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Generation CAF : With Rules #6
DH [91] FN, MN AND LN are from here :
DW [90] FN and MN are between 150-165 in USA in 1931, LN begins with CDD1 [70] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS1 [68] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DD2 [65] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS2 [58] FN and MN are classics/traditional **
DD1 [70]
DH [71] Initials are BMS DS [48] Fathers name
- DW [47] FN and MN are between 65-75 in 1964, LN starts with Mc/Mac
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 6-20 in the 2010s
-- DW [27] FN and LN are Japanese
-- DS [2] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
-- DD [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
- DD [23] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
-- DH [28] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DS [3] FN is Italian, MN is grandfathers FN
-- DD [nb] FN is Italian, MN is grandmothers FN
- DD [21] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 11-20 in the 2010s
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [20] FN and MN are between 150-160 in 2000, LN begins with E
- DS [16] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
- DD [15] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 31-40 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [15] FN is one syllable, MN and LN are Greek
-- DS [exp] FN is Greek, MN is after his father
- DD [10] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 41-50 in the 2010s DD [44] Mothers name reversed
- DH [44] FN, MN and LN are Spanish
- DS [19] Fathers name
-- Dgf [18] Initials are VCY
- DD [17] Initials are AN
-- DS [4m] FN is Spanish but used in English too, MN is after his great grandfather
- DD [14] Initials are MA and Spanish
- DD [11] Initials are IJ and Spanish **
DS1 [68]
DW [69] FN and MN are between 10-25 from here : and her LN is an animal DD [47] FN and MN are between 1-10 from here :
- DH [47] FN and MN are between 85-100 from here : , LN is Bulgarian
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
-- DW [27] Initials are FTH
-- DD [2] Initials are TM
-- DS [exp] Initials are SG
- DS [24] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
- DD [22] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- Dgf [25] FN, MN and LN are Romanian
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
- DD [17] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- DS [exp] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [14] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [12] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DS [7] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here : [45] FN and MN are between 11-20 here :
- ExH [46] FN start and end with the same letter, MN begins with J LN is a nationality
- DS [18] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable
- DD [15] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable DD [42] FN and MN are between 21-30 here :
- Dbf [37] FN is long and masculine, MN is unisex, LN starts with the same letter as his FN
- DD [7m] FN is short and cute, MN is a nicknamey-nameDD [40] FN and MN are between 31-40 here :
- DW [36] FN and LN are Russian
- DS [8] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with E
- DS [6] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with S
- DD [exp] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with R DS [37] FN and MN are between 41-50 here :
- DW [33] FN is Irish, MN is a popular MN and LN is Irish
- DS [4] FN is Irish, MN is fathers FN
- DS [1] FN is Irish, MN is fathers MN DS [35] FN and MN are between 51-60 here :
- Dfiancee [29] FN, MN and LN are Finnish **
DD2 [65]
ExH [65] FN and MN are between 40-55 in 1956, LN begins with DDD [43] FN and MN are between 400-420 in the 1970s
- DH [43] FN and MN are between 110-130 in the 1970s, LN begins with G
- DS [21] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'ER'
- DS [19] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Dallas'
-- Dbf [21] FN, MN and LN are German
- DD [16] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Gilmore Girls'
- DD [14] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Grey's Anatomy'
- DD [11] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Criminal Minds'
- DS [9] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Supernatural'
- DD & DD [4] FNs are characters from the TV show 'The Marvellous Mrs Maisel' / MNs are characters from the TV show 'Orange is the New Black'DS [41] FN and MN are between 350-370 in the 1970s
- DH [39] FN and LN are Arabic
- DD [3m] FN is Arabic, MN is short and sweet **
DS2 [58]
DW [55] FN, MN and LN are PolishDD [31] FN is Polish, MN is from Greek Mythology
- DD [14] FN is Polish, MN is from Ancient Greek DS [30] FN is Polish, MN is fathers FN
- DW [30] FN ends in -a, MN is a classic, LN is the same as a singer
- DS [3] FN is after a singer or band, MN is fathers FN
- DD [exp] FN is after a singer or band, MN is grandmothers FNDS [27] FN and MN are Polish
DD [12] FN and MN are Polish- - -
Alma. Theodora. Autumn. Saoirse
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie

This message was edited 1/23/2021, 7:12 AM

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Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  Evey  ·  1/22/2020, 6:08 AM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  indirose  ·  1/23/2021, 12:59 PM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  Flossie  ·  7/14/2020, 12:33 PM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  EllaG  ·  4/26/2020, 11:34 AM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  Jessamine  ·  1/26/2020, 4:29 PM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  Princess_Shireen  ·  1/24/2020, 8:33 AM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  Evey  ·  1/23/2020, 11:54 AM
Re: Generation CAF : With Rules #6  ·  michal1223  ·  1/23/2020, 10:57 AM