As you are about to sit down and relax you realise you haven’t unpacked the houseplants you bought at the gardens. Which
TWO plants did you buy?
1) String of Dolphins (Senecio)
2) Rex Begonia ‘Fedor’
3) Lifesaver Plant (Huernia)
4) Rose Grape (Medinilla)
5) Polka Dot Begonia
6) Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus)
- I have one and it’s flowering now! ❤️
7) Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea)
8) Desert Rose (Adenium)
9) Coffee Plant (Coffea Arabica)
10) California pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
11) False Shamrock (Oxalix)
12) White Ghost Euphorbia
Optional SO: IN(D), OO(R), HO(U), SE(P), LA(N-T)
If you get the same child twice it means they welcome twins in the family
Optional second middle name initial in brackets
1) Child six and child three
SE(N) // EC(I)
2) Child two and child six
BE(G) // ON(I)
3) Child four and child five
HU(E) // RN(I)
4) Child five and child four
ME(D) // IN(E)
5) Child six and child five
PO(L) // KA(D)
6) Child six and child three
AE(S) // CH(Y)
7) Child one and child two
PA(L) // MB(E)
8) Child two and child one
DE(S) // ER(T)
9) Child four and child two
CO(F) // FE(A)
10) Child three and child four
CA(L) // IF(O)
11) Child one and child three
SH(A) // MR(O)
12) Child five and child one
GH(O) // ST(E)
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf