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Re: Generation CAF 8/12
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [92] Arthur Jacob Steele
DW [91] Mae Ellen [Ramsey] SteeleDS1 [71] Frankie Dylan Steele
DS2 [69] Cyrus Gene Steele
DS3 [67] Bjorn Jay Steele
DS4 [52] Nathaniel Cassian Steele -- Arthur and Mae w/ Frankie | Cyrus | Bjorn | Nate *
DS1 [71] Frankie Dylan Steele
DW [72] Harriett Zoey [Benson] SteeleDD [51] Mae Ellen [Steele] Sarkisian
- DH [51] Jirair Sarkisian
- DS [27] August Jirair Sarkisian
- DD [25] Anoush Louise [Sarkisian] Paulsen
- DH [27] Kasper Rasmus Paulsen
- DD [2] Malene Bailey Anoush Paulsen
- DD [nb] Katja Alexia Sevan Paulsen
Anoush and Kasper w/ Malene | Katja
- DD [22] Zabel Sylvia Sarkisian
- DD [18] Lucine Amira Sarkisian
- Dgf [21] Juliet Kaya Reeves
Lucine w/ girlfriend Juliet
Mae and Jirair w/ August | Anoush | Zabel | Lucine DS [48] Henry Elias Steele
- ExW [48] Lily Alyssia Stevenson
- DD [31] Christina Gaia [Steele] Garner
- DH [34] Luca Drew Garner
- DD [6] Theodora Margo Garner
- DS [4] Caspian Bodhi Garner
- DD [1] Lula Paris Garner
Christina and Luca w/ Theo | Caspian | Lula
- DS [29] Presley Alastair Steele
- DW [26] Ines Arwen [Vega] Steele
- DS [2] Rowan Bryn Steele
- DS [exp] Damon Montague Steele
Presley and Ines w/ Rowan | exp Damon
Henry and Lily w/ Christina | Presley
- DW [42] Nadine Mireille [Gautier] Steele
- DD [19] Rosalie Elin Steele
- Dbf [21] Nico Dorian Robbins
- DD [6m] Arizona Nadine Robbins
Rosie and Nico w/ Arizona
- DD [17] Isabeau Gwen Steele
- DD [13] Aurelie Marceline Steele
- DS [2] Etienne Patrice Steele
Henry and Nadine w/ Rosie | Izzy | Aurelie | Etienne DS [40] Laurie Frankie Steele
- DW [35] Joni Rosanna [Walton] Steele
- DWS [17] Ronnie Byron Hampton
- DD [6] Rosanna Mae Steele
- DD [3] Marina Harriett Steele
- DD [nb] Camille Jenna Steele
Laurie and Joni w/ Ronnie | Rosanna | Marina | Camille-- Frankie and Harriett w/ Mae | Henry | Laurie *
DS2 [69] Cyrus Gene Steele
DW [65] Natalia Aleksandra [Kowalski] SteeleDS [36] Lukasz Jameson Steele
- DW [33] Siena Adele [Joseph] Steele
- DS [8] Addison Lukasz Steele
- DS [7] Harlan Kacper Steele
- DS [4] Franklin Maciej Steele
- DD [exp] Marlowe Natalia Steele
Lukasz and Siena w/ Addison | Harlan | Franklin | exp MarloweDD [32] Agnieszka Juliette Malone-Steele
- DW [32] Adelina Marta Malone-Steele
- DD [2] Celeste Katarzyna Malone-Steele
- DS [exp] Johan Lukasz Malone-Steele
Agnieszka and Adelina w/ Celeste | exp Johan-- Cyrus and Natalia w/ Lukasz | Agnieszka *
DS3 [67] Bjorn Jay Steele
ExW [67] Lilith Gia Blake DS [48] Bjorn Jay Steele
- DW [44] Emine [Sadik] Steele
- DS [16] Gray Serkan Steele
- DS [14] Apollo Ramazan Steele
- DD [2] Yasmine Elora Steele
Bjorn and Emine w/ Gray | Apollo | Yasmine DS [46] Owen Matthew Steele
- DW [46] Emilia Kelsey [Lindsey] Steele
- DS [24] Noah Soren Steele
- Dfiancee [24] Roisin Samara Doyle
- DD [nb] Poppy Caoimhe Steele
Noah and Roisin w/ Poppy
- DS [22] Keaton Darragh Steele
- DS [19] Riley Theon Steele
- DS [16] Hugo Roman Steele
Owen and Emilia w/ Noah | Keaton | Riley | Hugo DD [44] Lorelei Elisabeth [Steele] Holloway
- ExFiance [45] Reuben Samuel Christensen
- DD [20] Adalyn Esmay Christensen
Lorelei and Reuben w/ Adalyn
- DH [40] Arlo Joseph Holloway
- DD [11] Luella Rayna Holloway
- DD [9] Selina Claire Holloway
- DD [4] Havana Danielle Holloway
Lorelei and Arlo w/ Luella | Selina | Havana -- Bjorn and Lilith w/ Bjorn | Owen | Lorelei DW [59] Nell Vera [Owen] SteeleDD [32] Margot Eleri Carson-Steele
- DW [29] Aubrie Dana Carson-Steele
- DS [2] Alexander James Carson-Steele
- DD [exp] Victoria Remy Carson-Steele
Margot and Aubrie w/ Alex | exp Victoria DS [28] Freddie Thomas Steele
- Dgf [26] Kimberley Willa Barton
Freddie w/ girlfriend Kimberley-- Bjorn and Nell w/ Margot | Freddie *
DS4 [52] Nathaniel Cassian Steele
DW [52] Seraphina Aura [Underwood] SteeleDD [30] Shiloh Camila [Steele] Esposito
- DH [34] Giovanni Alessandro Esposito
- DD [3] Valentina Aurora Esposito
- DS [8m] Lorenzo Massimo Esposito
Shiloh and Giovanni w/ Valentina | Lorenzo DD [28] Maisie Lilia [Steele] Pedretti
- DH [29] Giacomo Antonino Pedretti
- DS [2] Ludovico Maurizio Pedretti
- DD [exp] Serena Azzurra Pedretti
Maisie and Giacomo w/ Ludovico | exp Serena DD [23] Amalie Paloma Steele
DS [10] George Oliver Steele -- Nate and Seraphina w/ Shiloh | Maisie | Amalie | George- - -
Nava. Poppy. Mabel. Adeline
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie
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