Round 1 (UK): 2 (Denmark): 3 (Netherlands): 4 (Sweden):
Next round we'll start on the kids' families.
1: The Belgian Scroll Tiara

2: The Chaumet Choker Tiara

3: The Chaumet Emerald Tiara

4: The Citrine and Pearl Bandeau

5: The Diamond Vine Leaves Tiara

6: The Empire Tiara

7: The Grand Duchess Adelaide Tiara

8: The Turquoise Tiara

For all choices: Optional second MN either comes from the namebank or starts with the letter you didn't use for the FN.
1) FN starts with E or K / Achille Aldric Amaury Barnabe Bruno Corentin Dieudonne Evariste Gabin Ismael Leonide Prosper Romain Sixte Thierry
2) FN starts with H or M / Anne-Laure Celestine Colombe Domitille Doriane Eglantine Elvire Honorine Josseline Karine Maelys Prudence Rosemonde Scholastique Zephyrine
3) FN starts with N or T / Alphonse Calixte Celestin Damien Edgard Hadrien Jean-Michel Judicael Kylian Nicodeme Regis Rosaire Sylvain Vespasien Xavier
4) FN starts with O or L / Alphonsine Athenais Azelie Benedicte Berengere Camelia Euphrasie Frederique Gervaise Gwenaelle Marguerite Marjolaine Melisande Osanne Verene
5) FN starts with A or B / Apollinaire Augustin Florentin Franck Gauvain Hyacinthe Ignace Maxime Noel Odilon Olivier Quentin Seraphin Theophile Valerian
6) FN starts with J or P / Albertine Amarante Delphine Eliane Faustine Florentine Gaetane Jacinthe Lucinde Lucrece Magalie Odile Sabine Sylvaine Zenaide
7) FN starts with G or W / Bertrand Donatien Elouan Felicien Gauthier Laurent Lazare Lothaire Narcisse Reynaud Serge Ulysse Valentin Yohan Yves
8) FN starts with S or V / Blanche Clemence Edmonde Isaure Laetitia Leontine Morgane Nadege Pascaline Raphaelle Seraphine Sidonie Tiphaine Valeriane Yseult