Flanagan
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Cormac Flanagan}
-- DW’s DD [12] Francesca Rose Flanagan
DH’s DS [28] Charles Hughes Bavier IV
- SO [26] Sólveig Hanna Lárusdóttir Bavier
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Hanna Elizabeth & Orion Charles Hughes Bavier
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DH [98] Merrick Flynn Stoddard
DW [dec] Thea Aileen Stoddard (nee Chappell)DS [68] Merrick Christian Stoddard “Merry”
DD [64] Helena Maxine StoddardMerrick & Thea Stoddard: Merry & Helena
DS [68] Merrick Christian Stoddard “Merry”
DW [64] Camilla Irene Stoddard (nee Beckham)DS1 [40] Cameron Merrick Joshua Stoddard-Horváth “Cam”
- DH [50] Rajmund Stoddard-HorváthDS2 [38] Eric Paul Flynn Stoddard
- DW [40] Rachel Lalitha Stoddard (nee Chettiar)
-- DS1 [5] Bailey Flynn Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Casey Eric StoddardMerry & Camilla Stoddard: Cam & Eric
Cam & Rajmund Stoddard-Horváth
Eric & Rachel Stoddard: Bailey & Casey
DD [64] Helena Maxine Logan (nee Stoddard)
ExH [63] Jakub Dawid Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Alvis Białkowski
- ExW [42] Simone Eugénie Gilbert
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Stanislas Białkowski
-- DD [10] Delphine Noemi Białkowski
- DW [38] Adamine Narrelle Białkowski (nee Williamson)
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Vilnis BiałkowskiDH [64] Robert Charles Logan III “Bobby”
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Candice Marlene Logan (nee Underwood)}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Corinne Logan “Lexi”DH’s DD2 [32] Celeste Marlene Logan-Coates
- DW [30] Maisie Elizabeth Logan-Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Niall Brogan Doyle}
-- DW’s DD [12] Aoife Rose DoyleDH’s DS [28] Robert Charles Logan IV “Bert”
- SO [26] Hildur Sólveig Lárusdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Hildur Marlene Logan/ Arnar Robert Charles LoganJakub Białkowski & Katrīna Indriksone: Alvis
Bobby & Candice Logan: Lexi, Celeste, & Bert
Helena & Bobby Logan
Alvis Białkowski & Simone Gilbert: Bruno & Delphine
Alvis & Adamine Białkowski: Elyot
Maisie Logan-Coates & Niall Doyle: Aoife
Celeste & Maisie Logan-Coates
Bert Logan & Hildur Lárusdóttir: Anya & Arnar
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DH [98] Jesse Luke Stoddard
DW [dec] Catherine ClaraCate” Hearn-Stoddard
Jesse & Cate: Jesse and RebeccaDS [68] Jesse Christian Stoddard
DD [64] Rebecca Helena Stoddard
DS [68] Jesse Stoddard
DW [64] Camilla Mann-Stoddard
Jesse & Camilla: Joseph and Paul DS1 [40] Joseph Jesse AdrianJoe” Stoddard
- DH [50] RajmundRay” Boros DS2 [38] Paul Patrick Luke Stoddard
- DW [40] Rachel Lalitha Krishna-Stoddard
Paul & Rachel: James and Christopher-- DS1 [5] James LukeJamie” Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Christopher PaulKit” Stoddard
DD [64] Rebecca Stoddard-Logan
ExH [63] Jakub Kozłowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Ruka}
Jakub & Katrina: Stefan ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozlowski
- ExW [42] Audrey Marielle Charron

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Luke Dominic Stoddard (98)
Edith Catherine Chappell Stoddard (♰)Luke Weston "Wes" Stoddard (68)
Maxine Helena Stoddard (64)Luke Weston "Wes" Stoddard (68)
Irene Lynetta Mann Stoddard (64)Nathan Luke Joshua Stoddard (40)
—Jacint Horvath (50)Paul Dominic Patrick Stoddard (38)
—Lalitha Rachel Chettiar Stoddard (40)
—Kiran Patrick Stoddard (5)
—Kit Paul Stoddard (1)Maxine Helena Stoddard Logan (64)Jakub Kozlowski (63)
—Katrina Stepanova (66)
—Stefan Kozlowski (40)
——Mariel Simone Levesque (42)
——Joachim Bruno Kozlowski (14)
——Noemi Delphine Rose Kozlowski (10)
——Narelle Adamine Williamson Kozlowski (38)
——Rocco Elliott "Rocky" Kozlowski (0)John Thomas Logan III (64)
—Pearl Eileen De Haas Logan (♰)
—Clarice Miranda Logan (35)
—Lucille Eileen Logan-Drennan (32)
——Cecilia Jane Logan-Drennan (30)
————Albert Cormac McNevin (30)
————Aoife Rose McNevin (12)
—John Thomas "Tommy" Logan IV (28)
——Hanna Larusdottir Logan (26)
——Anya Hanna Eileen Logan & John Thomas "JT" Logan V (0)
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DH [98] Adam Luke Murphy
DW [dec] Clara Edith Chappell MurphyDS [68] Adam Christian Murphy
DD [64] Helena Rebecca Murphy~~~~~
DS [68] Adam Christian Murphy
DW [64] Irene Camilla Beckham MurphyDS1 [40] Daniel Adam Joshua Murphy "Dan"
- DH [50] Rajmund Vig MurphyDS2 [38] Patrick Jeremiah Luke Murphy
- DW [40] Rachel Lalitha Krishna Murphy
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Luke Murphy
-- DS2 [1] Casey Patrick Murphy~~~~~
DD [64] Helena Rebecca Murphy Logan
ExH [63] Jakub Kozłowski "Kuba"
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Stepanova}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozłowski
- ExW [42] Eugénie Marielle Lévesque
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Wojciech Kozłowski
-- DD [10] Rose Delphine Kozłowski
- DW [38] Lisa Frances Williamson Kozłowski
-- DS2 [exp] Jarek Vilnis Kozłowski
DH [64] Charles John Logan III "Chuck"
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Stella Pearl De Haas Logan}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Vivienne Logan "Alex"DH’s DD2 [32] Gabriella Vivienne Logan "Gabby"
- DW [30] Elizabeth Jane Nicholson Logan "EJ"
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Niall Flanagan "Drew"}
-- DW’s DD [12] Aoife Rose FlanaganDH’s DS [28] Charles John Logan IV "Charlie"
- SO [26] Hanna Sólveig Lárusdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Brynja Sólveig Stella Logan & Orion Charles John Logan
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DH [98] Merrick Jesse Stoddard
DW [dec] Clara Catherine (Hearn) StoddardDS [68] Merrick "Garrett" Stoddard
DD [64] Helena Rebecca StoddardMerrick and Clara Stoddard: Garrett and Helena~~~~~
DS [68] Merrick "Garrett" Stoddard
DW [64] Irene Camilla (Smithwick) StoddardDS1 [40] Daniel "Dan" Merrick Adrian Stoddard
- DH [50] Rajmund "Raj" VigDS2 [38] Eric Jesse Jeremiah Stoddard
- DW [40] Rachel Felicity (Chettiar) Stoddard
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Jeremiah Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Kit Eric StoddardGarrett & Irene Stoddard: Dan and Eric
--Dan Stoddard & Raj Vig: (no children)
--Eric & Rachel Stoddard: Kiran and Kit~~~~~
DD [64] Helena Rebecca (Stoddard) Logan
ExH [63] Jakub Kozlowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrina Ruka}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozlowski
- ExW [42] Simone Audrey Charron
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Florent Kozlowski
-- DD [10] Rose Delphine Kozlowski
- DW [38] Lisa Frances (Williamson) Kozlowski
-- DS2 [exp] Jarek Elyot KozlowskiDH [64] John Robert Logan, III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Kathleen Pearl Nelson}DH’s DD1 [35] Miranda Vivienne LoganDH’s DD2 [32] Vanessa Pearl (Logan) Logan-Nicholson
- DW [30] Jodie Elizabeth (Nicholson) Logan-Nicholson
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Niall Doyle}
-- DW’s DD [12] Francesca Beth DoyleDH’s DS [28] John "Jack" Robert Logan, IV
- SO [26] Hanna Hildur (Arnporsdottir) Logan
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Hildur Pearl Logan/Orion John Robert LoganHelena Logan and Jakub Kozlowski: Stefan
--Stefan Kozlowski and Simone Charron: Bruno and Rose
---Stefan & Lisa Kozlowski: JarekHelena & John Logan: Miranda, Vanessa and Jack
--Vanessa & Jodie Logan-Nicholson: Francesca
--Jack & Hanna Logan: Anya and Orion
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DH [98] Jesse Flynn Murphy
DW [dec] Thea Bedelia née ChappellDS [68] Jesse Christian
DD [64] Helena Judith~~~~~DS [68] Jesse Christian "JJ" Murphy
DW [64] Camilla Irene née MannDS1 [40] Nathan Jesse Adrian Murphy
- DH [50] Rajmund VigDS2 [38] Eric Jeremiah Flynn Murphy
- DW [40] Nirmala Vaishnavi Chettiar
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Flynn Chettiar
-- DS2 [1] Casey Eric Chettiar~~~~~DD [64] Camilla Irene Murphy
ExH [63] Jakub Kozłowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Lauma Stepanova}ExH’s DS [40] Kasjan Kozłowski
- ExW [42] Audrey Marielle Lévesque
-- DS1 [14] Florent Joachim Kozłowski
-- DD [10] Noemi Wanesa Kozłowska
- DW [38] Romona Lisa née Filippi
-- DS2 [exp] Jarek Vilnis Kozłowski*DH [64] John Kepler Logan III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Eileen Stella De HaasDH’s DD1 [35] Veronica Vivienne LoganDH’s DD2 [32] Lucille Stella Logan
- DW [30] Jodie Cecelia Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Cormac McNevin}
-- DW’s DD [12] Eimear Rose McNevinDH’s DS [28] John Kepler Logan IV
- SO [26] Iðunn Sólveig Arnþórsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Gaia Sólveig Stella & Arnar John Kepler Logan~*~*~*~
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DH [98]: Dominic Adam Murphy
DW [dec]: Clara Catherine Murphy (née Chappell)DS1 [68]: Dominic Anthony Murphy "Anthony"
DD1 [64]: Helena Rebecca Bavier (née Murphy, formerly Kozłowski)Dominic & Clara; Anthony and Helena~~~~~DS1 [Anthony, 68]:
DW [64]: Irene Camilla Murphy (née Beckham)DS [40]: Nathan Dominic Adrian Murphy "Nate"
- DH [50]: Rajmund Murphy (né Horváth)DS [38]: Patrick Jeremiah Adam Murphy
- DW [40]: Lalitha Nirmala Murphy (née Ramasamy) "Lallie"
- DS [5]: Kiran Adam Murphy
- DS [1]: Ravi Patrick MurphyAnthony & Irene; Nate and Patrick
Nate & Rajmund
Patrick & Lallie; Kiran and Ravi

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DH [98] Jesse Merrick Stoddard
DW [dec] Aileen Catherine ChappellDS [68] Jesse Garrett "Garrett" Stoddard
DD [64] Rebecca Maxine Stoddard***
DS [68] Jesse Garrett "Garrett" Stoddard
DW [64] Georgene Lynetta MannDS1 [40] Cameron Jesse Leigh Stoddard
- DH [50] Rajmund BorosDS2 [38]Patrick Waylon Merrick Stoddard
- DW [40] Lalitha Rachel Ramaswamy
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Merrick Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Patrick Stoddard***
DD [64] Rebecca Maxine Stoddard*ExH [63] Krzysztof Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Edīte Stepanova}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Białkowski
- ExW [42] Marielle Eugénie Charron
-- DS1 [14] Joachim Florent Białkowski
-- DD [10] Rose Delphine Białkowski
- DW [38] Lisa Frances Williamson
-- DS2 [exp] Jarek Vilnis Białkowski*DH [64] Robert Charles "Bob" Logan III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Kathleen Pearl Underwood}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandra Corinne "Alex" LoganDH’s DD2 [32] Gabriella Pearl "Gabby" Logan
- DW [30] Cecilia Jane Drennan
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Niall McNevin}
-- DW’s DD [12] Elizabeth Rose "Beth" McNevinDH’s DS [28] Robert Charles "Chet" Logan IV
- SO [26] Birta Þorbjörg Lárusdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Gaia Þorbjörg Pearl
& Arnar Robert Charles Logan*****
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DH [98] Jesse Dominic Murphy “Jesse”
DW [dec] Aileen Edith [Hearn] Murphy “Aileen”DS [68] Jesse Christian Murphy “JC”
DD [64] Rebecca Helena Murphy “Becky”Jesse & Aileen Murphy: JC, & Becky
DS [68] Jesse Christian Murphy “JC”
DW [64] Isobeth Lynetta [Beckham] Murphy “Beth”DS1 [40] Joseph Jesse Joshua Murphy-Boros “Joe”
- DH [50] Rajmund Murphy-Boros “Rajmund”DS2 [38] Patrick Jeremiah Dominic Murphy “Patrick”
- DW [40] Felicity Nigella [Krishna] Murphy “Felicity”
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Dominic Murphy “Kiran”
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Patrick Murphy “Ravi”JC & Beth Murphy: Joe, & Patrick
-Joe & Rajmund Murphy-Boros
-Patrick & Felicity Murphy: Kiran, & Ravi
DD [64] Rebecca Helena Murphy “Becky”
ExH [63] Jakub Kozłowski “Jake”
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Stepanova “Katrīna”}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozlowski “Steve”
- ExW [42] Audrey Marielle Gilbert “Audrey”
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Gundars Kozlowski “Bruno”
-- DD [10] Noemi Delphine Kozlowski “Noemi”
- DW [38] Adamine Frances [Williamson] Kozlowski “Adaa”
-- DS2 [exp] Tallon Elyot Kozlowski “Tallon”DH [64] Charles Robert Floyd III “Charley”
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Stella Marlene [Underwood] Floyd “Stella”}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Corinne Floyd “Alexa”DH’s DD2 [32] Lucille Marlene Floyd-Nicholson “Lucy”
- DW [30] Elizabeth Jane Floyd-Nicholson “Lizzie”
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Niall Doyle “Drew”}
-- DW’s DD [12] Philippa Rose Doyle “Pippa”DH’s DS [28] Charles Robert Floyd IV “Chaz”
- SO [26] Hanna Iðunn [Lárusdóttir] Floyd “Hanna”
-- DD/DS [nb] Brynja Iðunn Helena Floyd “Brynja” & Orion Charles Robert Floyd “Orion”Becky & Jake Kozlowski: Steve Kozlowski
-Steve & Audrey Kozlowski: Bruno, & Noemi
-Steve & Ada Kozlowski: Tallon
Becky & Charley Floyd: Alexa, Lucy, & Chaz
-Lucy & Lizzie Floyd-Nicholson: Pippa Doyle
-Chaz & Hanna Floyd: Brynja, & Orion
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H: Adam Merrick Kneib [98]
W: Clara Aileen Hearn Kneib [dec] S: Adam Weston Kneib [68]
D: Helena Judith Kneib [64] Adam & Clara; Weston and Helena.~~~~~S: Adam Weston Kneib [68]
W: Camilla Irene Mann Kneib [64]Weston (West) & Camilla; Daniel and Patrick.S1: Daniel Adam Adrian Kneib [40]
-H: Rajmund Boros [50] Daniel (Dan) & Rajmund.S2: Patrick Otto Merrick Kneib [38]
-W: Nigella Rachel Chettiar Kneib [40]
--S1: Kiran Merrick Kneib [5]
--S2: Ravi Patrick Kneib [1] Patrick & Nigella; Kiran and Ravi.~~~~~D: Helena Judith Kneib Strzaliński [64]
*ExH: Krzysztof Strzaliński [63]
{ExH’s ExW1: Saule Ruka [66]}Krzysztof & Saule; Stefan.
Helena & Krzysztof.
Charles (Chuck) & Marlene; Corinne, Celeste, and Charles.ExH’s S: Stefan Strzaliński [40]
-ExW: Marielle Simone Charron [42]
--S1: Bruno Gundars Strzaliński [14]
--D: Rose Wanesa Strzaliński [10]
-W: Narrelle Lisa Williamson Strzaliński [38]
--S2: Zeb Jarek Strzaliński [exp] Stefan & Marielle; Bruno and Rose.
Stefan & Narrelle; Zeb.*H: Charles Robert Logan III [64]
{H’sW1: Marlene Pearl Nelson Logan [dec] H’sD1: Corinne Miranda Logan [35] H’sD2: Celeste Pearl Logan [32]
-W: Jane Elizabeth Nicholson Logan [30]
{-W’sExH: Niall Albert Flanagan [30]
--W’sD: Philippa Francesca Flanagan [12] Jane & Niall; Philippa (Pippa).
Celeste & Jane. H’sS: Charles Robert Logan IV [28]
-SO: Solveig Hanna Elvarsdottir [26]
--D/S: Brynja Hanna Elvarsdottir & Orion Charles Robert Logan [nb] Charles (Charlie) & Solveig; Brynja and Orion.
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DH [98] Adam Dominic Murphy
DW [dec] Catherine Edith [Hearn] MurphyDS [68] Adam Garrett Murphy
DD [64] Helena Maxine [Murphy] [Białkowski] Logan~~~~~
DS [68] Adam Garrett Murphy
DW [64] Camilla Irene [Smithwick] MurphyDS1 [40] Daniel Adam Joshua Murphy
- DH [50] Jácint HorváthDS2 [38] Eric Paul Dominic Murphy
- DW [40] Nigella Nirmala [Chettiar] Murphy
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Dominic Murphy
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Eric Murphy~~~~~
DD [64] Helena Maxine [Murphy] [Białkowski] Logan
*ExH [63] Dawid Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Lauma Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Białkowski
- ExW [42] Simone Hortense Lévesque
-- DS1 [14] Joachim Florent Białkowski
-- DD [10] Noemi Sarmīte Białkowski
- DW [38] Romona Frances [Suggitt] Białkowski
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Vilnis Białkowski*DH [64] Charles Kepler Logan III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Eileen Pearl [Nelson] Logan}DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Clarice LoganDH’s DD2 [32] Gabriella Pearl Logan "Brie"
- DW [30] Jane Cecelia [Drennan] Doyle
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Cormac Doyle }
-- DW’s DD [12] Eimear Rose DoyleDH’s DS [28] Charles Kepler Logan IV
- SO [26] Hanna Iðunn Arnþórsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Brynja Iðunn Pearl Logan & Orion Charles Kepler Logan
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DH [98] Luke Dominic Murphy
DW [d] Edith Catherine {Aries} MurphyDS [68] Luke Anthony Murphy
— DW [64] Camilla Irene {Mann} Murphy
— DS [40] Nathan Luke Leigh Murphy
—- DH [50] Rajmund Boros
— DS [38] Jeremiah Dominic Patrick Murphy
—- DW [40] Vaishnavi Krishna Murphy
—- DS [5] Kiran Patrick Murphy
—- DS [1] Ravi Jeremiah MurphyDD [64] Maxine Helena {Murphy} Strzaliński
— exDH [63] Jakub Strzaliński
{ExDW [66] Lauma Ruka}
— DH [64] Robert John Logan III
{DW [d] Stella Pearl {Underwood} Logan}
— exDHsDS [40] Stefan Strzaliński
—- exDW [42] Marielle Simone Gilbert
— DW [38] Lisa Frances Williamson
—- DS [14] Bruno Joachim Strzaliński
—- DD [10] Keita Delphine Strzaliński
—- DS [exp] Tallon Jarek Strzaliński
— DHsDD [35] Corinne Alexandria Logan
— DHsDD [32] Vanessa Pearl Logan
—- DW [30] Cecelia Jane {Drennan} Logan
{exDH [30] Andrew Shea McNevin}
—- DWsDD [12] Philippa Rose McNevin
— DHsDS [28] Robert John Logan IV
—- SO [26] Hanna Hildur Arnþórsdóttir
—- DD [nb] Brynja Hildur Pearl Logan
—- DS [nb] Orion Robert John Logan
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DH [98] Jesse Adam Kneib
DW [dec] Catherine Clara [Chappell] KneibDS [68] Jesse Weston Kneib
DD [64] Helena Maxine KneibJesse and Catherine with Jesse and Helena~~~~~DS [68] Jesse Weston Kneib
DW [64] Isobeth Priscah [Beckham] KneibDS1 [40] Joseph Jesse Adrian Kneib
- DH [50] Zsombor VigDS2 [38] Waylon Otto Adam Kneib
- DW [40] Rachel Vaishnavi [Chettiar] Kneib
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Adam Kneib
-- DS2 [1] Casey Waylon KneibJesse and Isobeth with Joseph and
- Joseph and Zsombor
- Waylon and Rachel with Kiran and Casey
~~~~~DD [64] Helena Maxine Kneib*ExH [63] Paweł Strzaliński
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Lauma Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Kasjan Strzaliński
- ExW [42] Eugénie Simone Lévesque
-- DS1 [14] Florent Stanislas Strzaliński
-- DD [10] Noemi Wanesa Strzaliński
- DW [38] Adamine Romona [Suggitt] Strzaliński
-- DS2 [exp] Tallon Elyot Strzaliński*DH [64] Thomas John Bavier III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Stella Pearl [De Haas] BavierDH’s DD1 [35] Corinne Alexandria BavierDH’s DD2 [32] Celeste Pearl Drennan-Bavier
- DW [30] Jodie Elizabeth Drennan-Bavier
{- DW’s ExH [30] Niall Shea Flanagan}
-- DW’s DD [12] Aoife Rose FlanaganDH’s DS [28] Thomas John Bavier IV
- SO [26] Iðunn Sólveig Elvarsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Sólveig Pearl Bavier/Arnar Thomas John BavierHelena and Paweł
Paweł and Lauma with Kasjan
- Kasjan and Eugénie with Florent and Noemi
- Kasjan and Adamine with Tallon
Helena and Thomas III
Thomas III and Stella with Corinne, Celeste, and Thomas IV
- Celeste and Jodie
- Jodie and Niall with Aoife
- Thomas IV and Iðunn with Anya and Arnar
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DH [98] Dominic Adam Stoddard
DW [dec] Clara Bedelia (nee. Chappell) Stoddard DS [68] Dominic Christian
DD [64] Helena Rebecca ~~~~~
DS [68] Dominic Christian Stoddard
DW [64] Camilla Georgene (nee. Mann) Stoddard *
DS1 [40] Joseph Dominic Adrian Stoddard
- DH [50] Rajmund Vig *
DS2 [38] Patrick Paul Adam Stoddard
- DW [40] Felicity Nirmala (nee. Ramasamy) Stoddard -- DS1 [5] Bailey Adam
-- DS2 [1] Casey Patrick ~~~~~
DD [64] Helena Rebecca (nee. Stoddard) Floyd
ExH [63] Dawid Strzaliński
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Lauma Indriksone *
ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Strzaliński
- ExW [42] Simone Dorothée Gilbert -- DS1 [14] Joachim Wojciech Strzaliński
-- DD [10] Delphine Rose Strzaliński- DW [38] Lisa Adamine (nee. Suggitt) Strzaliński-- DS2 [exp] Tallon Vilnis Strzaliński ~
DH [64] Charles Robert Floyd, III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Kathleen Pearl Nelson}

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DH [98] Jesse Merrick Murphy
DW [dec] Catherine Thea Murphy (née Chappell) DS [68] Jesse Weston "Jay" Murphy
DD [64] Rebecca Ronnette Murphy~~~~~DS [68] Jesse Weston "Jay" Murphy
DW [64] Irene Lynetta Murphy (née Mann)DS1 [40] Daniel Jesse Leigh Horváth (né Murphy)
- DH [50] Zsombor Horváth DS2 [38] Eric Otto Merrick Murphy
- DW [40] Rachel Nirmala Murphy (née Krishna)
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Merrick Murphy
-- DS2 [1] Casey Eric Murphy~~~~~DD [64] Rebecca Ronnette Logan (née Murphy)*ExH [63] Krzysztof Kozłowski {ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrina Stepanova}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Kozłowski
- ExW [42] Audrey Eugénie Gilbert
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Joachim Kozłowski

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DH [98] Flynn Jesse Murphy
DW [dec] Catherine Thea [Hearn] MurphyDS [68] Flynn Christian Murphy
DD [64] Rebecca Judith Murphy~~~~~DS [68] Flynn Christian Murphy
DW [64] Camilla Irene [Beckham] MurphyDS1 [40] Cameron Flynn Adrian Murphy
- DH [50] Rajmund [Horváth] MurphyDS2 [38] Eric Jeremiah Jesse Murphy
- DW [40] Rachel Felicity [Krishna] Murphy
-- DS1 [5] Bailey Jesse Murphy
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Eric Murphy~~~~~DD [64] Rebecca Judith [Murphy] {Strzaliński} FloydExH [63] Jakub Strzaliński
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Saule Stepanova {Strzaliński} }ExH’s DS [40] Stefan Strzaliński
- ExW [42] Audrey Simone Lévesque {Strzaliński}
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Joachim Strzaliński

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DH [98] Flynn Adam Stoddard
DW [dec] Clara Thea Chappell StoddardDS [68] Flynn Anthony Stoddard
DD [64] Helena Rebecca Stoddard Bavier~~~~~DS [68] Flynn Anthony Stoddard
DW [64] Irene Lynetta Smithwick StoddardDS1 [40] Cameron Flynn Joshua Stoddard
- DH [50] Rajmund BorosDS2 [38] Patrick Waylon Adam Stoddard
- DW [40] Rachel Vaishnavi Chettiar Stoddard
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Adam Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Casey Patrick Stoddard~~~~~DD [64] Helena Rebecca Stoddard Bavier*ExH [63] Jakub Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Edīte Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Fricis Białkowski
- ExW [42] Audrey Eugénie Lévesque
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Joachim Białkowski
-- DD [10] Noemi Sarmīte Białkowski
- DW [38] Adamine Skylah Williamson Białkowski
-- DS2 [exp] Rocky Zeb Białkowski*DH [64] Thomas Charles Bavier, III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Eileen Candice De Haas Bavier}DH’s DD1 [35] Vivienne Clarice BavierDH’s DD2 [32] Gabriella Candice Bavier-Coates
- DW [30] Elizabeth Cecelia Bavier-Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Cormac Shea Flanagan}
-- DW’s DD [12] Beth Aoife FlanaganDH’s DS [28] Thomas Charles Bavier, IV
- SO [26] Hildur Sólveig Lárusdóttir Bavier
-- DD/DS [nb] Brynja Sólveig Candice Bavier & Bjarni Thomas Charles Bavier~*~*~*~
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DH [98] Adam Jesse Kneib
DW [dec] Clara Edith Chappell
DS [68] Adam Christian Kneib
DD [64] Helena Rebecca Kneib
DS [68] Adam Christian Kneib
DW [64] Lynetta Irene Smithwick
DS1 [40] Daniel Adam Adrian Kneib
- DH [50] Arisztid Vig
DS2 [38] Otto Jesse Patrick Kneib
- DW [40] Lalitha Felicity Ramasamy
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Patrick Kneib
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Otto Kneib
DD [64] Helena Rebecca Kneib
ExH [63] Krzysztof Białkowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Saule Indriksone}
ExH’s DS [40] Kasjan Białkowski
- ExW [42] Eugénie Marielle Gilbert
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Wojciech Białkowski
-- DD [10] Delphine Sarmīte Białkowski
- DW [38] Romona Frances Suggitt
-- DS2 [exp] Rocky Vilnis Białkowski
DH [64] Hughes Kepler Bavier III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Pearl Kathleen De Haas}
DH’s DD1 [35] Clarice Vivienne Bavier
DH’s DD2 [32] Lucille Kathleen Bavier
- DW [30] Hallie Jane Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Cormac Albert Flanagan}
-- DW’s DD [12] Rose Philippa Flanagan
DH’s DS [28] Hughes Kepler "Huck" Bavier IV
- SO [26] Iðunn Birta Elvarsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Brynja Birta Kathleen Bavier & Arnar Hughes Kepler Bavier
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DH [98] Jesse Flynn
DW [dec] Catherine Aileen DS [68] Jesse Garrett
DD [64] Helena Maxine ~~~~~
DS [68]
DW [64] Camilla Georgene "Cammie"DS1 [40] Nathan Jesse Adrian
- DH [50] Arisztid DS2 [38] Patrick Flynn Jeremiah
- DW [40] Felicity Vaishnavi
-- DS1 [5] Kiran Jeremiah
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Patrick~~~~~
DD [64]
ExH [63] Krzysztof {ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna}ExH’s DS [40] Stefan
- ExW [42] Audrey Marielle
-- DS1 [14] Florent Wojciech
-- DD [10] Noemi Rose
- DW [38] Lisa Frances
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Jarek*
DH [64] Charles John III "Charlie"
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Stella Pearl}DH’s DD1 [35] Vivienne MirandaDH’s DD2 [32] Celeste Maxine
- DW [30] Cecelia Jane
{- DW’s ExH [30] Shea Andrew}
-- DW’s DD [12] Francesca RoseDH’s DS [28] Charles John IV "CJ"
- SO [26] Hanna Sólveig
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Sólveig Maxine & Orion Charles John
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DH [98] Luke Merrick Murphy
DW [dec] Clara Edith Hearn
DS [68] Luke Weston Murphy
DD [64] Helena Judith Murphy
DS [68] Luke Weston Murphy
DW [64] Camilla Irene Beckham
DS1 [40] Joseph Luke Joshua Murphy
- DH [50] Rajmund Horváth
DS2 [38] Jeremiah Paul Merrick Murphy
- DW [40] Felicity Rachel Krishna
-- DS1 [5] Jamie Merrick Murphy
-- DS2 [1] Kit Jeremiah Murphy
DD [64] Helena Judith Murphy
ExH [63] Jakub Kozłowski
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Katrīna Ruka }
ExH’s DS [40] Fricis Kozłowski
- ExW [42] Dorothée Marielle Gilbert
-- DS1 [14] Bruno Stanislas Kozłowski
-- DD [10] Noemi Rose Kozłowski
- DW [38] Frances Romona Williamson
-- DS2 [exp] Elyot Jarek Kozłowski
DH [64] Charles Robert Floyd III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Marlene Stella Nelson}
DH’s DD1 [35] Alexandria Vivienne Floyd
DH’s DD2 [32] Lucille Stella Floyd
- DW [30] Elizabeth Jane Coates
{- DW’s ExH [30] Andrew Cormac Doyle}
-- DW’s DD [12] Francesca Rose
DH’s DS [28] Charles Robert Floyd IV
- SO [26] Þorbjörg Iðunn Elvarsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Ylfa Iðunn Stella Floyd Elvarsdóttir + Bjarni Charles Robert Floyd Elvarsdóttir
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DH [98] Merrick Flynn Stoddard
DW [dec] Clara Bedelia Stoddard, née HearnDS [68] Merrick Anthony "Tony" Stoddard
DD [64] Rebecca Maxine "Becky" Logan, née Stoddard, formerly Strzalińska~~~~~DS [68] Merrick Anthony "Tony" Stoddard
DW [64] Lynetta Georgene "Netta" Stoddard, née MannDS1 [40] Daniel Merrick Leigh "Dan" Stoddard
- DH [50] Zsombor VigDS2 [38] Jeremiah Eric Flynn "Jer" Stoddard
- DW [40] Nigella Vaishnavi Krishna-Stoddard, née Krishna
-- DS1 [5] Bailey Flynn Stoddard
-- DS2 [1] Ravi Jeremiah Stoddard~~~~~DD [64] Rebecca Maxine "Becky" Logan, née Stoddard, formerly Strzalińska*ExH [63] Dawid Strzaliński
{ExH’s ExW1 [66] Saule Strzalińska, née Indriksone}ExH’s DS [40] Kasjan Strzaliński
- ExW [42] Audrey Marielle Charron
-- DS1 [14] Joachim Florent Strzaliński
-- DD [10] Noemi Delphine Strzalińska
- DW [38] Skylah Frances Williamson
-- DS2 [exp] Zeb Elyot Strzaliński*DH [64] Robert Charles "Bob" Logan III
{DH’s DW1 [dec] Kathleen Pearl "Kathie" Logan, née Nelson Underwood}DH’s DD1 [35] Miranda Clarice "Randie" LoganDH’s DD2 [32] Gabriella Pearl "Brie" Logan
- DW [30] Hallie Cecelia Logan, née Coates, formerly McNevin
{- DW’s ExH [30] Brogan Niall McNevin}
-- DW’s DD [12] Francesca Rose "Frankie" McNevinDH’s DS [28] Robert Charles "Robbie" Logan IV
- SO [26] Birta Sólveig Arnþórsdóttir
-- DD/DS [nb] Anya Sólveig Pearl Logan & Arnar Robert Charles Logan

This message was edited 6/7/2024, 8:54 AM

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