Generation CAF : With Rules #6
DH [91] FN, MN AND LN are from here :
DW [90] FN and MN are between 150-165 in USA in 1931, LN begins with C
DD1 [70] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS1 [68] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DD2 [65] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS2 [58] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DD1 [70]
DH [71] Initials are BMS
DS [48] Fathers name
- DW [47] FN and MN are between 65-75 in 1964, LN starts with Mc/Mac
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 6-20 in the 2010s
-- DW [27] FN and LN are Japanese
-- DS [2] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
-- DD [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
- DD [23] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
-- DH [28] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DS [3] FN is Italian, MN is grandfathers FN
-- DD [nb] FN is Italian, MN is grandmothers FN
- DD [21] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 11-20 in the 2010s
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [20] FN and MN are between 150-160 in 2000, LN begins with E
- DS [16] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
- DD [15] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 31-40 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [15] FN is one syllable, MN and LN are Greek
-- DS [exp] FN is Greek, MN is after his father
- DD [10] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 41-50 in the 2010s
DD [44] Mothers name reversed
- DH [44] FN, MN and LN are Spanish
- DS [19] Fathers name
-- Dgf [18] Initials are VCY
- DD [17] Initials are AN
-- DS [4m] FN is Spanish but used in English too, MN is after his great grandfather
- DD [14] Initials are MA and Spanish
- DD [11] Initials are IJ and Spanish
DS1 [68]
DW [69] FN and MN are between 10-25 from here : and her LN is an animal
DD [47] FN and MN are between 1-10 from here :
- DH [47] FN and MN are between 85-100 from here : , LN is Bulgarian
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
-- DW [27] Initials are FTH
-- DD [2] Initials are TM
-- DS [exp] Initials are SG
- DS [24] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
- DD [22] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- Dgf [25] FN, MN and LN are Romanian
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
- DD [17] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- DS [exp] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [14] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [12] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DS [7] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
DD [45] FN and MN are between 11-20 here :
- ExH [46] FN start and end with the same letter, MN begins with J LN is a nationality
- DS [18] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable
- DD [15] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable
DD [42] FN and MN are between 21-30 here :
- Dbf [37] FN is long and masculine, MN is unisex, LN starts with the same letter as his FN
- DD [7m] FN is short and cute, MN is a nicknamey-name
DD [40] FN and MN are between 31-40 here :
- DW [36] FN and LN are Russian
- DS [8] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with E
- DS [6] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with S
- DD [exp] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with R
DS [37] FN and MN are between 41-50 here :
- DW [33] FN is Irish, MN is a popular MN and LN is Irish
- DS [4] FN is Irish, MN is fathers FN
- DS [1] FN is Irish, MN is fathers MN
DS [35] FN and MN are between 51-60 here :
- Dfiancee [29] FN, MN and LN are Finnish
DD2 [65]
ExH [65] FN and MN are between 40-55 in 1956, LN begins with D
DD [43] FN and MN are between 400-420 in the 1970s
- DH [43] FN and MN are between 110-130 in the 1970s, LN begins with G
- DS [21] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'ER'
- DS [19] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Dallas'
-- Dbf [21] FN, MN and LN are German
- DD [16] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Gilmore Girls'
- DD [14] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Grey's Anatomy'
- DD [11] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Criminal Minds'
- DS [9] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Supernatural'
- DD & DD [4] FNs are characters from the TV show 'The Marvellous Mrs Maisel' / MNs are characters from the TV show 'Orange is the New Black'
DS [41] FN and MN are between 350-370 in the 1970s
- DH [39] FN and LN are Arabic
- DD [3m] FN is Arabic, MN is short and sweet
DS2 [58]
DW [55] FN, MN and LN are Polish
DD [31] FN is Polish, MN is from Greek Mythology
- DD [14] FN is Polish, MN is from Ancient Greek
DS [30] FN is Polish, MN is fathers FN
- DW [30] FN ends in -a, MN is a classic, LN is the same as a singer
- DS [3] FN is after a singer or band, MN is fathers FN
- DD [exp] FN is after a singer or band, MN is grandmothers FN
DS [27] FN and MN are Polish
DD [12] FN and MN are Polish
- - -
Alma. Theodora. Autumn. Saoirse
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie
DW [90] FN and MN are between 150-165 in USA in 1931, LN begins with C
DD1 [70] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS1 [68] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DD2 [65] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DS2 [58] FN and MN are classics/traditional
DD1 [70]
DH [71] Initials are BMS
DS [48] Fathers name
- DW [47] FN and MN are between 65-75 in 1964, LN starts with Mc/Mac
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 6-20 in the 2010s
-- DW [27] FN and LN are Japanese
-- DS [2] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
-- DD [exp] FN is old fashioned, MN is Japanese
- DD [23] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 1-10 in the 2010s
-- DH [28] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DS [3] FN is Italian, MN is grandfathers FN
-- DD [nb] FN is Italian, MN is grandmothers FN
- DD [21] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 11-20 in the 2010s
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [20] FN and MN are between 150-160 in 2000, LN begins with E
- DS [16] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 21-30 in the 2010s
- DD [15] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 31-40 in the 2010s
-- Dbf [15] FN is one syllable, MN and LN are Greek
-- DS [exp] FN is Greek, MN is after his father
- DD [10] FN, MN1 and MN2 are between 41-50 in the 2010s
DD [44] Mothers name reversed
- DH [44] FN, MN and LN are Spanish
- DS [19] Fathers name
-- Dgf [18] Initials are VCY
- DD [17] Initials are AN
-- DS [4m] FN is Spanish but used in English too, MN is after his great grandfather
- DD [14] Initials are MA and Spanish
- DD [11] Initials are IJ and Spanish
DS1 [68]
DW [69] FN and MN are between 10-25 from here : and her LN is an animal
DD [47] FN and MN are between 1-10 from here :
- DH [47] FN and MN are between 85-100 from here : , LN is Bulgarian
- DS [26] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
-- DW [27] Initials are FTH
-- DD [2] Initials are TM
-- DS [exp] Initials are SG
- DS [24] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either of the lists :
- DD [22] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- Dgf [25] FN, MN and LN are Romanian
- DD [19] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
- DD [17] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from either lists :
-- DS [exp] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [14] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DD [12] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
- DS [7] FN, MN1 and MN2 are from here :
DD [45] FN and MN are between 11-20 here :
- ExH [46] FN start and end with the same letter, MN begins with J LN is a nationality
- DS [18] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable
- DD [15] FN is 3 syllables, MN is one syllable
DD [42] FN and MN are between 21-30 here :
- Dbf [37] FN is long and masculine, MN is unisex, LN starts with the same letter as his FN
- DD [7m] FN is short and cute, MN is a nicknamey-name
DD [40] FN and MN are between 31-40 here :
- DW [36] FN and LN are Russian
- DS [8] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with E
- DS [6] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with S
- DD [exp] FN is Russian, MN is English and begins with R
DS [37] FN and MN are between 41-50 here :
- DW [33] FN is Irish, MN is a popular MN and LN is Irish
- DS [4] FN is Irish, MN is fathers FN
- DS [1] FN is Irish, MN is fathers MN
DS [35] FN and MN are between 51-60 here :
- Dfiancee [29] FN, MN and LN are Finnish
DD2 [65]
ExH [65] FN and MN are between 40-55 in 1956, LN begins with D
DD [43] FN and MN are between 400-420 in the 1970s
- DH [43] FN and MN are between 110-130 in the 1970s, LN begins with G
- DS [21] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'ER'
- DS [19] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Dallas'
-- Dbf [21] FN, MN and LN are German
- DD [16] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Gilmore Girls'
- DD [14] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Grey's Anatomy'
- DD [11] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Criminal Minds'
- DS [9] FN and MN are characters from the TV show 'Supernatural'
- DD & DD [4] FNs are characters from the TV show 'The Marvellous Mrs Maisel' / MNs are characters from the TV show 'Orange is the New Black'
DS [41] FN and MN are between 350-370 in the 1970s
- DH [39] FN and LN are Arabic
- DD [3m] FN is Arabic, MN is short and sweet
DS2 [58]
DW [55] FN, MN and LN are Polish
DD [31] FN is Polish, MN is from Greek Mythology
- DD [14] FN is Polish, MN is from Ancient Greek
DS [30] FN is Polish, MN is fathers FN
- DW [30] FN ends in -a, MN is a classic, LN is the same as a singer
- DS [3] FN is after a singer or band, MN is fathers FN
- DD [exp] FN is after a singer or band, MN is grandmothers FN
DS [27] FN and MN are Polish
DD [12] FN and MN are Polish
- - -
Alma. Theodora. Autumn. Saoirse
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie
This message was edited 1/23/2021, 7:12 AM
DH [91] Michael Sydney Vincent
DW [90] Lula Faye [Carson] Vincent
DD1 [70] Victoria Emily [Vincent]
DS1 [68] Thomas Henry Vincent
DD2 [65] Eleanor Charlotte [Vincent]
DS2 [58] Jack Benjamin Vincent
Mikey and Lula w Victoria, Thomas, Eleanor and Jack
DD1 [70] Victoria Emily [Vincent] Sanford
DH [71] Beau Matthew Sanford
DS [48] Beau Matthew Sanford
- DW [47] Renee Beth [McKinley] Sanford
- DS [26] Mason Elijah Jacob Sanford
- DS [26] Aiden Jackson Matthew Sanford
- DW [27] Mika [Soto] Sanford
- DS [2] Percy Yoshiro Sanford
- DD [exp] Alma Izumi Sanford
DW [90] Lula Faye [Carson] Vincent
DD1 [70] Victoria Emily [Vincent]
DS1 [68] Thomas Henry Vincent
DD2 [65] Eleanor Charlotte [Vincent]
DS2 [58] Jack Benjamin Vincent
Mikey and Lula w Victoria, Thomas, Eleanor and Jack
DD1 [70] Victoria Emily [Vincent] Sanford
DH [71] Beau Matthew Sanford
DS [48] Beau Matthew Sanford
- DW [47] Renee Beth [McKinley] Sanford
- DS [26] Mason Elijah Jacob Sanford
- DS [26] Aiden Jackson Matthew Sanford
- DW [27] Mika [Soto] Sanford
- DS [2] Percy Yoshiro Sanford
- DD [exp] Alma Izumi Sanford
DH 91 : Oliver Ralph Bradley
DW 90 : Rosie Cora [Carmichael] Bradley
DD1 70 : Alice Elizabeth [Bradley]
DS1 68 : Jack Edward Bradley
DD2 65 : Emily Victoria [Bradley]
DS2 58 : Henry Jonathan Bradley
Oliver and Rosie w/ Alice, Jack, Emily and Henry
DD1 70 : Alice Elizabeth [Bradley] Schilling
DH 71 : Billy Matthew Schilling
DS 48 : Billy Matthew Schilling
- DW 47 : Renee Jane [McIver] Schilling
- DS 26 : Mason Alexander Jacob Schilling
- DS 26 : Aiden Joseph Daniel Schilling
- DW 27 : Haruna [Soto] Schilling
- DS 2 : Ralph Yoshiro Schilling
- DD exp : Mamie Sakura Schilling
Aiden and Haruna w/ Ralph and expecting Mamie
- DD 23 : Isabella Sophia Charlotte [Schilling] Esposito
DW 90 : Rosie Cora [Carmichael] Bradley
DD1 70 : Alice Elizabeth [Bradley]
DS1 68 : Jack Edward Bradley
DD2 65 : Emily Victoria [Bradley]
DS2 58 : Henry Jonathan Bradley
Oliver and Rosie w/ Alice, Jack, Emily and Henry
DD1 70 : Alice Elizabeth [Bradley] Schilling
DH 71 : Billy Matthew Schilling
DS 48 : Billy Matthew Schilling
- DW 47 : Renee Jane [McIver] Schilling
- DS 26 : Mason Alexander Jacob Schilling
- DS 26 : Aiden Joseph Daniel Schilling
- DW 27 : Haruna [Soto] Schilling
- DS 2 : Ralph Yoshiro Schilling
- DD exp : Mamie Sakura Schilling
Aiden and Haruna w/ Ralph and expecting Mamie
- DD 23 : Isabella Sophia Charlotte [Schilling] Esposito
DH 91 - Ralph William Montague
DW 90 - Cora Emily Montague [Chambers]
DD1 70 - Rose Elizabeth [Montague]
DS1 68 - Thomas Jack Montague
DD2 65 - Eleanor Anne [Montague]
DS2 58 - Michael George Montague
Ralph & Cora w
Rose, Thomas, Elle & Mikey
DD1 70 - Rose Elizabeth Sadowski [Montague]
DH 71 - Benjamin Matthew Sadowski
DS 48 - Benjamin Matthew Sadowski
- DW 47 - Renee Lynn Sadowski [McKinnon]
- DS 26 - Mason Alexander James Sadowski
- DS 26 - Aiden Joseph David Sadowski
- DW 27 - Kyoto Sadowski [Fujimoto]
- DS 2 - Albert Yoshiro Sadowski
- DD exp - Mabel Izumi Sadowski
Aiden & Kyoto w
Albert & exp Mabel
- DD 23 - Olivia Isabella Charlotte Conti [Sadowski]
DW 90 - Cora Emily Montague [Chambers]
DD1 70 - Rose Elizabeth [Montague]
DS1 68 - Thomas Jack Montague
DD2 65 - Eleanor Anne [Montague]
DS2 58 - Michael George Montague
Ralph & Cora w
Rose, Thomas, Elle & Mikey
DD1 70 - Rose Elizabeth Sadowski [Montague]
DH 71 - Benjamin Matthew Sadowski
DS 48 - Benjamin Matthew Sadowski
- DW 47 - Renee Lynn Sadowski [McKinnon]
- DS 26 - Mason Alexander James Sadowski
- DS 26 - Aiden Joseph David Sadowski
- DW 27 - Kyoto Sadowski [Fujimoto]
- DS 2 - Albert Yoshiro Sadowski
- DD exp - Mabel Izumi Sadowski
Aiden & Kyoto w
Albert & exp Mabel
- DD 23 - Olivia Isabella Charlotte Conti [Sadowski]
DH [91] Tracy Walter Neville
DW [90] Rachel Emily {Conrad} Neville
DD1 [70] Alice Margaret {Neville} Sansone
DS1 [68] Robert Paul Neville
DD2 [65] Julia Katherine {Neville} Dwight
DS2 [58] Charles Edward Neville
DD1 [70] Alice Margaret {Neville} Sansone
DH [71] Bernardo Michele Sansone, Sr.
DS [48] Bernardo Michele Sansone, Jr.
- DW [47] Valerie Annette {Mackenzie} Sansone
- DS [26] Benjamin Noah James Sansone
- DS [26] Matthew Lucas Oliver Sansone
-- DW [27] Mari Nakashima Sansone
-- DS [2] George Yuuta Sansone
-- DD [exp] Abigail Mika Sansone
- DD [23] Harper Olivia Charlotte {Sansone} Vigo
-- DH [28] Gregorio Armando Vigo
-- DS [3] Demetrio Bernardo Vigo
-- DD [nb] Alessia Valerie Vigo
- DD [21] Madison Victoria Grace Sansone
- DD [19] Layla Scarlett Hannah Sansone
-- Dbf [20] Jaden Carter Ellis
- DS [16] Dylan Henry Luke Sansone
- DD [15] Allison Audrey Alexa Sansone
-- Dbf [15] Grant Eleftherios Katsaros
-- DS [exp] Haris Grant Katsaros
- DD [10] Violet Paisley Nora Sansone
DD [44] Margaret Alice Sansone
- DH [44] Héctor Geraldo Reyes-Estévez
- DS [19] Héctor Geraldo Reyes-Sansone
-- Dgf [18] Vanessa Cassidy York
- DD [17] Annalisa Noelia Reyes-Sansone
-- DS [4m] Jaime Bernardo Reyes-Sansone
- DD [14] Mireya Amor Reyes-Sansone
- DD [11] Isidora Josefina Reyes-Sansone
DS1 [68] Robert Paul Neville
DW [69] Gillian Pamela {Fox} Neville
DD [47] Samantha Helen {Neville} Dimov
- DH [47] Malcolm Leigh Dimov
- DS [26] Arlo Albert Frederick Dimov
-- DW [27] Felicity Theresa {Hertz} Dimov
-- DD [2] Taylor Mallory Dimov
-- DS [exp] Shawn Gregory Dimov
- DS [24] Rory Sebastian Arthur Dimov
- DD [22] Nina Beatrix Eleanor Dimov
-- Dgf [25] Emanuela Denisa Focșeneanu
- DD [19] Lyla Margot Clare Dimov
- DD [17] Ella Ophelia Ottilie Dimov
-- DS [exp] Jude Maxwell Rufus Dimov
- DD [14] Rose Victoria Frances Dimov
- DD [12] Jane Cosima Florence Dimov
- DS [7] Toby Alfred Angus Dimov
DD [45] Julie Sharon {Neville} French
- ExH [46] David James French
DW [90] Rachel Emily {Conrad} Neville
DD1 [70] Alice Margaret {Neville} Sansone
DS1 [68] Robert Paul Neville
DD2 [65] Julia Katherine {Neville} Dwight
DS2 [58] Charles Edward Neville
DD1 [70] Alice Margaret {Neville} Sansone
DH [71] Bernardo Michele Sansone, Sr.
DS [48] Bernardo Michele Sansone, Jr.
- DW [47] Valerie Annette {Mackenzie} Sansone
- DS [26] Benjamin Noah James Sansone
- DS [26] Matthew Lucas Oliver Sansone
-- DW [27] Mari Nakashima Sansone
-- DS [2] George Yuuta Sansone
-- DD [exp] Abigail Mika Sansone
- DD [23] Harper Olivia Charlotte {Sansone} Vigo
-- DH [28] Gregorio Armando Vigo
-- DS [3] Demetrio Bernardo Vigo
-- DD [nb] Alessia Valerie Vigo
- DD [21] Madison Victoria Grace Sansone
- DD [19] Layla Scarlett Hannah Sansone
-- Dbf [20] Jaden Carter Ellis
- DS [16] Dylan Henry Luke Sansone
- DD [15] Allison Audrey Alexa Sansone
-- Dbf [15] Grant Eleftherios Katsaros
-- DS [exp] Haris Grant Katsaros
- DD [10] Violet Paisley Nora Sansone
DD [44] Margaret Alice Sansone
- DH [44] Héctor Geraldo Reyes-Estévez
- DS [19] Héctor Geraldo Reyes-Sansone
-- Dgf [18] Vanessa Cassidy York
- DD [17] Annalisa Noelia Reyes-Sansone
-- DS [4m] Jaime Bernardo Reyes-Sansone
- DD [14] Mireya Amor Reyes-Sansone
- DD [11] Isidora Josefina Reyes-Sansone
DS1 [68] Robert Paul Neville
DW [69] Gillian Pamela {Fox} Neville
DD [47] Samantha Helen {Neville} Dimov
- DH [47] Malcolm Leigh Dimov
- DS [26] Arlo Albert Frederick Dimov
-- DW [27] Felicity Theresa {Hertz} Dimov
-- DD [2] Taylor Mallory Dimov
-- DS [exp] Shawn Gregory Dimov
- DS [24] Rory Sebastian Arthur Dimov
- DD [22] Nina Beatrix Eleanor Dimov
-- Dgf [25] Emanuela Denisa Focșeneanu
- DD [19] Lyla Margot Clare Dimov
- DD [17] Ella Ophelia Ottilie Dimov
-- DS [exp] Jude Maxwell Rufus Dimov
- DD [14] Rose Victoria Frances Dimov
- DD [12] Jane Cosima Florence Dimov
- DS [7] Toby Alfred Angus Dimov
DD [45] Julie Sharon {Neville} French
- ExH [46] David James French
DH [91] Allan Walter Montague
DW [90] Mabel Yvonne (Clark) Montague
DD1 [70] Abigail Virginia Montague
DS1 [68] Benjamin Walter Montague
DD2 [65] Cassandra Sophia Montague
DS2 [58] David Timothy Montague
DD1 [70] Abigail Virginia (Montague) Scott
DH [71] Barry Melvin Scott
DS [48] Barry Melvin Scott, Jr.
- DW [47] Jane Suzanne (McCoy) Scott
- DS [26] Noah William Elijah Scott
- DS [26] Michael Benjamin Jackson Scott
-- DW [27] Mizuki (Maeda) Scott
-- DS [2] Arthur Katsuhito Scott
-- DD [exp] Beatrice Chikako Scott
- DD [23] Emma Ava Charlotte (Scott) Uggeri
-- DH [28] Felice Celeste Uggeri
DW [90] Mabel Yvonne (Clark) Montague
DD1 [70] Abigail Virginia Montague
DS1 [68] Benjamin Walter Montague
DD2 [65] Cassandra Sophia Montague
DS2 [58] David Timothy Montague
DD1 [70] Abigail Virginia (Montague) Scott
DH [71] Barry Melvin Scott
DS [48] Barry Melvin Scott, Jr.
- DW [47] Jane Suzanne (McCoy) Scott
- DS [26] Noah William Elijah Scott
- DS [26] Michael Benjamin Jackson Scott
-- DW [27] Mizuki (Maeda) Scott
-- DS [2] Arthur Katsuhito Scott
-- DD [exp] Beatrice Chikako Scott
- DD [23] Emma Ava Charlotte (Scott) Uggeri
-- DH [28] Felice Celeste Uggeri
DH [91] Sydney John Lawrence
DW [90] Mabel Rosie [Crawford] Lawrence
DD1 [70] Victoria Charlotte [Lawrence]
DS1 [68] Michael Thomas Lawrence
DD2 [65] Elizabeth Alice [Lawrence]
DS2 [58] William George Lawrence
-- Sydney and Mabel w Victoria | Mikey | Betty | Will
DD1 [70] Victoria Charlotte [Lawrence] Schilling
DH [71] Benjamin Matthew Schilling
DS [48] Benjamin Matthew Schilling
- DW [47] Renee Jane [McPherson] Schilling
- DS [26] Noah Elijah James Schilling
- DS [26] Aiden Benjamin Lucas Schilling
- DW [27] Megumi [Sarasota] Schilling
- DS [2] Ralph Kenji Schilling
- DD [exp] Edith Sakura Schilling
Aiden and Megumi w Ralph | exp Edith
DW [90] Mabel Rosie [Crawford] Lawrence
DD1 [70] Victoria Charlotte [Lawrence]
DS1 [68] Michael Thomas Lawrence
DD2 [65] Elizabeth Alice [Lawrence]
DS2 [58] William George Lawrence
-- Sydney and Mabel w Victoria | Mikey | Betty | Will
DD1 [70] Victoria Charlotte [Lawrence] Schilling
DH [71] Benjamin Matthew Schilling
DS [48] Benjamin Matthew Schilling
- DW [47] Renee Jane [McPherson] Schilling
- DS [26] Noah Elijah James Schilling
- DS [26] Aiden Benjamin Lucas Schilling
- DW [27] Megumi [Sarasota] Schilling
- DS [2] Ralph Kenji Schilling
- DD [exp] Edith Sakura Schilling
Aiden and Megumi w Ralph | exp Edith
DH [91] William Matthew Prince "Will"
DW [90] Emily Rachel (Cruthers) Prince
DD1 [70] Charlotte Grace Prince "Charli"
DS1 [68] Alexander Michael Prince "Alex"
DD2 [65] Sophia Kate Prince "Sophie"
DS2 [58] Henry Joseph Prince
DD1 [70] Charlotte Grace (Prince) Sander "Charli"
DH [71] Benjamin Maxwell Sander "Ben"
DS [48] Benjamin Maxwell Sander Jr. "Max"
- DW [47] Renee Annette (McKinnon) Sander "Ren"
- DS [26] Noah Daniel Jacob Sander
- DS [26] Mason David Christopher Sander
-- DW [27] Ayane (Moto) Sander
-- DS [2] August Nao Sander "Auggie"
-- DD [exp] Millie Aiko Sander
DW [90] Emily Rachel (Cruthers) Prince
DD1 [70] Charlotte Grace Prince "Charli"
DS1 [68] Alexander Michael Prince "Alex"
DD2 [65] Sophia Kate Prince "Sophie"
DS2 [58] Henry Joseph Prince
DD1 [70] Charlotte Grace (Prince) Sander "Charli"
DH [71] Benjamin Maxwell Sander "Ben"
DS [48] Benjamin Maxwell Sander Jr. "Max"
- DW [47] Renee Annette (McKinnon) Sander "Ren"
- DS [26] Noah Daniel Jacob Sander
- DS [26] Mason David Christopher Sander
-- DW [27] Ayane (Moto) Sander
-- DS [2] August Nao Sander "Auggie"
-- DD [exp] Millie Aiko Sander