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Fantasy congrats KUY (2/10)
Round 1:
Dice:, just read up on all your stories and they are TOO good, very exited to see more.5 years have passed since round 1: ——-
(Skip this if you’re not including story elements)
Suggestions:1. All deaths chosen by the dice have been a murder, the family must band together to find out who the killer, wether it’s a random criminal, a not-so-faithful servant, or even someone within the family.2. One of the family members have gone missing. Thought to never be found again, but suddenly suspicious letters have been flooding in, asking for money, and gifts, for the return of this missing family member. Who is doing this? And what will the family decide to do?3. A distant relative has become noticed by the family after claiming he has more valid heirship to the throne than the current heir does, he has a campaign and many followers. How will the family react? What punishment will this relative endure because of this? And are his claims reasonable?——-
(Skip to here if not including story elements)Deaths:
Roll a 10 sided dice for every family member, if they get 9 they die, if they are over 80, 10 also constituted as a death.For every couple, roll a 20 sided dice:
1-6: Relationship does not change
7-13: Couple progresses (E.g Engaged——> Married) if they are married or under 18 the couple does not change
14-18 The couple separates, through any way you like, even death(even if you have not rolled either of their deaths beforehand)
19-20 One or both of the partners takes on a lover Generate a 20 sided dice for all singles aged 15 or older. If they are under 18, 12 or above is a significant other. If they are between 18 and 26, 7-13 is a significant other, 13-16 is an engagement, and 17-20 is a marriage. If they are 27 or older, 6-9 is a significant other, 10-14 Is an engagement, and 15-20 is a marriage. The ages of the spouses and fiancé/fiancée are up to you.(Optional)
Roll a 13 sided dice to determine the title of any new spouses, it’s up to you wether these spouses are from a foreign land or not.1. No title / Premier / Knight
2. High Priest / High Priestess
3. Lord / Lady
4. Emperor / Empress
5. King / Queen
6. {Grand} Duke / {Grand} Duchess
7. Prince / Princess
8. Chieftain
9. Marquess / Marchioness
10. Count / Earl / Countess
11. Baron / Baroness
12. Baronet / Baronetess
13. Viscount / ViscountessFor potential parents, role a 20 sided dice:For a potential parents aged 18-23: 1-11 is no children, 12-16 is 1 child, 17-20 is 2 children.
For a potential parents aged 24-34: 1-6 is no children, 7-10 is 1 child, 11-15 is 2 children, 16-20 is 3 children.
For a potential parents aged 35-45: 1-9 is no children, 10-15 is 1 child, 16-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.
For potential parents aged 45+: 1-14 is no children, 15-18 is 1 child, 19-20 is 2 children.
These children can be biological or adopted.
If you want, roll the dice again, odd number=boys and even number=girls
Add pets if you want to.Namebank:
Marcella Amandine Lidelle Aruna Normana Janella Harriot Briony Idonea Bettys Duska Arianwen Basia Sellania Aisha Clover Marisol Noor Alena Anneta Anushka Devonne Demetria Yessenia Lalitha Maia Nayah Zarrah Anima Azami Caris Kala ZaharArtur Thurstan Archibald Ruben Maurice Davido Asa Calloway Anton Charlot Aaron Ajax Deon Samir Idris Leo Loui Piotr Evander Haris Kamal Acalan Atsadi Ramses Ansel Denzel Harrell Matteo Bodhi Henzo Brennan Nicanor Marcomer Noam Nicodemus (Feel free to add an “of” before the surnames if you’re going for a medieval-ish theme)
Ashdown Silverstone Alibrand Erland Xenon Alodia Gallchobhair Lazarus Monahue Babbo Chukea Bonhumil Chimene Braegan Windwater Cloudhill Brandol Rune Earlin Elston Daytown

This message was edited 12/18/2022, 7:11 AM

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H (39): Prince Naeem Thaddeus DeRoy of Northwood
W (37): Princess Kataleya Amaris Xanthe (Honeycutt) DeRoy of NorthwoodS (17): Duke Desmond Esau Cadogan DeRoy of Northwood
S (14): Duke Amos Romaro Augustin DeRoy of Northwood
D (5): Duchess Carolina Amabel Nerissa DeRoy of Northwood
S (4): Duke Archibald Artur Ruben DeRoy of Northwood
S (2, twin): Duke Leo Ansel Thurstan DeRoy of Northwood
D (2, twin): Duchess Briony Amandine Maia DeRoy of Northwood
Prince Naeem & Princess Kataleya DeRoy of Northwood | Duke Desmond, Duke Amos, Duchess Carolina, Duke Archibald, Duke Leo + Duchess Briony
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Location: A royal castleDH[51]: King Salvator Saxo of Featherstone
DW[44]: Queen Violetta Laureen of FeatherstoneDD[17]: Crown Princess Marlene Amabel of Featherstone
-BF[19] Anton Henzo of Windwater
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H [51] Sir Ezra Saxo Creed
-XMistress [45] Miss Mei MurgatroydW [41] Lady Callista Amaris (Blackwood) Creed
-XParamour [38] Prince Lupus Zaire Cadwaller, Duke of GreenhillS [23] Master Ezra Prosper "Prosper" Creed
[-S's Mistress [25] High Priestess Marisol, House Xenon
-S's S [4] Master Ajax, House Creed
-S's D [nb] Miss Lalitha, House Xenon]
-GF [21] Lady Carolina Amaris DeRoy of Foxland
[--GF's Paramour [21] Lord Ramses Harrell Monahue of Daytown
--GF's S [nb] The Honorable Ruben Archibald Monahue]H's D [21] Marchioness Aditi Kalona (Murgatroyd) Silverstone
-H [25] Marquess Asa Haris Silverstone of AshdownH's D [20] Marchioness Dido Kaylani (Murgatroyd) Silverstone
-H [22] Marquess Nicanor Calloway Silverstone of BrandolS [dec] Master Edric Amador Creed
W's S [12] The Honorable Orlando Cassian Cadwaller
S [2] Master Evander Ansel CreedProsper, already, has taken on a mistress! Carolina and he only keep up their relationship for appearances' sake, but neither of them want a marriage. Prosper doesn't want to end the courtship, so he's waiting for Carolina to finally leave him. Meanwhile, High Priestess Marisol, House of Xenon, servant of Braegan, goddess of fertility and agriculture, has used her status to bed a handsome man. As priestess of Braegan, she and her fellow cult members get to sleep around scot-free in service to their queen. Prosper, a skeptic of the gods, had no qualms with sleeping with the Marisol. She had a son and named him Ajax. A new house in the priestly line has been born, House Creed. As the eldest son of a High Priestess, Ajax will be groomed into the masculine version of the role. There are as many male servants of Braegan as there are female, and many a high priest.Tragedy strikes the Creed tower, however, when Edric, aged eleven, goes missing for six months! Callista and Ezra demand a search be made the very day Edric was gone. No matter the efforts of man through search or sacrifice, however, the boy cannot be found. The Creeds began recieving strange notes and parcels on their doorstep, demanding a ransom and containing locks of hair, a note from Edric himself.

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{The former Lord in the Great Tower, Orlando Salvador DeRoy (dead at 35 years of age)}& his Widow, Amaryllis of Rosetown (31 years of age)& their son, the Lord in the Great Tower, Cosimo Albion DeRoy (5 years of age)& his brother, Idris Matteo DeRoy (4 years of age)& his sister, Sellania Maia DeRoy (2 years of age)& his brother, Artur Davido DeRoy (5 months old)
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The DeRoy Family Part IIDH: Albion Ronin Hendric DeRoy (30)
DW: Theophania Kataleya Ventura (Godshill) DeRoy (27)DS: Thurstan Calloway Evander DeRoy (4)
DD: Aruna Demetria Caris DeRoy (1)
DS: Idris Nicodemus Brennan DeRoy (infant)Dog: Duska
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W: Adhara Xanthe [Blevins] Blackwood (44)
H: Ezra Julius Blackwood (45)D: Amina Calliope Blackwood (15)
S: Cassian Prosper Blackwood (11)
D: Maia Arianwen Blackwood (8)Adhara & Ezra; Amina, Cassian, and Maia
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DH(41): Viscount Chieftain Albion Amador of Thornton
DW(39): Viscountess Chief Consort Kaylani Kalona Cadwallader of ThorntonDS(17): Saxo Memphis of Thornton
DD(15): Lulu Ziraili of Thornton
-DBF(17): High Priest Artur Evander of Braegan
DD(4): Bettys Duska of Thornton
DD(2): Arianwen Anneta of Thornton
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DH(36): High Priest Romaro Zaire Honeycutt
DW(34): High Priestess Rocca Andromeda Cadwallader HoneycuttDS(12): Thaddeus Hendric Honeycutt
DD(9): Mei Marlene Honeycutt
DD(twin1,3): Nayah Aisha Honeycutt
DD(twin2,3): Bettys Maia Honeycutt
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H [dec at 50] Lord Lupus Thaddeus Castletown, 1st Viscount Castletown
W [45] Lady Callista Marlene AppletonLupus & Callista || Cassian and OrlandoS1 [23] Lord Cassian Ezra Castletown, 2nd Viscount Castletown
- W [23] Lady Xanthe Amabel Honeycutt, 2nd Viscountess CastletownCassian & XantheS2 [23] Second Lieutenant Orlando Salvador Castletown🪺Cassian and Xanthe married, much to the rejoycing of everyone in the family. The celebrations were shortly followed by the celebration of Lord Lupus' fiftieth birthday party for which - in addition to all of Cassian and Xanthe's guests - large swaths of his fellow servicemen and several foreign dignitaries were invited. Even Orlando took leave to attend the wedding and birthday party. A quail hunt was organised - there wasn't much to hunt in Castonia but quails. Shots rang along the moors all through the day.One was followed by a scream.The company sprung to action, rushing to the scene of the accident, but it was too late. Lord Lupus had been shot clean through the neck the day of his 50th birthday. Lady Callista was devastated, and Xanthe cradled her weeping husband. Orlando inspected the bullet wound, and gave his verdict: it was his professional opinion that the shot was not fired by accident.

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DH| Lord Amos Cassian of Blackwood [36]
DW| Priestess Ziraili Adhara Creed [34]DD| Lady Xanthe Ziraili of Blackwood [13]
DS| Lord Raen Augustin of Blackwood [11]
DD| Lady Kalyani Athina of Blackwood [10]
DD| Lady Nayah Marcella of Blackwood [5]
DS| Lord Idris Nicanor of Blackwood [4]
DD| Lady Zahar Lalitha of Blackwood [2]
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DH[87](dec.): King Amos Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
DW[85]: Queen Theophania Marlene Greenhill Featherstone of Northwood "Thea"
----DBF[82]: Prince Ansel Thurstan Featherstone of Northwood
DH[46]: King Alphonso Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
---- DW[24] (dec.): Princess Geraldine Amina Appleton Featherstone of Northwood "Geri"
--DS1[22]: Prince Apollo Thaddeus Prosper Featherstone of Northwood
----DW[29]: Empress Anushka Demetria Earlin Featherstone of Cloudhill & Northwood
-----DD1 [exp]: Alena Marisol Featherstone
DW[29]: Queen Callista Violetta Rayworth Featherstone of Northwood
---DD1[5]: Princess Amandine Caris Featherstone of Northwood
---DS2[4]: Prince Ajax Nicodemus Featherstone of Northwood
---DD2[2]: Princess Arianwen Demetria Featherstone of NorthwoodThe kingdom of Northwood is expanding. King Alphonso surprised everyone when he married the young Callista, and now they have three children. Callista was sort-of hoping for more, especially that her children would be more in-line for the throne. She and Prince Apollo haven't gotten along and at one point he accused of her poisoning him. It wasn't true or so Callista claims. Prince Alphonso usually sides with his wife, especially after she started creating more heirs for the throne. His father, King Amos, would be so happy to see the young heirs.
Feeling estranged from his father and step-mother, Prince Apollo got involved with an older woman, the Empress Anushka. She is very sweet and nurturing. Many have pursued the Empress for the sake of her empire, but she saw through them. In Prince Apollo, she sensed a very genuine and kind soul. They married rather quickly with mixed reactions from his family. His father thought she was too old for him, but is also excited at thought of merging Northwood with Cloudhill via marriage. With so many children of his own, Alphonso is less worried about heirs. Apollo and Anushka are about to announce their first child to his parents and then their countries. Everyone will be happy except Callista, as her kids fall in the succession.

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This message was edited 12/23/2022, 12:06 AM

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DH(36): Lord Cadogan Lupus Blackwood
DW(34): Lady Amabel Xanthe Grange BlackwoodDS(13): Memphis Apollo Blackwood
DD(7): Aditi Geraldine Blackwood
DD(2): Bettys Lalitha Blackwood
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DH: Duke Naeem Romaro Zaire of Godshill (42)
-DLover: Lord Gwydion Lupus Gold (35)
-DLover: Emperor Ramses Atsadi Idris of Chukea (38) DW: Duchess Amaryllis Xanthe Violette of Godshill (37; deceased)
DLover: Lady Aditi Rocca Gold (33)
-DLover: Empress Nayah Sellania Azami of Chukea (34) Duke & Duchess's Kids
DS: Raen Alphonso Thaddeus of Godshill (23)
-DLover: Grand Duchess Amandine Caris Lalitha of Alibrand (21)DD: Amina Ventura Gweneth of Godshill (18)
-DLover: Baronet Asa Nicanor Maurice of Erland
-DD: Clover Alena Devonne of Erland (nb) DS: Ajax Nicodemus Thurstan of Godshill [twin] (5)
DS: Ansel Archibald Noam of Godshill [twin] (5)
DD: Caris Janella Arianwen of Godshill (3) Lord & Lady's Kids
DD: Zahar Yessenia Gold [twin] (4)
DD: Noor Anima Gold [twin] (4)
DD: Basia Demetria Gold (1)Emperor & Empress's Kids
DD: Idonea Harriot Lidelle of Chukea (15)
-DLover: Earl Marcomer Acalan Samir of Alodia (20)

DD: Aruna Bettys Zarrah of Chukea (2) *** When Amaryllis passed unexpectedly a couple years ago, just shortly after she gave birth to Caris, the whole of Godshill went into mourning, but Lady Aditi knew that something was fishy surrounding the manner of her death. At the time, a new couple had joined the household with their older daughter, Idonea. The husband, Ramses, banished Emperor of Chukea, traveled with several attendants, including a woman who grew increasingly jealous of the relationship that Amaryllis had with Lady Aditi and Empress Nayah. When Amaryllis took ill all of a sudden, Lady Aditi had her doubts that it was a natural cause as shortly before the illness overtook Amaryllis, Aditi had seen the attendant sneak out of Amaryllis's room. It wasn't until Amaryllis's death a few days later that the rest of the household began to believe Aditi's accusations. Over the next few weeks, further proof came to light, pointing in the direction of this attendant. Things came to a head when the attendant tried to bolt from Godshill in the middle of the night. Ramses, Gwydion, and Naeem caught her as she ran and, more merciful in their justice than she was in her revenge, they sent her away to live in a convent for the rest of her life.
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H (dec. at 47): King Salvador Alphonso Julius of Rayworth
W (35): Queen Mother Gweneth Amaryllis (Featherstone) of RayworthS (14): King Julius 'Prosper' Prosper Augustin of Rayworth
D (9): Princess Violetta Amabel Carolina of Rayworth
D (4): Princess Marisol Harriot Alena of RayworthKing Salvador / Queen Mother Gweneth of Rayworth | King Prosper, Princess Violetta + Princess Marisol
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H (43): King Cassian Orlando of Rayworth
W (44): Queen Gweneth Kiana (DeRoy) of RayworthD (20): Crown Princess Adhara Violetta of Rayworth
--ExBf (22): Prince Thaddeus Kairo of FeatherstoneS (18): Prince Apollo Zaire of Rayworth
-W (18): Marchioness Aisha Noor (of Chukea) of Rayworth
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DH [54]: King Gwydion Thaddeus Orlando of Blackwood
DW [42]: Queen Aikaterine Amabel Theophania of Blackwood (née Princess of Rosetown)DD1 [24]: Princess Adhara Amaryllis Nerissa of Blackwood
-ExSO [33]: Prince Cosimo Dionysius Augustin of Cadwallader
-SO [25]: Kamal Artur Braegan
-DD [nb]: Princess Yessenia Marisol Braegan of BlackwoodDD2 [22]: Princess Violetta Athina Kaylani of BlackwoodDD3 [17]: Princess Callista Andromeda Xanthe of Blackwood
-SO [20]: Baronet Archibald Bodhi of BlackwoodDS1 [3]: Crown Prince Nicodemus Ajax Evander of BlackwoodKing Gwydion & Queen Aikaterine; Princess Adhara, Princess Violetta, Princess Callista, and Crown Prince Nicodemus

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This message was edited 12/21/2022, 4:31 AM

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H [dec at 36] King Julius Cadogan of Blackwood
W [28] Queen Regent Xanthe Dido of FoxlandJulius & Xanthe || Prosper and EzraS1 [10] Crown Prince Prosper Cosimo of Blackwood
S2 [10] Prince Ezra Dionysius of BlackwoodThough the princes were still children, far too young for marriage, the king started looking into arranging matches for them. This, the nobility didn't object to. While it was unusual for eight year-olds to get engaged, it wasn't unorthodox - the marriage would simply be delayed until both the bride and groom came of age.What they did object to, however, is where Julius went looking for prospective daughters-in-law: the neighbouring Kingdom of Guilder, with whom Albion maintained only the barest diplomatic and financial ties. On surface level, the two princesses of Guilder seemed like ideal matches for Prosper and Ezra - they were aged 12 and 9, and so the age gap wasn't too large, and neither would have to move too far from home. The language of Guilder was also similar to that of Albion.However, the monarchs of Guilder tolerated all kinds of Lollard heresy - and it was an open secret that the king and queen were themselves hoping to reform the church beyond recognition. Thus, the nobility and church of Albion were outraged that King Julius would even consider tainting his bloodline so. When his advisors failed to convince him that betrothing his sons to the princesses of Guilder was a foolhardy decision, the king was taken gravely ill, and died within the week.

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DH: Esau Apollo Northwood [dec. at 46]
DW: Kaylani Callista [Castletown] Northwood [43]DS: Amos Cadogan Northwood [23]
- DW: Theophania Kalona [Murgatroyd] Northwood [23]
- DD: Lalitha Lidelle Northwood [4]
- DD: Basia Aruna Northwood [3, presumed dead at 1]DS: Ezra Amador Northwood [15]
DD: Amabel Amina Northwood [9]Esau and Kaylani with Amos, Ezra, and Amabel
- Amos and Theophania with Lalitha and Basia
Five years have passed since our last encounter at the Northwood Tower. Amos and Theophania's sudden elopement seems to have last past the honeymoon phase - they've been happily married in Rosetown since, with two daughters of their own. Little Lalitha is a stunning child, with her mother's Grecian features and her father's coloring. Baby Basia was much the same, a doll of a child bearing quite the resemblance to her Grandpa Esau. Esau's hair was supposedly ginger once, before it became bleached and streaked with frazzled gray. While everyone attributes Basia's red hair to her mother, Amos knows where it's from. Even then, her rosy cheeks looked so much like his wind-beaten skin. Perhaps that was the tragic link between them - when Esau died of a heart attack at forty-six, Basia suddenly disappeared. Heartbroken, Amos and Theophania searched far and wide for her, to no avail. They heard nothing for two years. But now, Amos and Theophania are receiving mysterious packages - first, letters with Basia's full name, her birthday, the day she went missing. Then, a lock of red hair and one single sentence: Basia is alive. With no address and no way to trace, the only thing Amos and Theophania know is to seek help and return to the Tower, where Ezra has been the primary caretaker since his father's death (with the help of Kalyani). Letters in tow, they pack up their things and return to the Tower with Lalitha. Perhaps Amos' mother will be able to help them sort things out.
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W[33]: Violetta Mei Theophania, High Empress of Gold
H[32]: Amador, Rune Priest of HoneycuttDD[8]: Amaryllis Cataleya Mei, Crown Princess of Gold
DS[8]: Thaddeus Alphonso Esau, Crown Prince of Gold
DD[2]: Yessenia Idonea Lalitha, Princess of Silverstone
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The Featherstone Family!(aka "My Miserable Life")DH:[43]Lord Cassian Cadogan Featherstone
DW:[41]Aikaterine Theophania Featherstone(née DeRoy)(dec.)DS:[18]Hendric Cassian Featherstone
-SO:[16]Lady Harriot Normana Janella Brandol "Norma"DS:[16]Julius "Julie" Raen Featherstone
-SO:[15]Princess Alena Briony Maia of Braegan(missing)DD:[10]Callista "Callie" Gweneth FeatherstoneThe past 5 years have been absolutely catastrophic since there isn't a more sophisticated way to put it. A couple of months after little Callie's 7th birthday, she has a vision, and it's a nasty one, a vision of mother, who was- never mind. She'd rather not talk about it. A few months later, Aikaterine was found in the cellar- dead. Poor Julius nearly had a heart attack when he discovered her on the floor, blood everywhere, with a- what's that, a [i]dagger[/i] in her side? This was obviously no accident. Everyone is genuinely devastated, and to make matters worse, further investigations raise one fact: this was murder. The whole family bands together(though they try to keep Callie out of it)to find out who did it. But Callie knows something they don't...that was her vision. She sneaks into their meetings nonetheless. The two brothers make friends with two young aristocrats, a princess(because her parents want her to marry Julius, the son of a wealthy and important aristocrat) and a Lord's daughter, who are happy to help the struggling family in any way they can. But then...later, Princess Alena goes missing! Without a trace, too! A bunch of ransom letters flood into the house, asking for requests for Alena's release. The family is again devastated, and when they tell the royals, it only gets worse. Lady Harriot(or "Norma")takes matters into her own hands to go find her friend the princess. She almost doesn't come back home...what are the Featherstones to do?!

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Wow, I didn’t expect someone to fit ALL three suggestions into their story. And don’t worry, misery makes all these stories a lot better!

This message was edited 12/18/2022, 2:49 PM

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Adhara Amaryllis, Elven Queen of the Blackwood [84]
♥Lord Edric Prosper Thornton [56; King Consort]
♥Lord Noam Brennan Lazarus [30; lover of Queen Adhara]Prince Augustin Dionysius [27]
♥Lady Dido Carolina Greenhill [22; fiancee]Prince Cassian Julius [25]
♥Princess Amaris of the Northwood [24; wife]
--Lady Demetria Caris [4]
--Lord Evander Nicodemus [1]
♥Lalitha Aruna Zahar, Queen of Windwater [25; lover]
--Princess Anushka Amandine [nb]
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DH: [47] Cassian Apollo Blackwood
DW: [45] Callista Dido Amabel [DeRoy] Blackwood DS: [21] Edric Julius Lynx Blackwood
DW: [22] Amandine Marcella (Rune) Blackwood
-DD: [2] Basia Anneta Demetria Blackwood DS: [18] Augustin Desmond Orlando Blackwood
DW: [19] Bettys Arianwen (Ashdown) Blackwood
-DD: [1] Briony Idonea Caris Blackwood

DD: [15] Gweneth Amaryllis Theophania Blackwood
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H [dec] Sir Edric Romaro Foxland
{H's Paramour [44] Miss Adhara Amina Creed}
W [47] Lady Violetta Amabel Grange, Countess of Rosetown
{W's Paramour [48] Lord Julius Alphonso Thornton, 6th Earl of Godshill}S [20] Darion Edric Foxland-Grange, Lord MurgatroydH's D1 [17] Miss Amaryllis Ayita Creed
- SO [16] Lord Harrell Marcomer Braegan, 2nd Earl of SilverstoneH's D2 [10] Miss Andromeda Adhara Creed
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DH [46] Lord Kairo Julius Salvador of Foxland
DW [dec. at 42] Lady Dynah Gweneth Kaylani of Foxland (formerly of Featherstone)DD [19] Lady Theophania Amaris Dynah of Foxland
-Dfiancé[22] Baron Ezra Gwydion Cosimo Blevins
-Dfiancé’s Mistress [22] High Priestess Harriot Noor Brandol
--DD [1] Maia Arianwen BrandolDD [dec. at 15] Lady Amaryllis Mei Gweneth of Foxland
DS [12] Lord Thaddeus Edric Kairo of FoxlandDfiancée [37] Marchioness Lalitha Briony Anushka ErlandDfiancée’sDS [15] Marquess Piotr Bodhi Ruben Erland
Dfiancée’sDS [14] Marquess Idris Samir Ansel ErlandLord Kairo & Lady Dynah of Foxland: Lady Theophania, Lady Amaryllis, & Lord Thaddeus
Marchioness Lalitha Erland: Marquess Piotr & Marquess Idris Samir
Lord Kairo & Marchioness Lalitha Erland
Lady Theophania of Foxland & Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins
Baron Ezra Gwydion Blevins & High Priestess Harriot Brandol: MaiaBrief story: Lady Dynah and her second daughter, Lady Amaryllis, were killed in a carriage accident two years ago. Recently, Lord Kairo became engaged to the Marchioness Lalitha Erland, widow of Marquess Davido. Also last year, High Priestess Harriot gave birth to a daughter, Maia. She has not publicly claimed the girl’s father, though Lady Theophania is aware that the father is her betrothed, Baron Ezra Blevins. For now, she’s fine with it, but Lady Theophania has made it clear that the girl will never be part of her family.
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