Re: Royal congrats #10 - thanks for hosting!
in reply to a message by ari.
ExH [dec at 90]: [King] Athelstan Magnus Bartholomew
ExW [dec at 66]: Baroness Rohesia Idony Aveline
DD [dec at 57]: Queen [Princess of East Anglia] Amabel Dionysia Eloise of Scandinavia
-DH1 [dec at 52]: Prince [Duke] Crispin Eustace
-DD [dec at 9]: Princess Adelaide Eloise
-DS [37]: Prince Nicol Eustace
--DW [30]: Princess [Baroness] Rose Marion
--DS [8]: Prince Luke Roland
--DS [7]: Prince Ansel Ingram
--DS [4]: Prince Tolly Norbert
--DD [2]: Princess Saskia Godeliva
-DS [33]: Prince Felix Christopher
--DW1 [dec at 28]: Princess [Viscountess] Mariana Alessandra
--DW2 [26]: Princess [Viscountess] Genevieve Pacifica
--DD [6, twin]: Princess Mabely Susan
--DD [dec at 6, twin]: Princess Modwenna Julian
--DS [3]: Prince Matthew Leofwine
--DD [2]: Princess Mariott Petronilla
--DS [1]: Prince Warwick Rayner
-DD [31]: Princess Florence Isabella
--DH [44]: Prince [Count] Fabiano Vincenzo
--DD [dec at 7]: Princess Jocosa Filippa
--DD [10]: Princess Rohese Martina
--DS [8]: Prince Wybert Dunstan
--DD [6]: Princess Emonie Pacifica
--DS [4]: Prince Gervase Hewet
--DS [1]: Prince Romuald Emiland
-DS [28]: Prince Jason Lysandros
--ExF [20]: Viscountess Eda Etheldred
--DW [20]: Princess [Countess] Amice Dominica
--DS [2]: Prince Ivo
--DS [nb]: Prince Hewet
-DH2 [58]: King Gjord of Scandinavia
-DH2'sDW2 [45]: Queen [Viscountess] Idalia Avila of Scandinavia
DS [58]: Prince Roland Aldous William
-DW [53]: Princess [Baroness] Lilias Iseabail
-DD [dec at 5, twin]: Princess Edith Ealasaid
-DS [35, twin]: King [Prince of East Anglia] Adam Artair of Italy
--DW [38]: Queen Agostina Stefania of Italy
--DD [11]: Crown Princess Roberta Ibb of Italy
--DD [dec at 10]: Princess Benedetta Malle of Italy
-DD [dec at 7]: Princess Lucy Órfhlaith
-DS [23]: Prince Benedict George
-DS [dec at 6]: Prince Edward Alexander
-DS [dec at 5]: Prince Simon Reginald
-ExGf [45]: Baroness Clemence Agatha
-DGf [43]: Queen Dragoslava of Yugoslavia
-DW'sDBf [60]: Duke Aelfric Esmond
ExH'sDW1 [dec at 51]: Queen [Duchess] Aldith Annora
DS [42]: King William Magnus Bartholomew
-ExF [40]: Duchess Antigone Margaret
-DW [33]: Queen [Viscountess] Carla Giorgia
-DS [dec at 10]: Prince Bartholomew Domenico
-DD [13]: Princess Hawise Federica
-DS [12]: Crown Prince Iudocus Alberto
-DS [dec at 9]: Prince Stephen Justus
-DD [dec at 8]: Princess Adeliza Richenza
-DS [6]: Prince Vivian Maurice
-DGf [25]: Duchess Hildegard Winifred
DS [dec at 41]: Prince Henry Athelstan Albert
-DW [36]: Countess [Duchess] Mabel Evita
-DD [18]: Princess Alice Mabel Joan
--DF [28]: Baron Aldin Constantine
-DD [16]: Princess Elizabeth Evita Anne
-DD [dec at 9]: Princess Dionysia Wilmot Royse
-DS [8]: Prince Justus Benedict Luke
-DD [dec at 5]: Princess Guinevere Helisent Sue
-DW'sDH2 [45]: Count Charles Florian
DS [34]: Prince Claude Edward Jonathan
-DW [27]: Princess [Baroness] Marina Pietra
-DS [3]: Prince Norbert Rayner
-DS [1]: Prince Leofwine Florian
-DD [nb]: Princess Ismerie Arianrhod
DS [dec at 7]: Prince Gabriel Benjamin Oliver
ExH'sDGf [63]: Princess Katriona Grizel Mairead of Scotland
ExH'sDW2 [dec at 54]: Queen [Countess] Matilda Felice
DS [20, twin]: Prince Giles Philip
-DW [18]: Princess [Countess] Clarimond Valerie
DS [dec at 10, twin]: Prince Gilbert John
DS [dec at 8]: Prince Griffin Nigel
ExH'sExGf [62]: Viscountess Francesca Antonia of Italy
ExW'sDH1 [dec at 56]: Baron Edmund Otto
ExW'sDBf [dec at 54]: Baron Hugh Everard
ExW'sDH2 [dec at 65]: Baron Constantius Uther
King Athelstan & Baroness Rohesia; Queen Amabel and Prince Roland
Queen Amabel & Prince Crispin; Princess Adelaide, Prince Nicol, Prince Felix, Princess Florence, and Prince Jason
Prince Nicol & Princess Rose; Prince Luke, Prince Ansel, Prince Tolly, and Princess Saskia
Prince Felix & Princess Mariana
Prince Felix & Princess Genevieve; Princess Mabely & Princess Modwenna, Prince Matthew, Princess Mariott, and Prince Warwick
Princess Florence & Prince Fabiano; Princess Jocosa, Princess Rohese, Prince Wybert, Princess Emonie, Prince Gervase, and Prince Romuald
Prince Jason & Viscountess Eda
Prince Jason & Princess Amice; Prince Ivo and Prince Hewet
Queen Amabel & King Gjord
King Gjord & Queen Idalia
Prince Roland & Princess Lilias; Princess Edith & King Adam, Princess Lucy, Prince Benedict, Prince Edward, and Prince Simon
King Adam & Queen Agostina; Crown Princess Roberta and Princess Benedetta
Prince Roland & Baroness Clemence
Prince Roland & Queen Dragoslava
Princess Lilias & Duke Aelfric
King Athelstan & Queen Aldith; King William, Prince Henry, Prince Claude, and Prince Gabriel
King William & Duchess Antigone
King William & Queen Carla; Prince Bartholomew, Princess Hawise, Crown Prince Iudocus, Prince Stephen, Princess Adeliza, and Prince Vivian
King William & Duchess Hildegard
Prince Henry & Countess Mabel; Princess Alice, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Dionysia, Prince Justus, and Princess Guinevere
Princess Alice & Baron Aldin
Countess Mabel & Count Charles
Prince Claude & Princess Marina; Prince Norbert, Prince Leofwine, and Princess Ismerie
King Athelstan & Princess Katriona
King Athelstan & Queen Matilda; Prince Giles & Prince Gilbert and Prince Griffin
Prince Giles & Princess Clarimond
King Athelstan & Viscountess Francesca
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Edmund
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Hugh
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Constantius
King Athelstan finally dies of old age at 90! His eldest legitimate son, Crown Prince William, is crowned king; his wife, Carla, becomes queen, and his oldest living son, Iudocus, is the new crown prince. Sadly, a famine hits most of East Anglia this year, killing two of King William's children, Stephen (9) and Adeliza (8). The king gets a paramour, a Duchess Hildegard. His brother Prince Henry (41) and Henry's 5-year-old daughter Guinevere also die in the famine. Prince Felix and Princess Genevieve lose one of their 6-year-old twins, Modwenna. Italy is not affected, but the King and Queen of Italy, Adam and Agostina, lose their 10-year-old daughter, Benedetta, when she drowns in a pond. Queen/Princess Amabel's husband, King Gjord of Scandinavia, marries the paramour he had while Amabel was still alive, Viscountess Idalia. Princess Mabel remarries to a Count Charles. Princess Alice gets engaged to a Baron Aldin; their marriage is postponed because Alice is still in mourning for her father and sister. Prince Nicol and Princess Rose have two more children, Tolly and Saskia. Prince Felix and Princess Genevieve have three more children - Matthew, Mariott, and Warwick. Princess Florence and Prince Fabiano have two more children, Gervase and Romuald. Prince Jason and Princess Amice have two sons, Ivo and Hewet. Prince Claude and Princess Marina have three children - Norbert, Leofwine, and Ismerie.
- Shel Silverstein
Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
ExH [dec at 90]: [King] Athelstan Magnus Bartholomew
ExW [dec at 66]: Baroness Rohesia Idony Aveline
DD [dec at 57]: Queen [Princess of East Anglia] Amabel Dionysia Eloise of Scandinavia
-DH1 [dec at 52]: Prince [Duke] Crispin Eustace
-DD [dec at 9]: Princess Adelaide Eloise
-DS [37]: Prince Nicol Eustace
--DW [30]: Princess [Baroness] Rose Marion
--DS [8]: Prince Luke Roland
--DS [7]: Prince Ansel Ingram
--DS [4]: Prince Tolly Norbert
--DD [2]: Princess Saskia Godeliva
-DS [33]: Prince Felix Christopher
--DW1 [dec at 28]: Princess [Viscountess] Mariana Alessandra
--DW2 [26]: Princess [Viscountess] Genevieve Pacifica
--DD [6, twin]: Princess Mabely Susan
--DD [dec at 6, twin]: Princess Modwenna Julian
--DS [3]: Prince Matthew Leofwine
--DD [2]: Princess Mariott Petronilla
--DS [1]: Prince Warwick Rayner
-DD [31]: Princess Florence Isabella
--DH [44]: Prince [Count] Fabiano Vincenzo
--DD [dec at 7]: Princess Jocosa Filippa
--DD [10]: Princess Rohese Martina
--DS [8]: Prince Wybert Dunstan
--DD [6]: Princess Emonie Pacifica
--DS [4]: Prince Gervase Hewet
--DS [1]: Prince Romuald Emiland
-DS [28]: Prince Jason Lysandros
--ExF [20]: Viscountess Eda Etheldred
--DW [20]: Princess [Countess] Amice Dominica
--DS [2]: Prince Ivo
--DS [nb]: Prince Hewet
-DH2 [58]: King Gjord of Scandinavia
-DH2'sDW2 [45]: Queen [Viscountess] Idalia Avila of Scandinavia
DS [58]: Prince Roland Aldous William
-DW [53]: Princess [Baroness] Lilias Iseabail
-DD [dec at 5, twin]: Princess Edith Ealasaid
-DS [35, twin]: King [Prince of East Anglia] Adam Artair of Italy
--DW [38]: Queen Agostina Stefania of Italy
--DD [11]: Crown Princess Roberta Ibb of Italy
--DD [dec at 10]: Princess Benedetta Malle of Italy
-DD [dec at 7]: Princess Lucy Órfhlaith
-DS [23]: Prince Benedict George
-DS [dec at 6]: Prince Edward Alexander
-DS [dec at 5]: Prince Simon Reginald
-ExGf [45]: Baroness Clemence Agatha
-DGf [43]: Queen Dragoslava of Yugoslavia
-DW'sDBf [60]: Duke Aelfric Esmond
ExH'sDW1 [dec at 51]: Queen [Duchess] Aldith Annora
DS [42]: King William Magnus Bartholomew
-ExF [40]: Duchess Antigone Margaret
-DW [33]: Queen [Viscountess] Carla Giorgia
-DS [dec at 10]: Prince Bartholomew Domenico
-DD [13]: Princess Hawise Federica
-DS [12]: Crown Prince Iudocus Alberto
-DS [dec at 9]: Prince Stephen Justus
-DD [dec at 8]: Princess Adeliza Richenza
-DS [6]: Prince Vivian Maurice
-DGf [25]: Duchess Hildegard Winifred
DS [dec at 41]: Prince Henry Athelstan Albert
-DW [36]: Countess [Duchess] Mabel Evita
-DD [18]: Princess Alice Mabel Joan
--DF [28]: Baron Aldin Constantine
-DD [16]: Princess Elizabeth Evita Anne
-DD [dec at 9]: Princess Dionysia Wilmot Royse
-DS [8]: Prince Justus Benedict Luke
-DD [dec at 5]: Princess Guinevere Helisent Sue
-DW'sDH2 [45]: Count Charles Florian
DS [34]: Prince Claude Edward Jonathan
-DW [27]: Princess [Baroness] Marina Pietra
-DS [3]: Prince Norbert Rayner
-DS [1]: Prince Leofwine Florian
-DD [nb]: Princess Ismerie Arianrhod
DS [dec at 7]: Prince Gabriel Benjamin Oliver
ExH'sDGf [63]: Princess Katriona Grizel Mairead of Scotland
ExH'sDW2 [dec at 54]: Queen [Countess] Matilda Felice
DS [20, twin]: Prince Giles Philip
-DW [18]: Princess [Countess] Clarimond Valerie
DS [dec at 10, twin]: Prince Gilbert John
DS [dec at 8]: Prince Griffin Nigel
ExH'sExGf [62]: Viscountess Francesca Antonia of Italy
ExW'sDH1 [dec at 56]: Baron Edmund Otto
ExW'sDBf [dec at 54]: Baron Hugh Everard
ExW'sDH2 [dec at 65]: Baron Constantius Uther
King Athelstan & Baroness Rohesia; Queen Amabel and Prince Roland
Queen Amabel & Prince Crispin; Princess Adelaide, Prince Nicol, Prince Felix, Princess Florence, and Prince Jason
Prince Nicol & Princess Rose; Prince Luke, Prince Ansel, Prince Tolly, and Princess Saskia
Prince Felix & Princess Mariana
Prince Felix & Princess Genevieve; Princess Mabely & Princess Modwenna, Prince Matthew, Princess Mariott, and Prince Warwick
Princess Florence & Prince Fabiano; Princess Jocosa, Princess Rohese, Prince Wybert, Princess Emonie, Prince Gervase, and Prince Romuald
Prince Jason & Viscountess Eda
Prince Jason & Princess Amice; Prince Ivo and Prince Hewet
Queen Amabel & King Gjord
King Gjord & Queen Idalia
Prince Roland & Princess Lilias; Princess Edith & King Adam, Princess Lucy, Prince Benedict, Prince Edward, and Prince Simon
King Adam & Queen Agostina; Crown Princess Roberta and Princess Benedetta
Prince Roland & Baroness Clemence
Prince Roland & Queen Dragoslava
Princess Lilias & Duke Aelfric
King Athelstan & Queen Aldith; King William, Prince Henry, Prince Claude, and Prince Gabriel
King William & Duchess Antigone
King William & Queen Carla; Prince Bartholomew, Princess Hawise, Crown Prince Iudocus, Prince Stephen, Princess Adeliza, and Prince Vivian
King William & Duchess Hildegard
Prince Henry & Countess Mabel; Princess Alice, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Dionysia, Prince Justus, and Princess Guinevere
Princess Alice & Baron Aldin
Countess Mabel & Count Charles
Prince Claude & Princess Marina; Prince Norbert, Prince Leofwine, and Princess Ismerie
King Athelstan & Princess Katriona
King Athelstan & Queen Matilda; Prince Giles & Prince Gilbert and Prince Griffin
Prince Giles & Princess Clarimond
King Athelstan & Viscountess Francesca
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Edmund
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Hugh
Baroness Rohesia & Baron Constantius
King Athelstan finally dies of old age at 90! His eldest legitimate son, Crown Prince William, is crowned king; his wife, Carla, becomes queen, and his oldest living son, Iudocus, is the new crown prince. Sadly, a famine hits most of East Anglia this year, killing two of King William's children, Stephen (9) and Adeliza (8). The king gets a paramour, a Duchess Hildegard. His brother Prince Henry (41) and Henry's 5-year-old daughter Guinevere also die in the famine. Prince Felix and Princess Genevieve lose one of their 6-year-old twins, Modwenna. Italy is not affected, but the King and Queen of Italy, Adam and Agostina, lose their 10-year-old daughter, Benedetta, when she drowns in a pond. Queen/Princess Amabel's husband, King Gjord of Scandinavia, marries the paramour he had while Amabel was still alive, Viscountess Idalia. Princess Mabel remarries to a Count Charles. Princess Alice gets engaged to a Baron Aldin; their marriage is postponed because Alice is still in mourning for her father and sister. Prince Nicol and Princess Rose have two more children, Tolly and Saskia. Prince Felix and Princess Genevieve have three more children - Matthew, Mariott, and Warwick. Princess Florence and Prince Fabiano have two more children, Gervase and Romuald. Prince Jason and Princess Amice have two sons, Ivo and Hewet. Prince Claude and Princess Marina have three children - Norbert, Leofwine, and Ismerie.
- Shel Silverstein
Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
I’ve literally just read through all of your stories, so interesting!
This message was edited 4/17/2022, 10:48 AM