Names of real people born between 1800 and 1940 in Utah
DW's LN: starts with the letter O
DW: Salley Melvina Berdie Laurinda Octavia Magdaline Cordie Stine Maren Izola Serine Bertha
DS: Norman Reed Vern Marice Theldon Donald Hal Alvin Kirk Laurentius Almon Elwood
DS: Edgar Clifford Ryland Wilford Bud Magnus Linne Gunelius Parley Erastus Merrill Sterling
DD: Saphronia Mattie Frederike Roberta Vilate Thelma Mina Agusta Elna Minerva Pernila Darlene
DD: Sorena Minnie Blodwen Nickoline Olga Phebe Elven Margarette Trine Kaisa Urania Lenna
This message was edited 10/28/2023, 10:13 AM