Round 1 (UK): 2 (Denmark): 3 (Netherlands):
1: The Braganza Tiara

2: The Cameo Tiara

3: The Connaught Diamond Tiara

4: The Leuchtenberg Sapphire Tiara

5: The Modern Fringe Tiara

6: The Napoleonic Amethyst Tiara

7: Queen Sofia's Tiara

8: The Swedish Aquamarine Kokoshnik

For all choices: Optional second MN should honor either parent in some way (feel free to get creative)
1) FN starts with S or D / Albin Birger Emil Goran Gunne Halsten Josef Kjell Melker Torgny
2) FN starts with O or N / Birgitta Claudia Elina Frida Hjordis Pia Ragnhild Solveig Susanne Viktoria
3) FN starts with W or J / Alvar Casper Erling Fritjof Helge Hjalmar Ivar Joakim Ulf Vilmar
4) FN starts with I or M / Antonia Catrine Gudrun Henrike Klara Maja Monika Sigrun Teodora Ulrika
5) FN starts with C or H / Anders Emrik Folke Gottfrid Ingmar Klemens Micael Pal Sixten Urban
6) FN starts with V or A / Dagmar Filippa Hedvig Karolina Mikaela Ottilia Saga Sibylla Therese Ylva
7) FN starts with R or T / Arvid Bertil Enok Filip Greger Hakan Jorgen Orvar Ruben Stellan
8) FN starts with E or H / Agneta Annelie Berit Dagny Eleonor Gunilla Josefine Linnea Ronja Viveka