KL's Year Game
This one's a little different from my other ones, in that instead of using a d12, you'll be using a d10! You can be as detailed as you want. Have fun!
Country generator: https://www.randomlists.com/random-country?dup=true&qty=24
Name generator (optional): https://www.behindthename.com/random/
Dice (use d10): http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
Firstly, generate 24 countries. You can either pick three different countries for each partner’s nationality and the location, pick two (one for both partners’ nationality and another for the location), or just pick one country for everything.
Next, choose your starting couple’s names, or generate them from the link listed above. If you use the name generator, pick settings that correspond with each parent’s nationality.
Lastly, decide on their looks and career. You may choose these using the criteria below as guidance to fit in with their country of birth, or - if their native country is quite diverse - you may roll for pot-luck looks!
Hair texture?
1-4: Straight
5-7: Wavy
8-10: Curly
Hair Colour?
1-3: Blond(e) (Any Shade)
4-5: Red/Auburn (Any Shade)
6-9: Brown (Any Shade)
10: Black
Eye Colour?
1-2: Blue
3-4: Green
5-6: Hazel
7-8: Brown
9-10: Grey
1: Something in education / children’s services
2: Something in medicine / social care
3: Something in science / engineering
4: Something in sports / health / fitness
5: Something in the culinary arts / hospitality
6: Something in public services / law
7: Something to do with animals
8: Something in the media industry
9: Something in business / finance
10: Something in computer science / technology
For each year, you have a choice to roll in 3 categories: Birth | Adoption | Other. You may roll in all 3 options for the same year or just one! It’s your choice.
If you choose to roll for a Birth this year:
[Note: the birth may require the help of scientific intervention, a surrogate or donor. You may roll for looks for a donor and incorporate these if you wish. After a child turns eighteen, you may roll for their career, partner, and new location if you want]
Did your family get pregnant?
1-8: Successfully pregnant
9-10: Sorry, unsuccessfully pregnant [try again next year and/or roll in a different category]
If successfully pregnant?
1: miscarry
2-5: boy
6-9: girl
10: twins (see below)
->1-2: Identical girls
->3-4: Fraternal girls
->5-6: 1 girl, 1 boy
->7-8: Fraternal boys
->9-10: Identical boys
Names? Roll for as many names as you want to give them.
1: A or B
2: C or D
3: E, F, or G
4: H, I, or J
5: K, L, or M
6: N, O, or P
7: Q, R or S
8: T, U, or V
9: W or X
10: Y or Z
Infants’ Looks? [roll multiple times for fraternal multiplies]
Hair texture?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
Hair colour?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
Eye colour?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
If you choose to roll for an Adoption this year:
Country of child’s birth?
1-5: Where the family currently live
6: Where a parent is natively from
7-10: Other country [see below]
-->1-3: Asian Country
-->4-5: African Country
-->6-7: South American Country
-->8: United States or Canada
-->9: Australasian Country
-->10: European Country
Number of children adopting? [odd: boy | even: girl]
1-5: 1
6-9: 2
10: 3
Age of children adopting? [roll for each child, multiples allowed if adopting 2+ children]
1-3: Infant (0-11 months)
4-6: Toddler (1-3 years)
7: 4-5 years
8: 6-8 years
9: 9-10 years
10: 11+ years
Birth names of adopted children should be reflective of their native country. You may choose to give them new names.
Roll for initial letters:
1: A or B
2: C or D
3: E, F, or G
4: H, I, or J
5: K, L, or M
6: N, O, or P
7: Q, R or S
8: T, U, or V
9: W or X
10: Y or Z
Looks of adopted children should be reflective of their native country. If you wish to roll, use categories for initial parents.
If you choose to roll for Other Events this year:
1-3: Family
4-6: Career
7-8: Random
9-10: Pet
Family Events?
1: Family vacation (generate a country)
2: Someone finds a new passion
3: The family moves to a new city
4: The family moves to a new country
5: A surprise baby is born (original couple or someone else in the family) (1-5: girl | 6-10: boy)
6: Death in the family (immediate or extended)
7: Someone gets injured or sick (temporarily or permanently)
8: Host an exchange student (generate which country they’re from)
9: A relationship begins or ends (immediate or extended family)
10: Someone gets in trouble with the law (1-5: minor | 6-10: serious)
Career Events? [your choice who it happens to]
1-2: Pay raise / promotion
3: Shift change
4-5: Pay/hours cut
6: Laid off / fired / quit job
7-8: New job within career field
9-10: New job outside career field
Random events:
1: Natural disaster
2: The family (or someone in it) is robbed or burgled
3: Terrorist attack on the family’s current country of residence
4: A family member runs away
5: Someone in the family comes out as LGBTQ+
6: Someone achieves an ambition
7: Someone ends up on TV
8: Someone gains an inheritance
9: Someone writes a book
10: Someone wins an award
Pet events:
1-6: Adopt a pet
->1-3: Dog
->4-6: Cat
->7: Rabbit
->8: Rodent
->9: Bird
->10: Reptile or amphibian
7: A pet runs away (if not enclosed)
8: A pet gets sick or injured
9-10: A pet dies
~Formerly Violet86~
Twitter: @sucker4njj | Instagram: @sarcastically_steph86
Girls: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/148673
Boys: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/148673/126868
Country generator: https://www.randomlists.com/random-country?dup=true&qty=24
Name generator (optional): https://www.behindthename.com/random/
Dice (use d10): http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
Firstly, generate 24 countries. You can either pick three different countries for each partner’s nationality and the location, pick two (one for both partners’ nationality and another for the location), or just pick one country for everything.
Next, choose your starting couple’s names, or generate them from the link listed above. If you use the name generator, pick settings that correspond with each parent’s nationality.
Lastly, decide on their looks and career. You may choose these using the criteria below as guidance to fit in with their country of birth, or - if their native country is quite diverse - you may roll for pot-luck looks!
Hair texture?
1-4: Straight
5-7: Wavy
8-10: Curly
Hair Colour?
1-3: Blond(e) (Any Shade)
4-5: Red/Auburn (Any Shade)
6-9: Brown (Any Shade)
10: Black
Eye Colour?
1-2: Blue
3-4: Green
5-6: Hazel
7-8: Brown
9-10: Grey
1: Something in education / children’s services
2: Something in medicine / social care
3: Something in science / engineering
4: Something in sports / health / fitness
5: Something in the culinary arts / hospitality
6: Something in public services / law
7: Something to do with animals
8: Something in the media industry
9: Something in business / finance
10: Something in computer science / technology
For each year, you have a choice to roll in 3 categories: Birth | Adoption | Other. You may roll in all 3 options for the same year or just one! It’s your choice.
If you choose to roll for a Birth this year:
[Note: the birth may require the help of scientific intervention, a surrogate or donor. You may roll for looks for a donor and incorporate these if you wish. After a child turns eighteen, you may roll for their career, partner, and new location if you want]
Did your family get pregnant?
1-8: Successfully pregnant
9-10: Sorry, unsuccessfully pregnant [try again next year and/or roll in a different category]
If successfully pregnant?
1: miscarry
2-5: boy
6-9: girl
10: twins (see below)
->1-2: Identical girls
->3-4: Fraternal girls
->5-6: 1 girl, 1 boy
->7-8: Fraternal boys
->9-10: Identical boys
Names? Roll for as many names as you want to give them.
1: A or B
2: C or D
3: E, F, or G
4: H, I, or J
5: K, L, or M
6: N, O, or P
7: Q, R or S
8: T, U, or V
9: W or X
10: Y or Z
Infants’ Looks? [roll multiple times for fraternal multiplies]
Hair texture?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
Hair colour?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
Eye colour?
1-4: From mum / female donor
5-8: From dad / male donor
9-10: Other [choose or roll from original categories]
If you choose to roll for an Adoption this year:
Country of child’s birth?
1-5: Where the family currently live
6: Where a parent is natively from
7-10: Other country [see below]
-->1-3: Asian Country
-->4-5: African Country
-->6-7: South American Country
-->8: United States or Canada
-->9: Australasian Country
-->10: European Country
Number of children adopting? [odd: boy | even: girl]
1-5: 1
6-9: 2
10: 3
Age of children adopting? [roll for each child, multiples allowed if adopting 2+ children]
1-3: Infant (0-11 months)
4-6: Toddler (1-3 years)
7: 4-5 years
8: 6-8 years
9: 9-10 years
10: 11+ years
Birth names of adopted children should be reflective of their native country. You may choose to give them new names.
Roll for initial letters:
1: A or B
2: C or D
3: E, F, or G
4: H, I, or J
5: K, L, or M
6: N, O, or P
7: Q, R or S
8: T, U, or V
9: W or X
10: Y or Z
Looks of adopted children should be reflective of their native country. If you wish to roll, use categories for initial parents.
If you choose to roll for Other Events this year:
1-3: Family
4-6: Career
7-8: Random
9-10: Pet
Family Events?
1: Family vacation (generate a country)
2: Someone finds a new passion
3: The family moves to a new city
4: The family moves to a new country
5: A surprise baby is born (original couple or someone else in the family) (1-5: girl | 6-10: boy)
6: Death in the family (immediate or extended)
7: Someone gets injured or sick (temporarily or permanently)
8: Host an exchange student (generate which country they’re from)
9: A relationship begins or ends (immediate or extended family)
10: Someone gets in trouble with the law (1-5: minor | 6-10: serious)
Career Events? [your choice who it happens to]
1-2: Pay raise / promotion
3: Shift change
4-5: Pay/hours cut
6: Laid off / fired / quit job
7-8: New job within career field
9-10: New job outside career field
Random events:
1: Natural disaster
2: The family (or someone in it) is robbed or burgled
3: Terrorist attack on the family’s current country of residence
4: A family member runs away
5: Someone in the family comes out as LGBTQ+
6: Someone achieves an ambition
7: Someone ends up on TV
8: Someone gains an inheritance
9: Someone writes a book
10: Someone wins an award
Pet events:
1-6: Adopt a pet
->1-3: Dog
->4-6: Cat
->7: Rabbit
->8: Rodent
->9: Bird
->10: Reptile or amphibian
7: A pet runs away (if not enclosed)
8: A pet gets sick or injured
9-10: A pet dies
~Formerly Violet86~
Twitter: @sucker4njj | Instagram: @sarcastically_steph86
Girls: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/148673
Boys: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/148673/126868
Countries of Ethnicity: Kenya & France / Languages spoken: French, Swahili, English
Location: France
DH [29] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu – Chef / curly, brown hair and brown eyes
DW [25] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu – Nurse / straight, black hair and grey eyes
Tendaji & Juliane decide to start trying for a baby but haven’t had any luck this year.
Juliane changes jobs within her career field and becomes a midwife
DH [31] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [27] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [0] Amri Etienne Kimachu
It's a boy! Amri has curly, brown hair and green eyes
Tendaji quits his job as a chef due to problems with the executive chef at the restaurant. He’s hoping to start his own bistro with a friend soon.
DH [33] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [29] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [2] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [0] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
Our couple has identical twin girls! Madini has straight, black hair and brown eyes & Niara has straight, brown hair and brown eyes
*Pet Cat [1] Jasper
Tendaji, who’s plans to open a bistro didn’t come to pass, started writing while the kids were napping during the days and ended up writing a mystery novel. His book has just been published!
Our couple thought they’d see if they got pregnant again but haven’t.
Tendaji’s first book sold well and he’s gotten a pay raise in his advance for his next novel.
DH [37] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [33] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [6] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [4] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
- DS [0] Théo Enzi Kimachu
*Pet Cat [4] Jasper
Son number two joins the family! Théo has curly, brown hair and brown eyes.
Juliane stops her job as a midwife - now that Tendaji’s doing so well as a novelist and sometimes away on book tour - to focus on caring for the children.
Countries of Ethnicity: Kenya & France / Languages spoken: French, Swahili, English
Location: France
DH [29] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu – Chef / curly, brown hair and brown eyes
DW [25] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu – Nurse / straight, black hair and grey eyes
Tendaji & Juliane decide to start trying for a baby but haven’t had any luck this year.
Juliane changes jobs within her career field and becomes a midwife
DH [31] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [27] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [0] Amri Etienne Kimachu
It's a boy! Amri has curly, brown hair and green eyes
Tendaji quits his job as a chef due to problems with the executive chef at the restaurant. He’s hoping to start his own bistro with a friend soon.
DH [33] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [29] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [2] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [0] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
Our couple has identical twin girls! Madini has straight, black hair and brown eyes & Niara has straight, brown hair and brown eyes
*Pet Cat [1] Jasper
Tendaji, who’s plans to open a bistro didn’t come to pass, started writing while the kids were napping during the days and ended up writing a mystery novel. His book has just been published!
Our couple thought they’d see if they got pregnant again but haven’t.
Tendaji’s first book sold well and he’s gotten a pay raise in his advance for his next novel.
DH [37] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [33] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [6] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [4] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
- DS [0] Théo Enzi Kimachu
*Pet Cat [4] Jasper
Son number two joins the family! Théo has curly, brown hair and brown eyes.
Juliane stops her job as a midwife - now that Tendaji’s doing so well as a novelist and sometimes away on book tour - to focus on caring for the children.
The Kimachu Family - 15 years
Countries of Ethnicity: Kenya & France / Languages spoken: French, Swahili, English
Location: France
DH [29] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu – Chef / curly, brown hair and brown eyes
DW [25] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu – Nurse / straight, black hair and grey eyes
Tendaji & Juliane decide to start trying for a baby but haven’t had any luck this year.
Juliane changes jobs within her career field and becomes a midwife
DH [31] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [27] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [0] Amri Etienne Kimachu
It's a boy! Amri has curly, brown hair and green eyes
Tendaji quits his job as a chef due to problems with the executive chef at the restaurant. He’s hoping to start his own bistro with a friend soon.
DH [33] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [29] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [2] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [0] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
Our couple has identical twin girls! Madini has straight, black hair and brown eyes & Niara has straight, brown hair and brown eyes
*Pet Cat [1] Jasper
Tendaji, who’s plans to open a bistro didn’t come to pass, started writing while the kids were napping during the days and ended up writing a mystery novel. His book has just been published!
Our couple thought they’d see if they got pregnant again but haven’t.
Tendaji’s first book sold well and he’s gotten a pay raise in his advance for his next novel.
DH [37] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [33] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [6] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [4] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
- DS [0] Théo Enzi Kimachu
*Pet Cat [4] Jasper
Son number two joins the family! Théo has curly, brown hair and brown eyes.
Juliane stops her job as a midwif - now that Tendaji’s doing so well as a novelist and sometimes away on book tour - to focus on caring for the children.
Countries of Ethnicity: Kenya & France / Languages spoken: French, Swahili, English
Location: France
DH [29] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu – Chef / curly, brown hair and brown eyes
DW [25] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu – Nurse / straight, black hair and grey eyes
Tendaji & Juliane decide to start trying for a baby but haven’t had any luck this year.
Juliane changes jobs within her career field and becomes a midwife
DH [31] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [27] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [0] Amri Etienne Kimachu
It's a boy! Amri has curly, brown hair and green eyes
Tendaji quits his job as a chef due to problems with the executive chef at the restaurant. He’s hoping to start his own bistro with a friend soon.
DH [33] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [29] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [2] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [0] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
Our couple has identical twin girls! Madini has straight, black hair and brown eyes & Niara has straight, brown hair and brown eyes
*Pet Cat [1] Jasper
Tendaji, who’s plans to open a bistro didn’t come to pass, started writing while the kids were napping during the days and ended up writing a mystery novel. His book has just been published!
Our couple thought they’d see if they got pregnant again but haven’t.
Tendaji’s first book sold well and he’s gotten a pay raise in his advance for his next novel.
DH [37] Tendaji Yohane Kimachu & DW [33] Juliane Mélina (Morel) Kimachu
- DS [6] Amri Etienne Kimachu
- DD/DD [4] Madini Adéle Kimachu & Niara Ophélie Kimachu
- DS [0] Théo Enzi Kimachu
*Pet Cat [4] Jasper
Son number two joins the family! Théo has curly, brown hair and brown eyes.
Juliane stops her job as a midwif - now that Tendaji’s doing so well as a novelist and sometimes away on book tour - to focus on caring for the children.
Year 0
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [20]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [20]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
Sahar was born in Palestine to a Jewish mother, and a Arabic father. Her father adandoned her after she was born, and she grew up very poor. Semyon was born into a wealthy Ukrainian family. At the age of 9, Sahar's mother Nurit left and took her to Ukraine, where she had ancestors from and knew the language of. Sahar is training to be a nurse, Semyon a publisher.
Year 1
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [21]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [21]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
DS [nb]: Maxim Semyonevich Bulcenko (straight light brown hair, blue eyes)
Little Maxim was born this year. He is gorgeous, and resembles his grandmother, Nurit. Sahar is enjoying higher education and so is her husband, though she needed a break after Maxim was born.
Year 2
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [22]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [22]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
DS [1]: Maxim Semyonevich Bulcenko (straight light brown hair, blue eyes)
-Drat [nb]: Scratch
They get a pet this year, Scratch. Maxim is an adorable boy, so sweet.
Year 3
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [23]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [20]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [20]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
Sahar was born in Palestine to a Jewish mother, and a Arabic father. Her father adandoned her after she was born, and she grew up very poor. Semyon was born into a wealthy Ukrainian family. At the age of 9, Sahar's mother Nurit left and took her to Ukraine, where she had ancestors from and knew the language of. Sahar is training to be a nurse, Semyon a publisher.
Year 1
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [21]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [21]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
DS [nb]: Maxim Semyonevich Bulcenko (straight light brown hair, blue eyes)
Little Maxim was born this year. He is gorgeous, and resembles his grandmother, Nurit. Sahar is enjoying higher education and so is her husband, though she needed a break after Maxim was born.
Year 2
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [22]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
DH [22]: Semyon Gavrilovich Bulcenko (curly red hair, green eyes) (publisher trainee)
DS [1]: Maxim Semyonevich Bulcenko (straight light brown hair, blue eyes)
-Drat [nb]: Scratch
They get a pet this year, Scratch. Maxim is an adorable boy, so sweet.
Year 3
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
DW [23]: Sahar Bulchenko (al Seif) (straight black hair, brown eyes) (nurse trainee)
Year 0 - Vienna, Austria
DH [24]: Kaspar Andreas Metz (curly blonde hair, brown eyes, waiter)
DW [25]: Žofia Kamila (Marek) Metz (curly blonde hair, grey eyes, football coach)
Kaspar is a lifelong citizen of Vienna currently working part-time as a waiter while he finishes his degree in nursing - he met Žofia, a coach at a semi-professional women's football team who's originally from Slovakia but moved to Vienna when she was 14, at a bar 5 years ago. They fell for each other pretty much instantly, and recently got married.
Year 1 - Vienna, Austria
Žofia has decided to quit her job at the football team and has chosen to put her physiotherapy degree to better and more direct use.
Year 2 - Vienna, Austria
Kaspar has finished his nursing degree and started work in that field, quitting his job as a waiter.
Year 3 - Vienna, Austria
A terrorist attack in Vienna leaves 19 dead, including one of Žofia's former players. She, like the whole nation, is shocked and upset, but Kaspar helps her to move on.
Year 4 - Vienna, Austria
DH [28]: Kaspar Andreas Metz (curly blonde hair, brown eyes, nurse)
DW [29]: Žofia Kamila (Marek) Metz (curly blonde hair, grey eyes, physiotherapist)
DD1 [0]: Daniela Simona Metz (curly red hair, brown eyes)
Kaspar and Žofia welcome their first child, a daughter called Daniela - they're not quite sure where her red hair comes from, but they think it's absolutely adorable.
DH [24]: Kaspar Andreas Metz (curly blonde hair, brown eyes, waiter)
DW [25]: Žofia Kamila (Marek) Metz (curly blonde hair, grey eyes, football coach)
Kaspar is a lifelong citizen of Vienna currently working part-time as a waiter while he finishes his degree in nursing - he met Žofia, a coach at a semi-professional women's football team who's originally from Slovakia but moved to Vienna when she was 14, at a bar 5 years ago. They fell for each other pretty much instantly, and recently got married.
Year 1 - Vienna, Austria
Žofia has decided to quit her job at the football team and has chosen to put her physiotherapy degree to better and more direct use.
Year 2 - Vienna, Austria
Kaspar has finished his nursing degree and started work in that field, quitting his job as a waiter.
Year 3 - Vienna, Austria
A terrorist attack in Vienna leaves 19 dead, including one of Žofia's former players. She, like the whole nation, is shocked and upset, but Kaspar helps her to move on.
Year 4 - Vienna, Austria
DH [28]: Kaspar Andreas Metz (curly blonde hair, brown eyes, nurse)
DW [29]: Žofia Kamila (Marek) Metz (curly blonde hair, grey eyes, physiotherapist)
DD1 [0]: Daniela Simona Metz (curly red hair, brown eyes)
Kaspar and Žofia welcome their first child, a daughter called Daniela - they're not quite sure where her red hair comes from, but they think it's absolutely adorable.
This message was edited 1/18/2020, 1:33 PM
Country: Canada
Year 1
H [29] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [27] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
S [0] Zephyr Willoughby Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
> Cat [0] Penny
Julian and Ramona are Vancouver natives who have been married a bit over a year now, and they have just welcomed their first son, Zephyr, who is a spitting image of his father. They have also decided to adopt a kitten after seeing after a neighbour of theirs realised the stray she took in was pregnant.
Year 2
H [30] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [28] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
S [1] Zephyr Willoughby Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
D & D [0] Opal Winifred Constable & Sage Dionysia Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
> Cat [1] Penny
Twin girls, Opal and Sage, join the family.
Year 3
H [31] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [dec at 29] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
Year 1
H [29] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [27] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
S [0] Zephyr Willoughby Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
> Cat [0] Penny
Julian and Ramona are Vancouver natives who have been married a bit over a year now, and they have just welcomed their first son, Zephyr, who is a spitting image of his father. They have also decided to adopt a kitten after seeing after a neighbour of theirs realised the stray she took in was pregnant.
Year 2
H [30] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [28] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
S [1] Zephyr Willoughby Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
D & D [0] Opal Winifred Constable & Sage Dionysia Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes)
> Cat [1] Penny
Twin girls, Opal and Sage, join the family.
Year 3
H [31] Julian Marcellus Constable (wavy auburn hair, green eyes) [BANKER]
W [dec at 29] Ramona Estelle [Niles] Constable (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) [PLASTIC SURGEON]
Mattéo Fabel and Erna Pederson marry. Mattéo was born in Switzerland; Erna was born in Denmark. Mattéo has wavy, mousy brown hair and brown eyes. Erna has wavy, chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes. Mattéo is a Zookeeper (specialising in primates); Erna is a chocolatier.
Year One:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (25): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (25): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
Sadly the couple suffer a miscarriage.
Year Two:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (26): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (26): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
DS (nb): Henry Wilbur Fabel
The couple welcome a son, Henry Wilbur Fabel. He has wavy, chestnut brown hair, and brown eyes.
Year Three:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (27): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (27): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
DS (01): Henry Wilbur Fabel
Erna starts work as a figure skating coach.
Year Four:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (28): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (28): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
Year One:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (25): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (25): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
Sadly the couple suffer a miscarriage.
Year Two:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (26): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (26): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
DS (nb): Henry Wilbur Fabel
The couple welcome a son, Henry Wilbur Fabel. He has wavy, chestnut brown hair, and brown eyes.
Year Three:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (27): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (27): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
DS (01): Henry Wilbur Fabel
Erna starts work as a figure skating coach.
Year Four:
Living In: Saint Aubin, Jersey.
DH (28): Mattéo Leopold Fabel "Téo"
DW (28): Erna Susann Fabel (nee Pedersen)
The Bukowski Family, Poland (18 years)
Location: Poland
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (34, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (31, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
Year 1 (2020): Wincenty and Gabriela have their first child, a baby boy, Kacper Uriasz, has wavy medium brown hair (like his mother), and brown eyes.
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (35, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (32, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
DS: Kacper Uriasz Bukowski (nb, wavy medium brown hair, brown eyes)
Year 2 (2021): Kacper is a big brother just a year later! Wincenty and Gabriela welcome fraternal twin girls, Hanna Mirosława & Honorata Mieczysława. Hanna has wavy black hair and her father's grey eyes, while Honorata has curly dark blonde hair and her mother's blue eyes.
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (36, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (33, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
DS: Kacper Uriasz Bukowski (1, wavy medium brown hair, brown eyes)
Location: Poland
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (34, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (31, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
Year 1 (2020): Wincenty and Gabriela have their first child, a baby boy, Kacper Uriasz, has wavy medium brown hair (like his mother), and brown eyes.
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (35, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (32, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
DS: Kacper Uriasz Bukowski (nb, wavy medium brown hair, brown eyes)
Year 2 (2021): Kacper is a big brother just a year later! Wincenty and Gabriela welcome fraternal twin girls, Hanna Mirosława & Honorata Mieczysława. Hanna has wavy black hair and her father's grey eyes, while Honorata has curly dark blonde hair and her mother's blue eyes.
DH: Wincenty Sergiusz Bukowski (36, straight black hair, grey eyes, database developer)
DW: Gabriela Jarosława (Zima) Bukowska (33, wavy medium brown hair, blue eyes, software applications architect)
DS: Kacper Uriasz Bukowski (1, wavy medium brown hair, brown eyes)
DH: Maxim Andreyevich Antonov
Curly brown hair, hazel eyes
DW: Emi Tanaka Antonov
Wavy black hair, brown eyes
Teacher of a Japanese immersion class
Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA
Year 1
Max and Emi welcome a baby boy! Emil Takashi has wavy brown hair and grey eyes.
Max [26] and Emi [24]: Emil [nb]
Year 2
The Antonovs welcome a baby girl! Alina Ume has curly black hair and brown eyes.
Max [27] and Emi [25]: Emil [1], Alina [nb]
Year 3
The Antonovs take a family vacation to Italy!
Max [28] and Emi [26]: Emil [2], Alina [1]
Year 4
The Antonovs welcome identical twin girls! Zoya Wakana and Nastya Etsuko have wavy black hair and hazel eyes.
Max [29] and Emi [27]: Emil [3], Alina [2], Zoya and Nastya [nb]
Year 5
Max is promoted to junior partner at his law firm.
Max [30] and Emi [28]: Emil [4], Alina [3], Zoya and Nastya [1]
Year 6
The Antonovs host Takara Miyamoto, an exchange student from Japan.
Max [31] and Emi [29]: Emil [5], Alina [4], Zoya and Nastya [2]
Curly brown hair, hazel eyes
DW: Emi Tanaka Antonov
Wavy black hair, brown eyes
Teacher of a Japanese immersion class
Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA
Year 1
Max and Emi welcome a baby boy! Emil Takashi has wavy brown hair and grey eyes.
Max [26] and Emi [24]: Emil [nb]
Year 2
The Antonovs welcome a baby girl! Alina Ume has curly black hair and brown eyes.
Max [27] and Emi [25]: Emil [1], Alina [nb]
Year 3
The Antonovs take a family vacation to Italy!
Max [28] and Emi [26]: Emil [2], Alina [1]
Year 4
The Antonovs welcome identical twin girls! Zoya Wakana and Nastya Etsuko have wavy black hair and hazel eyes.
Max [29] and Emi [27]: Emil [3], Alina [2], Zoya and Nastya [nb]
Year 5
Max is promoted to junior partner at his law firm.
Max [30] and Emi [28]: Emil [4], Alina [3], Zoya and Nastya [1]
Year 6
The Antonovs host Takara Miyamoto, an exchange student from Japan.
Max [31] and Emi [29]: Emil [5], Alina [4], Zoya and Nastya [2]
Year 0
Location: UK
DH: Benjamin James "Ben" Maynard: a veterinarian with wavy blonde hair and brown eyes
DW: Caroline Elizabeth Maynard: a lawyer with straight brown hair and blue eyes
Year 1
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard (straight brown hair and blue eyes)
Year 2
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard
Event: Ben's parents get divorced
Year 3
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard
Dcat: Annabelle
Event: The family adopts a kitten named Annabelle
Year 4
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David, Samuel and William
Location: UK
DH: Benjamin James "Ben" Maynard: a veterinarian with wavy blonde hair and brown eyes
DW: Caroline Elizabeth Maynard: a lawyer with straight brown hair and blue eyes
Year 1
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard (straight brown hair and blue eyes)
Year 2
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard
Event: Ben's parents get divorced
Year 3
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David
-DS: David Thomas Maynard
Dcat: Annabelle
Event: The family adopts a kitten named Annabelle
Year 4
DH: Ben Maynard
DW: Caroline Maynard
Ben & Caroline: David, Samuel and William
Year: 0
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(21)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(20)
Gino met Emily when she did a nursing rotation at a local hospital where one of his teammates was being treated for a broken collarbone. He was infatuated with her immediately and started learning English in earnest so he could date her. Emily thought Gino was sweet and chivalrous and thoughtful. The two of them dated for a year and a half before Gino proposed to Emily. The two of them were married six weeks ago on June 7th. They took a honeymoon to Barbados and returned two weeks later--they are now settling into married life together. They're both staying at Gino's apartment with one of his teammates until they find a house they like.
Year 1: birth; boy
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(22)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (Canada)(curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(21)
DS: Tyler Mikhail Petroskovich "Ty" (Canada)(wavy brown hair, hazel eyes)(0)
Gino and Emily welcomed a little boy into their family this year! Baby Ty looks a lot like Gino, and he is well loved by Emily's coworkers at the nursing home as well as Gino's teammates. Fortunately, there are a few other young families within the team and, though Ty is the youngest, there are six and eight month old boys in other families on the team--Emily spends a lot of time with them!
Year 2: adopt a pet; dog
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(23)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (Canada)(curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(22)
DS: Tyler Mikhail Petroskovich "Ty" (Canada)(wavy brown hair, hazel eyes)(1)
Dog: Rio (Dalmatian male)(4)
Gino and Emily adopted a dog this year--a four year old Dalmatian named Rio. Rio is very friendly. Ty took to him right away and Rio has become his protector.
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(21)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(20)
Gino met Emily when she did a nursing rotation at a local hospital where one of his teammates was being treated for a broken collarbone. He was infatuated with her immediately and started learning English in earnest so he could date her. Emily thought Gino was sweet and chivalrous and thoughtful. The two of them dated for a year and a half before Gino proposed to Emily. The two of them were married six weeks ago on June 7th. They took a honeymoon to Barbados and returned two weeks later--they are now settling into married life together. They're both staying at Gino's apartment with one of his teammates until they find a house they like.
Year 1: birth; boy
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(22)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (Canada)(curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(21)
DS: Tyler Mikhail Petroskovich "Ty" (Canada)(wavy brown hair, hazel eyes)(0)
Gino and Emily welcomed a little boy into their family this year! Baby Ty looks a lot like Gino, and he is well loved by Emily's coworkers at the nursing home as well as Gino's teammates. Fortunately, there are a few other young families within the team and, though Ty is the youngest, there are six and eight month old boys in other families on the team--Emily spends a lot of time with them!
Year 2: adopt a pet; dog
Location: Ottawa, Canada
DH: Yevgeniy Anatoliy Petroskovich "Gino" (Russia)(straight brown hair, hazel eyes)(hockey player)(23)
DW: Emily Corinne (DeLancie) Petroskovich (Canada)(curly dark brown hair, brown eyes)(nurse)(22)
DS: Tyler Mikhail Petroskovich "Ty" (Canada)(wavy brown hair, hazel eyes)(1)
Dog: Rio (Dalmatian male)(4)
Gino and Emily adopted a dog this year--a four year old Dalmatian named Rio. Rio is very friendly. Ty took to him right away and Rio has become his protector.
DW: Elżbieta "Elsa" Karina Michel (27) - straight auburn hair, brown eyes - freelance web developer
DW: Lilibeth "Lili" Loraine Allissa [Albertson] Michel (26) - wavy dark brown hair, grey eyes - works at an animal crisis center
Elsa and Lilibeth first met ten years ago when Lili was an exchange student living with Elsa's family. The girls had a short fling during Lili's stay there but Elsa hadn't yet accepted her interest in other girls and promptly broke up with Lili when Lili asked her if they could become official.
Five years ago, Elsa had finally come out to her family but none of them seemed incredibly thrilled with the idea of their beloved Elsa marrying another woman. So Elsa took off to the only place she knew held someone who would accept her. She and Lili had kept in contact over the years. In fact, it was under Lili's suggestion and guidance that Elsa told her family that she's a lesbian.
When Elsa showed up on her doorstep, Lili quickly welcomed her into her tiny one bedroom apartment. Because of their correspondence, it felt like no time had passed between them. They quickly resumed their relationship. Soon after, Lili confessed her love for Elsa and her desire to get married, but Elsa, knowing how much her schooling meant to Lili, suggested they wait until Lili graduated and started working full time.
Well, that time came. They wed. They honeymooned. And then they chose to settle in a two bedroom apartment. It gave Elsa space to do her freelance work while leaving them space in case they chose to expand their family.
DW: Lilibeth "Lili" Loraine Allissa [Albertson] Michel (26) - wavy dark brown hair, grey eyes - works at an animal crisis center
Elsa and Lilibeth first met ten years ago when Lili was an exchange student living with Elsa's family. The girls had a short fling during Lili's stay there but Elsa hadn't yet accepted her interest in other girls and promptly broke up with Lili when Lili asked her if they could become official.
Five years ago, Elsa had finally come out to her family but none of them seemed incredibly thrilled with the idea of their beloved Elsa marrying another woman. So Elsa took off to the only place she knew held someone who would accept her. She and Lili had kept in contact over the years. In fact, it was under Lili's suggestion and guidance that Elsa told her family that she's a lesbian.
When Elsa showed up on her doorstep, Lili quickly welcomed her into her tiny one bedroom apartment. Because of their correspondence, it felt like no time had passed between them. They quickly resumed their relationship. Soon after, Lili confessed her love for Elsa and her desire to get married, but Elsa, knowing how much her schooling meant to Lili, suggested they wait until Lili graduated and started working full time.
Well, that time came. They wed. They honeymooned. And then they chose to settle in a two bedroom apartment. It gave Elsa space to do her freelance work while leaving them space in case they chose to expand their family.
Location: Gibraltar
DH [28]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [27]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DH [29]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [28]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DD [1]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [1]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
DH [30]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [29]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DD [2]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [2]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
ADS [5]: Zachariah Octavio Fernandez ‘Zach’
(black curly hair, hazel eyes)
ADD [1]: Lucia Cassiana Fernandez
(Wavy black hair, green eyes)
DH [31]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [30]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
ADD [6]: Zachariah Octavio Fernandez
(Black curly hair, hazel eyes)
DD [3]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [3]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
ADD [2]: Lucia Cassiana Fernandez
(Wavy black hair, green eyes)
Isla Gabriella writes a science fiction book.
DH [28]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [27]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DH [29]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [28]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DD [1]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [1]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
DH [30]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [29]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
DD [2]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [2]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
ADS [5]: Zachariah Octavio Fernandez ‘Zach’
(black curly hair, hazel eyes)
ADD [1]: Lucia Cassiana Fernandez
(Wavy black hair, green eyes)
DH [31]: Luis Raphael Fernandez
(Straight dark blonde hair, brown eyes)
Web Developer
DW [30]: Isla Gabriella Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, green eyes)
Police Woman
ADD [6]: Zachariah Octavio Fernandez
(Black curly hair, hazel eyes)
DD [3]: Fleur Violetta Fernandez
(Straight brown hair, brown eyes)
DS [3]: Hendrix Xander Fernandez
(Straight auburn hair, brown eyes)
ADD [2]: Lucia Cassiana Fernandez
(Wavy black hair, green eyes)
Isla Gabriella writes a science fiction book.
54 years with the Cloutier family (wfl)
Year 0
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [22] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [24] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
Year 1
Identical twin girls Nadine Eloise Cloutier and Nicole Emilie Cloutier are born.
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [23] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [25] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
DD [0] Nadine Eloise Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [0] Nicole Emilie Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
Year 2
The family vacations to Ireland.
Year 3
Corinne wins a community bakeoff for her blueberry pie.
Year 4
Zoe Lucille Cloutier is born.
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [26] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [28] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
DD [3] Nadine Eloise Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [3] Nicole Emilie Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [0] Zoe Lucille Cloutier
Year 0
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [22] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [24] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
Year 1
Identical twin girls Nadine Eloise Cloutier and Nicole Emilie Cloutier are born.
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [23] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [25] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
DD [0] Nadine Eloise Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [0] Nicole Emilie Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
Year 2
The family vacations to Ireland.
Year 3
Corinne wins a community bakeoff for her blueberry pie.
Year 4
Zoe Lucille Cloutier is born.
Location: Stamford, Texas
DH [26] Daniel Adrien Cloutier
Curly blond hair, blue eyes
Computer technician
DW [28] Corinne Lucille (Villeneuve) Cloutier
Curly brown hair, green eyes
DD [3] Nadine Eloise Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [3] Nicole Emilie Cloutier
Straight brown hair, blue eyes
DD [0] Zoe Lucille Cloutier
This message was edited 1/17/2020, 8:49 AM