First Name:
KeeganLast Name: Walsh
Occupation: NASA scientist
Hobbies: Cooking, writing, reading, tie-dye
First Name:
MarciaLast Name: Lang
Occupation: Lawyer
Hobbies: Drawing, acting, singing, crocheting
Current Children?
Mayra (13)
Patrice (13)
Jenna (11)
Cassius (8)
Jarvis (7) Crimson (2) Maroon (2)
Artem (1) Kataleia (nb)
Current Pets?
An Appaloosa horse, Fashusha, and three Ranchu goldfish, Phyler, Physon, and Phart.
Current Location: Yerevan, Armenia
How many children would you like to adopt? (
Max 5)
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Aged Range: 12-15
Country(s) you’d like to adopt from: Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Russia, Canada, or Turkey.
Are you okay with adopting siblings? Yes
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? Yes
Are you okay with adopting children with disabilities? Yes
What languages are spoken in your family? Are you open to adopting children who don’t speak your language?
We speak English, Cantonese, Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, Odia and Armenian. (No)
What religions are in your family? Are you open to adopting children from other religious background?
We are Buddhist. (Yes)