This was made with the help of and the top names by decade -lists.
H (b.1882): Tom, Irvin, Oscar, Cleveland, Eddie, Willard // Poole, Hess, Proctor, McIntyre
W (b. 1880): Maud, Olive, Rachel, Laura, Julia, Annie // Hood, Tanner, Chambers, Love
S (b. 1905): Angelo, Lloyd, Aaron, Samuel, Steve, Ellis
-W (b. 1904): Audrey, Della, Dora, Esther, Sylvia, Shirley // Davenport, Becker, Lindsey, Truong
--D (b. 1929): Delores, Billie, Susie, Bonnie, Edith, Florence
--S (b. 1931): Joel, Herman, Frederick, Ray, Gary, Norman
D (b. 1907): Ora, Amelia, Audrey, Lena, Maria, Wanda
-H (b.1899): Rufus, Edwin, Ben, Ira, Sylvester, Charles // Ross, Portillo, Sosa, Reilly
--S (b. 1931): Jessie, Claude, Richard, Junior, Nicholas, Virgil
S (b. 1910): Floyd, Luther, Alton, Alvin, Fred, Martin
D (b. 1911): Marie, Caroline, Janet, Lela, Flora, Minnie
-D (b. 1928): Lula, Jacqueline, Rosie, Edith, Louise, Viola
S (b. 1914): Benjamin, Jack, Gerald, Lee, Willard, Joe