LN: Morin
SO1: August Georges
Occupation: High School French Teacher
SO2: Melody Jane
Occupation: Pediatrician
Do you have any current children? Yes, Winston Isaac (7) & Laurel Camille (4)
Do you have any pets? Queenie, briard
Current location: San Fransisco, CA
How many children would you like to adopt (max.4)? 1
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: Any
Preferred gender: Female
Preferred age range: 0-13
Are you okay with getting a child that does not fit one of these specifications if no applicable children are available? Yes
Are you okay with getting a child that does not speak English? Yes
Are you okay with adopting siblings? No
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? No
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? Yes
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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton
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