Coffee shops or Restaurants?
Coffee Shops: Would you rather name your daughter Jamesina or Ainsley?
- Jamesina, namebank 1
- Ainsley, namebank 2
Restaurant: Would you rather name your son Ross or Murray?
- Ross, namebank 3
- Murray, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
Child 3's Partner
Last name: Burns Mackintosh Bruce Adam Barrie Carlyle Miller
Namebank 1
Gerard Ewan Duncan Ronald Jason Anthony Dean Roderick Euan Garry // Gayle Clare Jennifer Kelly Lynne Mhairi Pamela Hazel Arlene Melanie
Namebank 2
Darren Jonathan Angus Lee Thomas Martin Charles Gavin Grant Colin // Joanna Emma Aileen Yvonne Denise Katherine Amanda Pauline Patricia Morag
Namebank 3
Malcolm Gordon Barry Alasdair Gregor Cameron Russell Wayne Fraser Christopher // Kirsty Shona Rebecca Donna Mary Anne Caroline Jane Leigh Lindsay
Namebank 4
Jamie Calum Sean Ryan Bruce Kenneth Robert Campbell Graham Roy Scott // Allison Lee Angela Elizabeth Jill Lorna Kirsteen Ruth Shirley Wendy

This message was edited 1/3/2023, 9:22 AM