Big city or small town?
Big city: Would you rather name your son Radoš or Tibor?
- Radoš, namebank 1
- Tibor, namebank 2
Small town: Would you rather name your daughter Xenie or Vanda?
Xenie, namebank 3
Vanda, namebank 4
- Feel free to change nicknames into full names, but use the given nickname.
- Feel free to change spellings (Miya -> Mia)
Fourth child is born in the Czech Republic
Namebank 1
Maxmilián Kristian Sebastien Oldřich Antonin Mikuláš Damián Libor Richard Tadeáš
Namebank 2
Vít Eduard Erik Ondřej Radek Stanislav Gabriel Filip Matouš Jonáš
Namebank 3
Johana Rozárie Alexandra Mariana Leontýna Alena Eliška Magdaléna Denisa Lenka
Namebank 4
Josefína Ellen Vanessa Vendula Ela Adriana Klaudie Antonie Justýna Šárka