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Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (2/10)
The Featherstone Family!(aka "My Miserable Life")DH:[43]Lord Cassian Cadogan Featherstone
DW:[41]Aikaterine Theophania Featherstone(née DeRoy)(dec.)DS:[18]Hendric Cassian Featherstone
-SO:[16]Lady Harriot Normana Janella Brandol "Norma"DS:[16]Julius "Julie" Raen Featherstone
-SO:[15]Princess Alena Briony Maia of Braegan(missing)DD:[10]Callista "Callie" Gweneth FeatherstoneThe past 5 years have been absolutely catastrophic since there isn't a more sophisticated way to put it. A couple of months after little Callie's 7th birthday, she has a vision, and it's a nasty one, a vision of mother, who was- never mind. She'd rather not talk about it. A few months later, Aikaterine was found in the cellar- dead. Poor Julius nearly had a heart attack when he discovered her on the floor, blood everywhere, with a- what's that, a [i]dagger[/i] in her side? This was obviously no accident. Everyone is genuinely devastated, and to make matters worse, further investigations raise one fact: this was murder. The whole family bands together(though they try to keep Callie out of it)to find out who did it. But Callie knows something they don't...that was her vision. She sneaks into their meetings nonetheless. The two brothers make friends with two young aristocrats, a princess(because her parents want her to marry Julius, the son of a wealthy and important aristocrat) and a Lord's daughter, who are happy to help the struggling family in any way they can. But then...later, Princess Alena goes missing! Without a trace, too! A bunch of ransom letters flood into the house, asking for requests for Alena's release. The family is again devastated, and when they tell the royals, it only gets worse. Lady Harriot(or "Norma")takes matters into her own hands to go find her friend the princess. She almost doesn't come back home...what are the Featherstones to do?!On top of all this bad news, Lord Cassian's [i]brother[/i] comes to declare the throne for himself! How convenient...for his whole life, he'd been looked down upon(poor him), and seeing the desperate situation that the family was in, look who decided to swoop in and take charge? Cassian swears that he'd loathed his older brother Evander from [i]birth[/i], and this isn't making things any Evander marches around the manor like he owns the place, and if life wasn't already miserable enough for the Featherstones. This just proves that no matter how bad things seem to be, they can always get worse. That's just the principle of the thing... Note: I'm sorry if I made the story way too miserable to read, totally my fault!“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” - Andre Gide
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Wow, I didn’t expect someone to fit ALL three suggestions into their story. And don’t worry, misery makes all these stories a lot better!

This message was edited 12/18/2022, 2:49 PM

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