by Story (logged out) (guest)
5/3/2023, 10:40 AM
LN: Fiala-Pesti
SO1: Dr. Jonathan Tyler Pesti
Occupation: Anesthesiologist
SO2: Dr. Alice Iva Fiala
Occupation: Heart surgeon
Do you have any current children? (if so, provide names and ages) No
Do you have any pets? (if so, provide species and names) Yes, an English bulldog named Jackie
Current location: Reno, Nevada
How many children would you like to adopt (max.4)? 1
What location would you like to adopt from? Reno, Nevada
Preferred gender: Any
Preferres age range: 13-18
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from: North America
Are you okay with adopting siblings? No
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? Yes
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? Yes, but our careers wouldn't make us the best fit for a child with very high support needs