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Re: CAF Generation
H: [86] John Otto BrooksJackRussell
exW: [85] Cordelia MadeleineCoraScott
Jack & Cora: Brooks and Caroline
Grandkids: Oliver, Emily, David, Sophie, Philip, Amy, Leo and Vince S1: [59] Brooks Scott Marshay Russell
D1: [57] Caroline Rosemary RussellW: [75] Rose Virginia Henshaw-Russell
Jack & Rose: Ruby
Grandkids: Vivian and RossD2: [45] Ruby Veronica Russell
S1: [59] Brooks Russell
W: [55] Zoe Victoria Baldwin-Russell
Brooks & Zoe: Oliver, Emily, David, Sophie, Philip and Amy
Grandkids: Brooks, Allie, Nicholas and Sammy S: [29] Oliver Scott Conlan Russell
-W: [29] Josephine CeciliaJosie” Whitworth-Russell
Oliver & Josie: Brooks, Alexandra and Nicholas-S: [3] Brooks Edwin Patrick Russell
-D: [1] Alexandra Elisabeth ZoeAllieRussell
-S: [exp] Nicholas Franklin Oliver Russell D: [26] Emily Zoe Russell-Luard
-H: [30] Samuel JamesSam” Luard
Sam & Emily: Samuel-S: [2] Samuel HenrySammy” LuardS: [24] David George Russell
D: [22] Sophie Cora Russell
S: [19] Philip Theodore John Russell
D: [13] Amy Katherine Genevieve Russell
D1: [57] Caroline Russell-Warren
H: [57] Amos Rachel Harrison Warren
Amos & Caroline: Leon and Vincent S: [20] Leon Felix MichaelLeoWarren
S: [17] Vincent Francis JamesVinceWarren
D2: [45] Ruby Russell-Murray
H: [50] John-Paul Andrew “JP” Murray
JP & Ruby: Vivian and Ross
Grandkids: Joel D: [25] Vivian Murray-Ramsay
-H: [25] Jack Ellis Ramsay
Jack & Vivian: Joel -S: [exp] Joel Christian Ramsay S: [23] Ross Ivan Murray
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