Museums and sights or shopping and coffee?
Museums and sights: Would you rather name your son Casimir or Leander?
- Casimir, namebank 1
- Leander, namebank 2
Shopping and coffee: Would you rather name your daughter Elise or Audrey?
Elise, namebank 3
Audrey, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
Child 1's Partner
Last name: Gosling Aykroyd Christensen McAdams Lilly Jackson Åkerman
Namebank 1
Shannon Graham Charles Gary Alan Michael Tyler Christopher Aaron Andrew // Cassandra Jacqueline Danielle Alexis Stephanie Melanie Kristen April Erica Candace
Namebank 2
Darryl Ronald Luke Sean Jeremy Nathan Travis Darren Edward Bradley // Tammy Michelle Angela Jennifer Amanda Nicole Erin Heather Sara Jessica
Namebank 3
Chad Jesse Jamie Cameron Joel Cory Lee Robert Timothy Brent // Tina Marie Kelly Vanessa Stacey Jamie Rebecca Christine Patricia Courtney
Namebank 4
Ryan Joseph Jordan Dustin Mark Scott Nicholas Andrew Eric Shane // Allison Tracy Leanne Carrie Carolyn Nancy Mary Pamela Kathryn Maria