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Re: avalon's Congrats Round 5
Samantha-Michelle – The Borchers Family
Congratulations to Harrison and Samantha on the birth of their twin girls! They join big sisters Chloe, Isabella, and Rachel and big brothers Gustav, Isaiah, and Romeo.
DH: Harrison Mackennly (29)
DW: Samantha Michelle (29)
DD/DD: Chloe Madeleine Olivia / Isabella Lily Grace (9)
DS: Gustav Anton Fredrik (7)
DD/DS: Rachel Elisabeth Sara / Isaiah Seth Malachi (4)
DS: Romeo Dante Samuele (2)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Marie Ireland / Melisande Lily Isabelle (newborns)
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Lotri-Samantha-
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Ignore this, sorry.

This message was edited 5/17/2006, 1:32 AM

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Four of your daughters have the same names in them: Rachel Elisabeth Sara and Elisabeth Marie Ireland, and Isabella Lily Grace and Melisande Lily Isabelle. Would you like to change any of them?
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