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Re: You think you say
1. Hey here is my daughter’s Paisley Peyton Penelope and Polly
Say: Woah cool names
Think: They sound similar but I like all of them2: Hey you over there here is my son Jimmy
Say: Of course
Think: cool name3: What to meet my son Scott and my daughter Lindsay
Say: my dad’s name is Scott
Think: fine names4: Hey here is my daughter Wrenley
Say: love that name
Think: love that name5: here are my sons Thea and Ron
Say: repeat
Think: did he say boy
6: Hey do you want to meet my triplets jj Aj Dj
Say: 2 letters fun
Think: ok7: here is my daughter Ear
Think: “Can’t stop screaming”8: Here is my daughter Willo
Say: Willo cool
Think: I like willow better9: here are my two sons Charlie and Charles
Say: why would you make them similar
Think: I don’t really like any of those names10: here is my daughter Irisa
Say: I like it
Think: I kinda like it11: hi there if you don’t want to meet my son I will poke you with a stick his name is Layla
Say: Nice Layla
Think: boy and viscous mom
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